
Java Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"This is pretty much everything you need to know about functional interfaces and functional programming with Java."
"Java is making sure they are, 'You okay sweetie, let me stand right here in case you fall?' C++ is, 'Yeah, I'm over here with my friends.'"
"The critical part about methods in Java... has to do with a notion we think of as information hiding."
"Looping: Java, like most programming languages, has a for loop."
"If only we could get multi-thread support in the Java edition, it'd be way easier."
"We finally did it boys, we beat my job java."
"Java is a very good language for corporate development environments."
"For a very long time, RO Java was an internal colony of Syria."
"I guess if you wanna save money, Java seems to be a good option."
"Java is a great language with the idea of basically being able to code for all of these different operating systems using one single programming language."
"Java is a high-level programming language based on the OOP concept."
"You provide a signature that is invalid but the Java implementation thinks it's valid and lets it in, right? And that's a really, really big problem."
"A switch statement is another way to compare when you have a limited number of values you're working with."
"I'm John McNeil and this is Software Pulse, building Java desktop applications, and I hope you've enjoyed following along."
"If you're serious about learning Java and want to become a professional Java developer, I highly encourage you to enroll in this series."
"Java is everywhere, which means more opportunities for you to get hired as a professional programmer."
"Every Java program should have at least one function, and that function is called main."
"Java 21 is almost here, you should be using Java 22 when it comes out."
"...so as you saw the benefits of using Java streams it's insane..."
"So, when it comes to Java, here I added another Black Level Java which is things that you should know as a senior developer, but for now, we're gonna focus on the junior side of it."
"So guys, as you can see, the Java Market is booming. There are a lot of jobs for you out there."
"Hey Java, I have a number here, I want to call it 'myint' and please give it the value of seven to start out with."
"In Java, most lines will end with a semicolon. It's just telling Java that's the end of the statement."
"Sequenced collection in Java 21 simplifies working with collections."
"There's never been a better time to be a Java developer."
"Annotations are a really cool and useful part of the Java language."
"Java is likely to find a true home in applications far from the internet."
"A big reason these classes are so similar is because they're both part of the Java Collections Framework and they both implement the List interface."
"Operators in Java are certain symbols that tell the compiler to perform certain operations."
"The native build tools project provides plugins for different build tools to add support for building and testing native applications written in Java or any other language compiled to the JVM bytecode."
"Java is 'write once, run anywhere,' right? But a native image is not your app running on the JVM."
"Spring Boot is the most popular Java framework."
"Updating to Java 17 resulted in a massive performance improvement."
"Spring Boot 3 unlocks the whole Java ecosystem."
"With JDK 11, you can call a Java class directly from the command line, eliminating the need to compile using javac."
"Java Flight Recorder, now open-sourced, allows monitoring of production systems with low overhead."
"JDK 14 introduced streaming events from a running JVM, enabling real-time monitoring without creating recording files."
"JDK 9 introduced one-liner creation of immutable collections, simplifying code for developers."
"JDK 18 (incubator) introduces foreign function and memory APIs, facilitating interaction with C libraries."
"JDK 9 introduced serialization filters to specify which objects can be serialized, improving application security."
"Performance improvements in JDK versions result in faster startup times and decreased native memory usage without code changes."
"We were able to create a simple AWS Lambda using Java 17, exciting stuff."
"Java has a huge array of third-party libraries."
"Java has a massive advantage over other programming languages."
"Java is cross-platform and runs on billions of different types of devices."
"Maven provides this structure for any Java project."
"Maven helps manage dependencies for your project."
"Thread locals are a powerful concept inside of Java that allows you to store data that is isolated to a given thread."
"Spring is very popular in the Java world."
"Preference is important. Personally, I have used dozens of languages and I did not like Java. I just didn't like it."
"Record classes provide a way to declare simple data types with low boilerplate."
"Sealed classes allow us to declare hierarchies that model more precisely what we want."
"Pattern matching infuses testing and casting into a single operation."
"Pattern matching enables more precise switch expressions."
"Record patterns match precisely against data modeled using record classes."
"Data-oriented programming models real-world data as immutable Java data."
"Project Amber tools enable writing Java code in a declarative, precise, and lightweight style."
"By using the interface you are going to get 100 percentage abstraction in Java because interface does not have any implementation it is only showing the functionality it is not at all or providing any implementation details."
"Java has gotten so big, y'all. Java has grown so much. He's learning new things, and I'm very happy with his progression."
"As you know, Java's compiled language, the Java C compiler takes your .java source and produces various .class files generally distributed in a .jar file, which is just a zip."
"The future of computing lies in parallelization and working with multi-gigabyte heaps and Java needed a garbage collector that could take advantage of those resources."
"We have a heap dump viewer that I've developed experimental heap dump you were called a hat that tries to surface more platform-specific things you could try using that to learn more about your Java heap."
"With Java 8 streams, you can achieve the same thing using only a single line of code: `streamOfNumbers.min()`."
