
Wildlife Encounter Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"A great white chewed the boat, leaving the crew wide-eyed."
"When a Canadian woman named Charlene France was out on a trip to Snow Hill Island on the Antarctic Peninsula, she had a beautiful encounter with a baby animal that will no doubt stay in her memory for a long time."
"Six months before my daughter was born, my wife saw a fox."
"If you run into a bear, make yourself look big."
"Lulu was the first thing, so the anteater really, really, like, unlocked a level of intensity and intimacy with the Amazon that I didn't know was possible."
"While this sighting probably is just a coincidence, there's almost no doubt that the man would've felt proper majestic as the birds seemingly obeyed his bidding."
"A frantic sea lion tried to jump on a couple's small fishing boat to get away from a group of orca whales."
"I think it was just a curious bigfoot. I think if it had meant to harm us, I don't believe that my little flashlight in its eyes or her screaming would scare something that size off."
"If you're ever close to a snake, regardless of whether you know it's venomous or not, stop slowly and take a few steps backwards."
"This footage from April 2022 shows the moment when anglers off the coast of Brisbane, Australia, almost thought that they had made a magnificent catch."
"There are virtually no words that can describe the experience of being in the water with an animal like this."
"The Basso family of Rockaway, New Jersey got the fright of their lives back in the summer of 2015 when they saw six black bears nonchalantly splashing around in their above-ground pool."
"Just bail out, RTB! Oh God, well now the two of you like you're gonna have to stand tall. Where's the bear? Do you turn around? Where, where's the bear?"
"Should something say like a bear suddenly take an interest in your leisurely ski, your ski game better be 100."
"I've had grizzly bears and cabin porches before, doesn't matter how old you are, there is nothing more unnerving than hearing something big intentionally walking on the porch of a cabin when it knows there's human beings in there."
"This literal giant stood before me, it was at least half the height of the 50-foot pine trees."
"The squirrel is able to somehow break free, and the hawk flings him. Unreal!"
"If you found a snake in your toilet, you would probably call the police too."
"Touched by a wild mountain gorilla: a rare and beautiful moment of connection."
"Something black and hairy started shaking saplings and breaking limbs and moving towards me."
"Don't be a fool. The best advice on that doesn't come from me or Marty or anyone in our business comes from the poet and humorist Ogden Nash. He said when called by a panther don't answer."
"What happened that night became clear to me. To my mind, what happened was that we startled or frightened a small infant Bigfoot eating corn at the feeder station."
"An alligator knocked on a door in Florida, waits for the owner to come out and bites him."
"Eight-foot alligator found in attic during home inspection."
"It wasn't a bear though, Bears don't leave wounds like that."
"I saw Sasquatch... it was the most exhilarating moment of my life."
"No matter the risk, nothing says 'a fun in the sun' like annoying one of nature's most feared predators without an escape plan."
"This pluma scorpius over here is hunting one of our animals; this is kind of a non-ideal situation."
"I wanted to scream out, but I couldn't because I didn't want to provoke the tiger in any way."
"I had the best Wildlife encounter I've ever had in my life."
"I've never been this close to a wild cat before, and she is absolutely beautiful."
"Either way, it was another amazing encounter with nature."
"This was not the only time the family had seen and experienced their Bigfoot. It was incredible."
"Seeing a 13-foot great white would be enough to make your blood run cold."
"The two men figured the Sasquatch was what scared off the little bear."
"Just when we thought it couldn't get any better, there's a bloody seal on the beach, mate!"
"Nala stood between her best friend and a green Mojave rattlesnake to save his life."
"A rural Montana rancher near Denton shot and killed an odd canine harassing his livestock."
"That owl has made this trip so special for me, ran into him last night, he followed this morning, still with us, still following, that is pretty epic in my book."
"Encountering an albino deer in the wild is a breathtaking experience."
"Bravely engaging in a fierce struggle with the Powerful Beast, Yuya manages to overpower and subdue the bear, ultimately saving Sada from harm."
"Tiger Come, Tiger Go: In 2013, a wild tiger living in the woods near Nandankanan Zoological Park in India made the opposite approach."
"Geiger counters showed ten times the normal radiation level at the site, and witnesses recalled being threatened into signing documents forcing their silence."
