
Iconic Scenes Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Last but not least Ford does the iconic shootout at the OK Corral just right."
"Dude, you're right. The dude can lift the Golden Gate Bridge with his mind."
"Danny Boyle's Trainspotting boasts one of the most iconic and unforgettable opening scenes of all time..."
"In fact, one of the most clever and best scenes of the film is in the '50s diner."
"The scene in The Matrix in which Neo ducks backwards to avoid gunfire is definitely iconic."
"The titular song in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera comes when Christine first follows the Phantom down into his lair, and the end of the song is absolutely killer."
"The scene where he finally breaks is another one of those iconic quotable Star Trek moments."
"Jenny's song, Brienne's knighting, Sansa and Theon's reunion."
"Everyone who goes to this movie and sees the shark on the poster, you expect a shark."
"You don't know where the elevator of blood is gonna open and unleash it is the scariest movie ever made and it's the simplicity of it."
"The sexiest I've ever seen any man or woman in a movie was Cameron Diaz in The Mask."
"Boba Fett clawed his way out of the Sarlacc belly."
"The movie ends on what is perhaps the greatest final shot in all of cinema."
"Tom Cruise killed it. He's the biggest actor ever. He did the dance like nobody wanted to do the dance after that."
"The first movie's reverse beartrap was iconic."
"This amazing image of Min, Marty, and Finn has to be the defining image of the entire 'Islands' miniseries."
"Game of Thrones is often thought about through the lens of these kind of iconic moments that are often these big battle scenes or shocking betrayals."
"Nothing in this universe will ever compare to Godzilla's most powerful attack: let them fight."
"The reveal of Darth Vader as Luke's father is a powerful moment and a great twist to the story."
"A cruel angel's thesis: the intro to Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most iconic anime openings in existence."
"Ferris Bueller's with the dancing at the very end."
"This is the Darth Vader Rogue one moment I want chills watching."
"But yeah improvisation has given us some of the best lines in cinema history."
"The opening sequence of Texas Chainsaw Massacre is arguably the greatest in horror history."
"There's nothing more impactful than the Super Saiyan transformation."
"The Exorcist, the beginning. It's horrifying, it's so scary."
"There's nothing cooler than walking away from an explosion in slow motion." - A playful nod to action movie tropes.
"Oh my gosh, I always loved seeing Hitler die."
"The brachiosaurus reveal will forever remain a classic piece of movie history."
"Duck Soup's mirror scene is comedy perfection."
"The audience erupted with applause during the final iconic moment when Baloo whistles the bare necessities as he floats down the river with Mowgli on a stomach."
"Cool death pulling up the last second is the most bond thing he's done yet."
"Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan opens with the completely unforgettable Normandy invasion sequence..."
"Hitchcock did a fight on the Statue of Liberty decades earlier and not only did it feel more grand in scale but somehow it felt like it had more color than the actual color movie did."
"But hey, all you need to know is that it's a gratifying confrontation with a brutal homage to Ash losing his hand and wielding his gigantic chainsaw through the mouth of evil."
"This represented a far more grounded and vicious tone than Dr. No. It established Connery's Bond as a hearty agent, and it remains one of the most iconic kills of Bond's 60-year career."
"The best chemistry I've ever seen: Titanic, watching Leo and Kate run around on that ship together."
"One of the most iconic sequences in Sholay is the musical number set during Holi."
"That scene where Buu turns into candy and Vegeto just plays around with him? Classic."
"It was perfect, it was a goddamn Field of Dreams moment."
"There is something magical about Chris Reeve drifting past the camera."
"There's no debate that our number one moment has to be the death of Simba's father in The Lion King."
"This was the moment etched into every teeny girl's memory."
"The last shot with the Joker scene, like I suspected. It's more or less the last shot."
"Millions of people have paused the scene mostly out of disbelief."
"Her character Linda Barrett was wearing a red bikini while swimming."
"It’s one of the most iconic scenes in romantic comedies."
"Some of the best Darth Vader scenes in any media."
"The final shot of Joker strolling along the hallways of Arkham Asylum while leaving behind a trail of red footsteps."
"Some of the imagery and characters involved in this arc whether that's the espada or the white sands of Hueco Mundo are considered to be synonymous with Bleach itself."
"Maybe I always subconsciously loved the trench run because it does embody so many of the themes of Star Wars very efficiently."
"It's an iconic scene which was the focus of the Ray Bradbury story."
"Luke Skywalker against all the bad guys, summed up in one beautiful image."
"While the two conflicting terminators in T2 are so iconic for their physical differences, unique fighting styles, and contrasting personas."
"The supposed most powerful being in the universe just had his power suppressing armor broken and now he's super ticked off, but Saitama just gives an uninterested 'okay' and that moment will live on forever in meme form."
"Mega Man X4 became known for his kick-ass intro, huge changes in art style, and became infamous for that one 'what am I fighting for' cutscene."
"Avengers Assemble is the line we've been waiting for, but in hindsight, I do kind of wish it was more of a giant proclamation."
"Captain America wielding Mjolnir in front of the desolate remains of the Avengers facility, amazing."
"Movie: Adam Sandler's entire career summed up in a single scene."
"The sheer size and power of that foot crushing metal jumping through a t-rex mouth has to be on some Jurassic Park movie bucket list."
"Even if you're not a fan, I'm sure you all have heard or seen that dramatic scene where it's revealed that Luke's father is... Darth Vader."
"I would photobomb The Godfather and the wedding scene when they all get together to take the picture."
"Beautiful and probably the og Janet Lee moment of psycho."
"When she did put her Wonder Woman outfit on, that scene I was like, 'Oh [__], that's right, she is Wonder Woman.'"
