
Movie Character Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"It's not just Neo trying to save his own life. Neo is responsible for all of these people, and that's what makes him a hero, a true hero."
"The predator has more weapons to play with, he's come with more toys everyone knows who the predator is, but they don't necessarily know what this prototype can do."
"Scott Lang is set to play a huge part in this year's Avengers Endgame."
"She's sort of shy contemplative unsure of herself but kind nonetheless indicating that she only ever acted the way she did in previous installments."
"The movie finally gives Wolverine fans something they've been wanting for eight movies: berserker mode, and it's freaking awesome."
"Charlie Sheen's Topper Harley is pulled back in for one final mission."
"Let me just say Rambo is the best combat bet that I've ever seen a pure fighting machine with only a desire to win a war that someone else lost."
"Bond was at a disadvantage and he had to improvise."
"Was Prime from Bumblebee movie genius? Of course!"
"That's Captain America and we only have to wait till May."
"Listen here Agent Smith, I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck."
"Captain Marvel may come off as a little corny, but that corniness is a result of simply being very earnest and heartfelt, and at times inspiring."
"Once I kill you, I'm gonna burn this irritating little planet to cinder." - Thanos
"It's easily the most personal story we've seen for Tom Holland's Peter."
"Bond really will utilize anything to dispose of his enemies even fish. Bon appétit."
"I think she gave the right answer earlier in the film. 'I’m just Rey.'"
"Tony's face surrounded by all the information from the suit has become one of the iconic looks of the MCU."
"Wanda is going to be the most dangerous person in this entire movie."
"He lets himself get his ass beat all the time yeah so that there there's a point where you feel like there's a chance he's gonna lose I might miss I think he lost like you know at least 60% of the movie yeah I really appreciate that."
"Little Nicky: Son of Satan, cool uncle, and a ton of creativity."
"This is the Wolverine we have all been waiting for."
"Wow does he absolutely bring it as Tony Stark."
"This movie gives us one of the first explicitly genderqueer characters."
"The evolution of that character that we see in amazing spider-man 2 which I you know only watched recently but then in no way home seeing where he's come I'm like god like this is so intriguing."
"Jim Gordon says that Batman is not the hero Gotham needs right now but the hero Gotham deserves."
"John McClane is my all-time favorite action hero... he did everything he could to beat the bad guys... there was no honor in the way he did things."
"I really can't get enough of Ethan Hunt's Antics the gadgets the car chases the shootouts the IMF teams the scrupulous villains the double crossing and of course the masks lots of masks."
"I love when he says, Russell Crowe's an actor, 'The emperor's been slain.' You know, that line, and he realizes what's going on."
"Sorry to interrupt your debriefing, 007. Agent Nightshade, CIA."
"Every time Mysterio did something, I was questioning."
"Simba, you know, the chosen one or whatever he said."
"The master detective isn't the one who beats the killer, it's Marta."
"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." - Don Corleone
"This movie and it's shocking this movie has a strong father this the patriarch of the family Jake Sully is a strong dad who loves his family he has four kids two girls two boys."
"Predator was actually a threat, like you felt his presence whenever he was on screen."
"Fat Thor is one of the best representations of fat persons in cinema history."
"Let's start with Scarlett Johansson. She's been great as Black Widow and continues to be great."
"I literally laughed out loud when Drax delivered his lines."
"Nicholas Cage literally fights Willie our main and antagonist."
"Goddamn Jigsaw got more imitators than Elvis and Michael Jackson combined."
"I loved the introduction of Wonder Woman in this. She was definitely standing on top of the Statue of the lady, representing Justice."
"I enjoyed Cyborg. I liked his storyline between the father and the mother."
"Bob Wiley played him so well. You love him and hate him, and just when things cannot get worse for Leo, he makes them work, especially because everyone loves him."
"I think Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman is like the one Catwoman everybody likes."
"if you would have put Deputy Samuel Gerard in the aviators and the bandanna and the leather jacket and a donut with some little sprinkles on top it really does look the same way it's true it's the same Cadence and the same tone it's true"
"I really feel like this is the best movie Hulk we've gotten so far."
"I love Shrek, I can't tell you how much I love Shrek."
"John Wick is back. So you can either hand over your son or you can die screaming alongside him."
"Not to mention throughout the movie Tommy always looks and sounds a little bit drunk."
"The funniest movie character in history."
"The legend in every movie The Legend the past legend the legend that's what Jason is known for."
"I've tried to live my life like Frank Cross, Bill Murray's character in the last ten minutes of Scrooged."
"Do you think he, Jigsaw, like after he filmed something, he puts it into iMovie and adds that filter effect to it?"
"I actually left it kinda liking Carol Danvers, which I just did not expect to happen."
"This Godzilla, Shin Godzilla, is by far the strongest Godzilla I've ever seen."
"What type of hat did Indiana Jones wear? Fedora."
"Now today we are gonna be taking a look at none other than Joaquin Phoenix Joker in the iconic red suit."
"He's Chucky, and this summer, he's back on work in Universal Pictures Child's Play."
"RoboCop is Peter Weller is literally crucified on the ground and then is resurrected by the divine science."