"The soldier starts firing his rifle to scare off the animals."
"If you are unfortunate enough to run into this snake and you receive a bite, trust me, it's going to be a really bad day."
"The bear seemed to be predatory there was no doubt the Bear's intention was to kill."
"Glass encountered a grizzly bear that brutally mauled him, but he survived against all odds."
"Out for a casual afternoon stroll, this enormous alligator stop traffic on a busy intersection."
"In Vancouver, British Columbia, three friends had their fun mountain bike ride quickly turned into a nightmare when they were chased by a Relentless black bear."
"There's a live wild skunk in our house right now. What do we do?"
"Horatio likely lost all hope as the mighty polar bear then Rises and stands up on its hind legs."
"Can't be a turtle when you catch a turtle, right?"
"The lungs of whatever was doing this had to be massive, and as it roared, it echoed a lot. But it was not the echoes that made it sound strange, Vanessa just looks at her husband who is also clearly startled, looking at her."
"Every single person that comes to Glengariff meets the lions is moved. They all say this was a life-moving experience, this was a life-changing experience."
"I don't know what you're supposed to do with bears, right? Make lots of noise or something?"
"I literally climbed down that tree stand and left it there, and I ain't never been back since."
"Jones says people have told her that she must be the unluckiest person alive. You have a hawk and a snake attack at the same time. She says it's the opposite: 'I feel like the luckiest person alive to have survived this.'"
"You want to make yourself look as big as possible."
"They soon found claw marks on the ground beneath the tree, the imprints showed the presence of large talons almost as if the thing in the tree was half humanoid half predatory bird."
"I feel blessed that God has allowed me to see this creature, and it should not be here, and yet it is."
"We've got a hungry jaguar and he might eat us."
"David, driven by adrenaline and fear for his friend, then plunged into the water, pummeling the reptile's snout in a desperate bid to free Amelie."
"It’s best to stay calm and still during non-threatening encounters in which the shark bumps or grazes you."
"I just found a turtle on the side of the road. Hello, Mr. Turtle!"
"I honestly wonder what kind of animal will come through here it's down these steep stairs."
"A creature of considerable strength was literally less than a stone's throw away."
"When Martin finally surfaced, he realized he'd been attacked by the world's deadliest predator."
"And for our final footage, we have one from a hiker who came across a creature in the woods."
"But that is the story of my encounter with grizzly bear Cody wman when I was equipped with none other than a Henry 4570 lever action."
"Now, if you meet an angry grizzly bear, never try to run away because the bear can easily outrun you."
"It was next to a coot's nest, and I thought the coot is gonna wipe me out."
"If you do encounter a creature, don't throw anything at them, scream, or run away."
"This lioness was close enough for me to touch. She came fast and almost touched my door right next to me. How exciting!"
"I decided not to panic and run home. Instead, I just walked briskly back home, still able to hear the whoops and calls from the nearby pack of coyotes."
"This one breathed a little bit of life back into me because even though I didn't uh have that deer on camera um you know ended up with a really nice box."
"The craziest part was that these giants could swim right into you if you didn't move."
"I couldn't believe my eyes as the shark glided past. It was so, so big. Its mass literally displaced the water around me, pushing my body aside by the power of its wake."
"McGee's friend wrote that he may not have taken rattlesnakes seriously in the past, but that he would from that point forward after seeing what McGee went through."
"'Honey, this is extremely unusual. The bears usually stay away from humans. We're going to be okay. I'm sure that won't happen again.'"
"Every unseen pair of glowing eyes on the road at night, every unexplained movement in the woods, they all served as dreadful reminders of our encounter with that insane creature."
"It was evident now that I was abreast of the tiger."
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was an enormous figure, standing upright on two legs."
"That smile on my face got even bigger as we carried on our walk and bumped into a circus of puffins."
"I think he wanted me to see him. I think he was curious... telling me in his own way I feel like he was communicating with me telling me that the gun was unnecessary."
"A fox was watching us from the bamboo forest with blue eyes that almost looked like they were glowing in the shade."
"I cleared the tree line and found her, one hand on her hip, wagging a finger in the face of a massive black bear."
