
Climate Awareness Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Climate change is real. If you don't think so, you're a [__] idiot."
"Green carbon is the carbon of living things, it's the carbon of the carbon cycle, it's the carbon of our climate."
"Sunscreen immediately, reapply often, Texas sun is brutal."
"This is gonna be really significant for climate change."
"Even a cursory glance at the historical record of your area compared to what you should be seeing in headlines and out of your window right now should compel you to prepare for the worst."
"Jumping into the seasons that we have here, we have all four seasons but they're much... they're some of them are really, really short."
"Climate change is real. It should not be that hot in this room when we're almost out of this November 9th."
"A stark reminder of the impacts of climate change."
"Oregon governor calls wildfires a bellwether for climate change this is a wake-up call for us."
"Our descendants will look back on the summer of 2017 as the time we stopped ignoring that climate change was coming."
"We have to stop pretending that this isn't happening; this is a big deal."
"I want you to panic for a while... because we do."
"Until enough of us are willing to say that and enough of us are willing to say, 'Boy, it's getting hot in this pot right now,' we better do something before we all boil."
"It's a climate change movie happening in real life."
"We're gonna have a super storm on our hands."
"The first step is to have a president who doesn't think climate change is a hoax."
"Of course she understands the significance of the climate. She has seven kids."
"More than 11,000 scientists declare a climate emergency."
"They're aware of them because it was climate scientists who discovered these things."
"The world experienced the hottest day ever recorded globally."
"The tide is turning, the mainstream media says climate change is real."
"The Earth isn't flat, gravity isn't a hoax, climate change is completely real, vaccines are harmless, and everyone needs them no matter what."
"The world is changing fundamentally, and COVID-19 and climate change are telling us that."
"Learn everything you can about climate change."
"There was a lot of great intentions with this show. There was focus on climate awareness, I think that's awesome."
"3.5 degrees warming is an existential threat to our species. It's not a joke."
"It's time to get ready for a cold, dark winter."
"So why run this crazy experiment where we take trillions of tons of carbon from underground and put it in the atmosphere and oceans?" - Elon Musk
"Hope you're staying warm if you're in a chilly climate like we are bye."
"Climate change is definitely occurring, and there's very little argument over that at this point."
"Climate change is science and we can't treat it as something that is just happening within the borders that we've created in our society."
"Global warming has ended and a new, more ominous threat faces humanity."
"There is something going on in the climate I know as a farmer it's not right and we've got to do something about it."
"We know from the facts as a senior climate scientists that climate change is real and it's affecting us."
"Climate change offers almost a superhero fantasy."
"Climate change is happening, scientists are documenting the evidence."
"We're in a different world now. It's not a blip. Climate change is real, it's definitely happening, but I don't think people realize that it has happened."
"Climate change events will be blatantly obvious and transformative."
"You know that the world doesn't get hotter during summer, right?"
"Climate change is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger."
"Climate change does not discriminate based on where you are."
"I am shooketh by number of storms we've had these past three years."
"Knowing your frost dates is more important than your zone. It's not black and white. You know, the future doesn't call and tell us when the frost is going to come."
"We must take extreme climate scenarios more seriously."
"I'd like to think that as the world changes, as climate change happens, people are going to think a little bit differently when it comes to housing in the future."
"Climate change is real but it's not the end of the world."
"Understand what the climate impacts might be where you are and understand where the vulnerable communities are."
"Fundamentally what people have to realize is that the weather of the past in a particular location is not a good predictor of the weather of the future."
"If you want to do good, you got to start at home. So if you feel the climate change, don't order stuff from Amazon to begin with. You got to make decisions that reflect that you truly care."
"My fear is that you have a wet year and everyone forgets about the dry years."
"The number one best thing you can do is to vote for a president or prime minister, vote for your local council people, vote for senators and judges that understand that climate change is real."
"Right now we live in a climate disaster, and we have to be mindful of the future."
"I think the climate is very important; it affects every day of your life, affects your lifestyle, affects what you're going to do."
"We didn't fully understand climate change until now."
"Understand the microclimates that you are working with in your yard."
"Vegas weather is a desert, so if you're visiting fall winter, it is not as hot as you think it would be."
"Traveling with your pets in a warm climate... you want to make sure that your pet is safe in there and they're not going to overheat."
"We are operating under a condition where we now understand the critical importance the poles have been playing in the weather systems of the world."
"Snow on Easter, climate change is real."
"Everyone is aware that there are lots of people who are concerned about the climate emergency."
"We have to recognize that climate change is something that's happening."
"Anyone who calls Earth home should be concerned and should be interested in how this relationship works."
"Remember to design for the regional climate."
"Climate change is this fascinating sociological and psychological experiment."
"The world is still not nearly alarmed enough about climate change."
"Humans love change, but not just any change; climate change doesn't sit well with the big dreamers."
"I knew that New York was getting warm now, that London was wet, that Rome was hot."
"The theme is climate change, dance like it's the end of the world."
"Stay hydrated... it is very humid and you are going to sweat a lot."
"Yeah, climate change, Philly, yeah."
"It provides design guidelines based on your climate so that architects, building designers, engineers, and students can all be very aware of their precise location and propose design strategies that are appropriate for that climate."