"Very simple. You created a stream of numbers, you asked it to find the minimum, and you're saying that if that minimum is present, if you found it, then pass that minimum to this function."
"... this code is not readable anymore, but with streams, you can have the exact code as you had before and you just add a filter."
"Again, much more elegant than the previous score. Stream, sorted. You filter it whether the employee is active or not, get the first three employees, extract their names, and then collect those names into a list."
"So it's incomplete pipeline or an algorithm that you can write in a very elegant manner using streams."
"Garbage collector is responsible for cleaning up unused classes, objects, and memory areas."
"Java is nowadays very fast, so nobody should be worried about the performance aspect of it."
"The next feature I want to look at is the info endpoint can now expose Java runtime information under the 'java' key."
"I'm turning into Java I'm programming Java as we speak."
"Keep coding in Java because it's awesome."
"People can trust Java; they can see what's going on; they can take part in the development."
"Java is not just about technology; it's always been about a rich community and a rich ecosystem."
"Many enterprises out there really rely on Java to run their business."
"Virtual threads are user-mode threads that are lightweight enough so a single Java process could have hundreds, thousands, and millions of them running concurrently."
"The purpose of virtual threads is to allow Java developers to create high-effective, high-throughput servers."
"Kafka Streams is the Java framework that allows you to write stream processing applications."
"IMS is advancing and making it easier; they're making administration easier with Java tooling."
"Graal has been a great catalyst for innovation in the space of Kube native Java."
"Java is still very, very vibrant... it's essentially the de facto standard language for enterprise developers."
"JSR 352 introduces an exciting new Java specification for building, deploying, and running batch applications."
"We want Java learners to go through the right path without unnecessary complications."
"We want to make Java very approachable."
"Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible."
"...a record class models a nominal tuple... and that is important because in Java most things have names and we're used to using names because they convey meaning."
"We're going to use a Java expression here and we're going to randomize this."
"Did you know that the iPhone has an integrated circuit that runs Java?"
"Objectively, Java succeeded at its primary directive, I guess, right? Write once, debug everywhere."
"Finalization has been deprecated in Java 9."
"Java's major motto was to keep programming simple."
"Java was designed to adapt to an evolving environment."
"Spring is essentially different as the application framework and inversion of control container for Java."
"There are multiple mock servers for a Java project; one of the most used one is WireMock."
"Linked hashmap guarantees the iteration in insertion order."
"Concurrent hashmap supports full concurrency during retrieval."
"Iterations on a concurrent hashmap do not throw concurrent modification exception."
"Concurrent skip list map guarantees average order of log n performance on a wide variety of operations."
"Java is installed on 3 billion devices."
"Android used to be written entirely in Java, but recently we've been given the freedom to use Kotlin, which I think is a big improvement over Java."
"Public static void main(String[] args) - public is an access specifier, static means you do not have to create an instance of the class, void means it does not return any value."
"Just-in-time compilation is a feature added to the interpreter of Java."
"Swing is bundled with OpenJDK, being part of the Java SE platform."
"You can nest Swing within JavaFX and vice versa, and then you can interoperate between the two of them to create a first-class desktop application."
"We can mix JavaFX and Swing content in the same application."
"So we've covered how to build a modern desktop application and shown you that you can use both Java Swing and JavaFX."
"Hopefully, you now have the information you need to start building your own Java desktop UI applications using Swing and JavaFX."
"Welcome back to another Java Project based tutorial."
"Recursion is considered as one of the difficult topics while learning Java programming."
"The Javan tiger lived only on the island of Java, the most populated island in the world."
"Well hello internet and welcome to part 3 of my Java video tutorial series."
"Public static void main(String[] args) means that the main function executes inside of this program."
"Java is cross-platform, so long as you have a virtual machine that can run on some target, then Java programs will run on it."
"The most tragic design error in Java was that it couldn't make up its mind if it wanted to be an application language or a system language."
"Completable futures: the promises of Java."
"It takes a village to raise a child; it also takes a team to ensure the Java Community stays vibrant."
"As you're here to learn to advance your Java skills, you're also here to advance your connections."
"Java's release model to the six-month Cadence has been one of the greatest accelerators to adoption."
"Java, an island in Indonesia, has over 145 million people."
"Jenkins is nothing but a powerful automation server that is written in Java."
"Indexes always start at 0, no matter what you're doing in Java."
"Every program in Java must have at least one class."
"A main method must be written exactly like this: public static void main(String[] args)."
"The Java heap is a part of the process."
"Sometimes things reach out of the Java heap into the native space."
"Verbose garbage collection enabled to understand the pattern of growth."
"JDK is used for doing the development of your Java related projects; JRE is where you want to run your program; and JVM is the actual virtual machine which takes your bytecode and interprets and runs your program."
"Java you can build pretty much anything. Apex is meant specifically to be tied to the platform to extend the platform."