"I truly never thought coming over to Borneo that we would have this kind of experience with an orangutan out here in the wild."
"This person went scuba diving in the United Kingdom when a seal came right up and stuck to him like glue."
"And he goes, 'I made the best decision I could. I didn't want you to turn around real quick. I didn't want to startle this thing. I didn't want to make any aggressive moves toward it. In my mind, the best thing we could do is get in the truck and leave.'"
"You do get extra time with the whales, four in and two out. That's the first rule."
"When an Oregon woman found a mountain lion in her home, she used a number of methods including drumming and what she called feline speak."
"There are few things more magical than getting out into nature and having a close encounter with Wildlife."
"We are completely surrounded by elephants."
"She says she was attacked by a vicious otter tubing down the Jefferson River in Montana."
"That tiger stopped us that night, and the North Vietnamese soldiers were more afraid of the tiger than they were us."
"Seeing silverback gorillas in their natural habitat was honestly a life-changing experience."
"Every day you find a duck in your yard, but I'm gonna name this guy Stuart."
"Imagine thinking your friends are teasing you and you punch a black bear through the canvas of your tent."
"I literally just watched this jaguar come and grab this caiman, pull it out of the river."
"I got my first ever yellow anaconda, which was absolutely incredible."
"The black bear has been trapped inside the castle and is hungry, but will leave the party alone if you feed them."
"We were almost all trampled by an African elephant, which was genuinely really scary."
"Town stalked by giant 2m tall 95 kilo kangaroo with a torn ear who emerges from the bushes to terrorize dog walkers and golfers."
"All right, our first snake of the evening is a very small one, so small I had to turn around for it twice before realizing it was actually a snake."
"That is seriously one of the best things I've ever seen in my life, just four perfect Immaculate stunning timber rattlesnakes, all just chilling right next to each other."
"Holy crap, there's a bear right here; I'm not even lying, there is a brown bear right back there."
"There's just something purely magical about this and the first king snake of the spring."
"Growing closer with each other, their story together is recounted in a book titled 'Maul: Lessons Learned From a Grizzly Bear Attack'."
"I have been attacked by a bear, call a helicopter!"
"He is comfortable being the badass dude who took on a grizzly bear with a pocket knife and won."
"The ship is sailing, and along with the ship, you see dolphins swimming along with the ship."
"Even just for the seals alone, guys, like Tom and I really, really loved that experience."
"The sand monitor proudly stands as one of the greatest animal encounters of my career."
"This is probably the first time she's ever seen a human and she's absolutely beautiful."
"It's like you're holding a koala and it's this cool moment."
"It's always nice when you find random wildlife that doesn't attack you, it's great."
"You hear all kinds of stories about scary humans, ghosts, demons, witches, and things like that on YouTube, but be that close to a gator and trust me, it will scare the [__] out of you much worse than any of those things."
"She's amazing, we're really up close with a dragon."
"Then suddenly it huffed loudly at me and then ran through the grass up the side of the hill, and I never saw it again."
"There are few who would care to walk up to a pain-maddened leopard holding a lamp above his head and depending for safety on a companion's bullet."
"Never panic if you see a shark because that shark knew you were there like 20 minutes ago."
"It's entirely up to the bear what it wants to do in that situation."
"Sometimes I go out there bare-handed without a stick, and that's when he comes and attacks."
"I got hit in the face by a goose, yeah, right, goose in the face."
"Staying calm and looking big and overpowering are key responses when confronting a bear in the outdoors."
"We were fairly compensated by a visit from the pod of dolphins."
"If you can see a snake, you're perfectly freaking safe because if you can see the snake, all you have to do is just walk away from it."
"Never run away from a predatory animal; it's usually better to simply back away confidently."
"I'm just blown away right now, that is absolutely incredible."
"Since the park's founding in 1980, Austin Pfeiffer was the first person killed in a brown bear attack."
"The best thing to do is back away slowly, assess the situation, and if you need to, hide behind a tree or some rocks."
"It's a mother flying fox with her baby, are you all right?"
"That was absolutely incredible; I'd have to say it was more exciting than the orangutans."
"It sensed me and flew around me, that was cool."
"Her incredible encounter filled her heart with joy and took her breath away."
