
Electoral Influence Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"The only language politicians understand is your vote."
"Voting is our shield, but organizing is our sword."
"Even if they're not doing it, the fact that they have the ability to do that and they could literally, if they wanted to tomorrow, change the algorithm to feed you 'hey, don't vote for this guy because he sucks'... is the worry right now."
"Your vote means everything to me. It means everything to making a change in this country."
"Special shout-out to women, Gen Z, young voters, grassroots organizations, and independent voters."
"It's easy to see how a future election could be close enough that the losing candidates could convince enough electors to make them the winning candidates, and it will be totally legal."
"America is still a great country but our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Trump is a vote against them."
"If the major players in tech right now - and that's mainly Google and Facebook - banded together and got behind the same candidate, they could shift, we figured, 10% of the vote in the United States with no one knowing that they had done anything."
"Large insurance companies, a big one might have given him 50 100 Grand single insurance company over so many years of his re-elections and all that but understand that they could have given it to the other guy."
"Regardless if Trump is on the ballot or not, he is a danger to American democracy."
"Pool fund: 150 million dollars was used to construct pools in purely marginal coalition seats."
"Louisiana can do more than its share to set the stage for a great victory for America in 2020."
"Your vote will lead to more or less the exact system you've got now."
"We have a silent majority of the likes of which has never been seen before."
"There is still time for the top of the ticket to come in and show Texas that we are important."
"Black voters make up 13% of the national electorate, up from 11.5% just two in 2000."
"Elizabeth Warren staying in the race hurt Bernie Sanders, orchestrated pre-Super Tuesday turn."
"I mean, part of it's gerrymandering and the way the districts are set up. Part of it though is just this massive fundraising advantage."
"The president fully understands the impact of putting money in people's hands right before they go into election polling place."
"A check in your hand could change the voting dynamic of the electorate on the eve of the election."
"They use identity politics not only in a super negative and controlling way, but as a way to get people's votes."
"The only option here is to persuade a majority of our fellow citizens to defeat this kind of politics at The Ballot Box."
"If you can be discouraged to not go vote as Amir just said, if you don't vote you're giving the vote to Biden."
"It's very very important for the voters in Georgia to take that into account when they vote in January."
"Voting Trump out of office seems to be a much more effective voter turnout strategy than anything Bernie ever could have proposed."
"Remember the closer we get to the midterms the crazier the commie lefts will get."
"The people of the state of New York alleged that Donald J Trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election."
"Bet on black women. We are the moral vote of this country when we vote."
"He's broadened the scope of Nigerian elections."
"If we can't outshoot them, we'll outvote them. And we'll do it by winning support."
"If black people turn out at 65, 70, and 75% of our capacity we can sweep elections."
"Now you have the power to decide the results of every election in the world."
"Georgia is Ground Zero in the battle for American democracy."
"When Trump comes out and makes an endorsement, Republicans win."
"If he can pass a stimulus check before the election then it is going to definitely get him a lot more votes."
"Is he doing it just because there are elections next year or does he really mean it? It could be both."
"If you're not gonna give us reparations, we're not gonna vote."
"Trump approval rating up, support for impeachment down, support for president in Iowa up."
"So, black people all across Georgia, David Perdue took a shot at a black-owned restaurant, thinking he was taking a shot at John Ossoff. So, guess what we should do? Take a shot and throw his ass out of Washington, D.C."
"How did we end up with a campaign finance system where big money decides who's going to be on the ballot?"
"We do, the American people are the final say that we get to vote them in and vote them out every every two years for the House members every six for the senators."
"You know, Millennials and I think women are going to make the difference next time period."
"You want laws that are going to protect them, you have to elect lawmakers who are going to pass those laws."
"Vote for representatives who will lead us in the right direction, not offer candy for dinner."
"Donald Trump must be defeated and I will do everything in my power to make that happen."
"It's like, this will help galvanize his base. He's probably going to win reelection because it is such a fraud."
"Trump is calling for criminal indictments. Get ready for anything, and most of all, get ready to vote big, big, big."
"So glad that this great GDP number came out before November 3rd."
"The testimony we heard at trial from African-American elected Democrats was that the strategy of white Democrats to elect white Democrats was very simple."
"He waited until Sunday the 21st I was off by 4 days...and he did it in such a ways to inflict maximum damage on Nikki Haley."
"The ultimate target was to focus on black identity, to suppress the vote, and to rile up those who had racial tensions against black people."
"This election unlike any in our lifetime shows the power that we have if we stay focused."
"It's not enough to chastise them and call them stupid; we need to encourage them to say it publicly and then get behind candidates that can put them out of office."
"We demand, and we're going to try to vote in mass."
"If you want better politicians, it has to be a better voter."
"Bernie Sanders has the most effective organized operation on the ground so that none of the shenanigans can make a difference."
"I want every black to vote, but vote in your own self-interest and for your own people first."
"If you care about the minimum wage, reproductive health, healthcare, or climate change, all of these things are impacted by who we elect."
"Join a union. Union members are paid more than people with similar jobs who aren't in unions. For women and people of color, the union difference is even greater."
"You have sites like Twitter with the ability to disseminate information in a way that could slant an election towards one candidate."
"Spoiler alert, there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It's called democracy."
"There's still a lot of time for those votes to change so go and have your voice be heard."
"We're going to take it back, we're going to make sure we send Republican senators."
"If you buy what they're selling and you give them your vote, you are fundamentally helping to elect Donald Trump."
"The Biden administration canceling student debt for 150,000 borrowers and he's hoping they are voters."
"Elizabeth Warren's got amazing policies she unveiled I bet she goes up in the polls boom she goes up in the polls it's not like we're Monday morning quarterbacking here."
"Local elections matter. Lots of attention is always on presidential races, but these are crucial as well."
"Without the black vote, without the brown vote, they will not be in office."
"Please consider voting for somebody else because this will not just help you this will help the actual most vulnerable people in your cities actually get some help."
"Practice the power of accessing the ballot box."
"This is now our time to do all that we can to make sure that in this election we add another Democratic president to that very small list of the last 40 years."
"Grassroots funds and candidates who truly are supported and able to win office based on these small dollar donations across the country, that's a new phenomenon and that's a very positive direction."
"The interesting thing about third parties in America is how they rise and fall every 20 years or so."
"The pendulum is swinging towards Trump Republican."
"Rural voters have more power with their vote than other voters do due to the Electoral College and the way that our Senate is constructed."
"The vote in places like Oklahoma and Kansas was influenced by a woman's right to choose."
"Hillary Clinton's biggest fundraisers are now trying to stick it to you as hard as they can."
"What is uniquely motivating your base to vote."
"It's unclear whether this will happen. I think a lot of this seems to be Biden attempting to get something of a victory in foreign policy terms before the election."
"There is practically no doubt that the capabilities that Russia has would be and were used in this way to try to influence, to try to play inside the American electoral space."
"He who cast the vote decides nothing; he who counts the votes decides everything."
"A UBI is much less susceptible to electoral pressure."