"You can make Java completely easy."
"It's one of the best Java frameworks for building applications."
"I've been doing Java before it was named Java."
"JavaScript has really very little to do with Java."
"Java is another very prominent programming language that you can use to create your different applications and softwares."
"Buffered Image is sort of the de facto standard or the go-to class whenever you are dealing with any kind of image rendering tasks in a Java program."
"Java is an object-oriented programming language."
"With Java, you can build an entire web application, backend, front end, everything."
"IntelliJ is actually built with Java."
"Let's go ahead and write our very first Java program together."
"This is pretty much your very first Java program."
"We're going to start to get into the object-oriented nature of Java."
"Methods are so central to any programming language, especially Java."
"We're doing Java today. It's all about Java. We've got some great demos too."
"You've just seen some powerful techniques for how to debug Java applications in IntelliJ IDEA."
"A JVM described in a simple sentence: a software module that provides the same execution environment to all Java applications."
"Completable future implements both future and completion stage."
"Java kind of went into the server land and that's where it took off."
"I kind of saw what I was looking for in Java originally in Android."
"Java isn't the language; Java is the VM."
"Are we ever going to see Java 7 or Java 8 compliance on Android, and taking advantage of the new features that are implemented?"
"And of course, not doing your engine in Java means you don't have to worry about pauses from the Garbage Collector."
"The Java standard library is really, really large."
"Java became the platform for driving web apps."
"We have to match the Java memory model despite the fact that we have all these very different memory models from underlying hardware."
"Google Web Toolkit is an Ajax toolkit which allows us to easily develop Ajax-based web applications using the Java programming language."
"Java collections are production-grade implementations for widely known data structures."
"Java development kit is actually necessary to code in Java."
"Java is currently the second most popular language on the planet."
"Java is actually a really valuable language to know."
"Hello and welcome back, my name is Michael Fudge and this is lesson 17 in our Learn to Program in Java series."
"A functional interface in Java is an interface that contains only a single unimplemented abstract method."
"Java is one of the most popular and well-known coding languages in the world."
"Java is composed of objects that you create, classes that you define, and everything revolves around this idea of us making these objects and manipulating them."
"Java is one of those languages that's continuously updated, whenever you're resolving a bug or you're adding new features to the language."
"Java's also platform independent, because when you compile Java code, it compiles into bytecode, which you can run on any operating system."
"Java is very robust. Java has no memory leaks, because Java handles its memory, and it handles garbage collection on its own."
"Java is also simple. One of the other major upgrades it got from C is the fact that it no longer has pointers."
"Java is everywhere. It is almost impossible for you to pursue a career in software engineering or programming and not come across some sort of Java files or projects."
"Public class Animal-- notice here that we have a class, which is what we have defined, and a name for our class, which is animal."
"Packages are kind of, in Java, what you think of in real life as folders."
"Private means exactly what it is."
"System.out.println is the way you type out a specification for the program to print something on your computer screen."
"Overloading in Java is where you have constructors or methods that have the same name."
"NULL is a keyword and it's in all caps."
"There are good and bad ways to code the same thing in Java."
"Java Management Extensions is the standard recommended way for managing and monitoring anything that's Java-enabled."
"G1 is OpenJDK's low pause, low latency garbage collector."
"It's intended to be the long-term replacement for CMS."
"G1's goal is to require only a Min and Max Heap size and a GC pause time target."
"The entry point to a Java application is the main function."
"In order to print to the console, we use System.out.println."
"...Java is not a dynamically typed language but Java is an extremely dynamic language; it's a dynamically compiled language."
"Welcome to this lesson that I'm going to be doing on Java generics."
"That's just a quick illustration of why using generics is beneficial."
"System.out.println is quite useful when you're working with streams."
"Java 8 is the most exciting release of Java ever."
"Annotation is a form of metadata that can be added to the Java source code."
"If you want to override any method inside any class, then we need to use override annotation."
"So this is how you have to basically use the annotations, guys. This is a real-time example."
"App Engine has a Java runtime. We can automatically scale to meet your needs."
"The main method is the entry point of every Java application."
"We want to take all these nice safety guarantees that you can get if you write a program in Java or C sharp... and say you also won't have data races so your concurrent programs are way more predictable."
"Java is a single inheritance language; that means that each class has exactly one parent class."
"This is all about the encapsulation concept in Java."
"Java is a multi-platform, object-oriented programming language that runs on billions of devices worldwide."
"We're using Java, we're using Spring Cloud Function to call whatever function you've provided."
"The synchronized code controls the lock and the wait and notify methods control the coordination between the threads."
"It's also an opportunity to provide a more modern approach to a Java client for Elasticsearch by using functional fluent builders."
"We keep compatibility with Java 8 because we know that it's important in many enterprise contexts to keep that baseline."
"Java 11 has by far the most features that make the JVM more container aware."
"It's a Java library that can be used to convert Java objects into their JSON representation."