"The four of us watched with both horror and amazement as this large primate leaped like a jackrabbit on all fours over to a large tree."
"I've never seen a penguin in my whole life."
"Canadian survival tips: For the bear, walk away slowly. For wolves, be as loud as possible."
"You've never seen a 14-foot alligator, but I have. They spoil the water and scare you to death."
"If you encounter a grizzly bear, it is important to stay calm and avoid making any sudden movements."
"I somehow felt drawn to it, and sure enough, as I turned off toward it, I saw her, a red vixen."
"Locking eyes with a creature and getting the distinct impression that it means you no good whatsoever is a very difficult thing."
"I locked gazes with a hyena, I'm never gonna have this again in my life probably."
"I drew my gun but I couldn't justify shooting it."
"David, there's a bear on the truck!"
"Very special to see lions on foot, I'll be on a small high for the rest of the day."
"Being this far out here, I'm probably the first human he's ever seen."
"He was being chased by 10 to 11 coyotes; his phone was about to die, and he was up in a tree."
"When an alligator is coming in to try to bite you, you do have to stop them, of course, because they will grab you."
"He bellowed a challenge to the bear and declared he had one more round left in his pistol."
"I'm going to see elephants; I think I'm going to cry when I see them."
"It definitely has been elephant day, elephant roadblock day."
"A close call with a mountain lion."
"What a day we've had, the most ridiculous day: two different leopards on screen, two different prides of lions, and undoubtedly my favorite little leopard."
"It's the most epic way to end things, to have this many lions running around all around us."
"It's very exciting to find a leopard on foot."
"I'm going to be smiling from ear-to-ear tonight."
"This is the longest I have ever spent with a serval in my entire life."
"This has been an exciting morning, I think this serval cat has made my day."
"This is ridiculous, we have three leopards literally staring at each other at the moment."
"He's right here, look at that, this is amazing."
"Imagine finding a leopard on foot to start your morning."
"That's the only time I've encountered a Cobra on a bush walk."
"It's something that'll stick with me forever, so I think probably be my first choice of most incredible sighting."
"That's so epic, being spoilt as he kind of walks right alongside us."
"What a fantastic way to start off your school drive than with elephants that close to us."
"If you encounter a mountain lion, make yourself look big and strong and tough, something they don't want to mess with."
"Say hello to the sea lions, Lucy."
"We had the most unbelievable sighting where we had the two herds meet up and join and greet each other."
"Seeing a hippopotamus on a guided walk is very, very rare."
"It was quite a cool thing to see in the wild, unfortunate for him, but we did all learn a lot from that experience."
"We're having the most crazy elephant sighting."
"Wow, we are being absolutely spoiled this morning, that's for sure."
"Hello, boy. Here comes our big elephant walking out in front of us."
"It's the most amazing feeling, one of the most amazing feelings in the world."
"Look at that, right in the middle of the road, isn't that fantastic?"
"You feel small and helpless when you're sitting only a couple of meters away from the greatest cat in Africa."
"It really is something special to be on foot with these gentle giants."
"Oh my gosh, this was definitely worth the trip, the first ever particular python that I've ever seen in the wild."
"I'm flabbergasted. If you own an alligator and you're missing one, it's in my backyard pool, come get it, thank you."
"It's amazing to view a leopard on foot."
"Early in the night, she had an incredible encounter with the honey badger, which was super cool."
"Was it not just incredible seeing Tingana with that snake between his legs? It was something else."
"How awesome is this? Years coming right past our vehicle."
"After this encounter is over, I'm hanging out in this area with this amazing sloth, getting a chance to learn lots about him."
"That just blows my mind because you know we can barely catch a peacock."
"Fortunately, the bear decided that we either weren’t interesting or he didn’t want to mess with us—we certainly didn’t want to mess with him—so the bear turned around and went away."
"The whole point of a bush walk is that you approach the animals without them noticing you."
"Oh push walk, oh we've got wild dogs, wild dogs on foot right in front of us right now on quarantine, I can't believe this."
"I have actually had an animal climb into the car once, and it was very terrifying."
"There's always just something so special about finding elephant on foot."
"Hello beautiful girl, are you gonna come say hello to us nicely?"