"We all know the iconic story about Aladdin and Jasmine's first meeting. He saved her after she accidentally steals from a street merchant to feed poor children."
"This whole opening scene, one of the best in Horror history."
"The party at 261 Turner Lane, one of the coolest third act locations for a horror film ever."
"The AT-AT attack on Hoth is arguably the most famous battle scene in Star Wars."
"When this baby hits 88 miles per hour you're gonna see some serious do."
"That lies the genius of the ending of The Empire Strikes Back."
"The sperm bank fight is probably the most iconic and exhilarating scene in the entire series."
"I think if you sat someone down who never saw Halloween and said watch this that image of Michael Myers and him coming after her in the house it's still pretty scary I don't know it's it's very very subjective on what is scary and what isn't."
"Playing with the boys. I had no idea that that scene would become this big iconic moment in the movie." - Kenny Loggins
"Who can forget the infamous hallway scene from Rogue One's final moments?"
"Vader's infamous hallway scene with its imitators."
"15 solid mins I would say in some ways nobody's figured out how to do bank robbery since this movie."
"Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas opens with a morbidly funny scene."
"It also gave the world one of Lee's most iconic moments."
"Darth Vader's game-changing revelation at the end of the Empire Strikes Back is one of the most misquoted moments in cinematic history."
"A night filled with Triumph, heartbreak, and iconic moments."
"A scene in that movie where Indiana Jones hops inside a refrigerator to survive a nuclear bomb blast."
"There are few moments as iconic in the world of horror than Tina's death in this film."
"I genuinely think that kill is one of the best of the entire franchise."
"This scene may be one of the most rewatched in history and certainly one of the most inspirational scenes in modern action movies."
"One of the songs from this movie makes up the greatest Montage of all time that has motivated every single one of us to overcome."
"When you hear that whistle and see that silhouette you know it's about to get serious."
"She fakes an orgasm and then Rob Reiner's mom is like, 'I'll have what she's having.'"
"The film is well known for its nightmare-inducing imagery like Samara crawling out of the tape through a television."
"Pariston's association to dolls is best seen in his most iconic character moment."
"once you get to that throne room scene and on there's some of the best Star Wars stuff that we've ever gotten"
"Harry's arrival on the doorstep...is the start of an epic magical journey."
"It's one of the best-written films ever, my favorite scene from Terminator 2 is when Arnold Schwarzenegger tries to smile."
"The moment he decides to take his helmet off in front of others in the imperial cafeteria is honestly one of the most powerful moments in all of Star Wars for me." - Abraham Schuman
"Which hallway scene did you like more, Darth Vader or Maul's?"
"The master sword scene in this game might be the best one series wide."
"I hate that movie for what it did to all of us. It has one of the all-time greatest scenes ever with that fight between Optimus and Megatron."
"Some of the most recognizable and memorable scenes in TV and movie history come just seconds before a dramatic death."
"...the intro piece, I think, is going to go down as one of the most rewatchable superhero little bits of all time."
"The trial of Tyrion Lannister... contains some of the most iconic scenes of the entire series."
"You know Viva Fox in the 90s man from that show out all night to her and even all the way up to Kill Bill. I was like Bill was Fox when she was standing in that kitchen with the knife in her hand with the legs spread in the stance with the cheeks was sitting."
"Both Adonis and Rocky would go on first dates respectively in their first films, with Rock and Adrian going to the ice rink while Adonis and Bianca would go for dinner to eat some cheese steaks."
"The scenes with Jack breaking down the doors with his ex and then poking his head through through the bathroom door and yelling 'here's Johnny' which is another Mega iconic scene."
"That iconic scene in series 1's Dalek where the main villain levitates up a flight of stairs has on occasion been called the first time the Daleks flew."
"...Raiders of the Lost Ark, with its iconic opening sequence, won over audiences with Indiana Jones' swashbuckling adventures..."
"The Steadicam's star moment is also Rocky's star moment as it follows Sylvester Stallone up the stairs to the Philadelphia Art Museum in a pose that has been struck by probably millions of tourists since the movie came out in 1976."
"The best Bond films all have their signature moments, scenes which even casual viewers can recognize from the movie."
"To me, the opening of Star Wars is simple and yet has such weight to it because of the power of the Empire and the Star Destroyer."
"Nothing beats the iconic waxing scene."
"Yeah, with John Cusack standing outside his girlfriend's house, boombox over his head, said one of the most romantic scenes ever, or so I'm told."
"Star Wars depends on this exact scene."
"I've seen Darth Vader be scary impressive. It's when in 'Empire Strikes Back' he just holds out his hand."
"The business card scene was so dramatic OMG Peak Cinema."
"The transformation scene especially is wonderful, fantastic, and unmatched. It's terrifying, fascinating, and iconic."
"Arguably the most famous kill of the film, a nurse played by Octavia Spencer, finds herself in the unfortunate position of being between Michael and Lori."
"The plane makes it to the Vegas strip which officially makes this part of the Cage Vegas holy trinity."
"It perfectly captures that moment from the Murray Franklin show."
"Surprisingly, some of these unintended moments become iconic, overshadowing planned cinematic brilliance."
"It's a star, it really, when you watch it, it's the Star Wars, it's the X-Wings attacking the Death Star."
"Her unmasking of the Phantom is one of early Hollywood's most iconic scenes."
"If I had to pick, if I had to choose, it'd be on Bush now where Back to the Future, Teen Wolf, and all that were filmed."
"Just think how incomplete the history of cinema will be without the iconic Norma Delandic scene from Saving Private Ryan and the long take from Children of Men."
"For a romantic movie, I can see why it's iconic."
"Jaws is one of the greatest openings of not just horror films but of all time."
"Psycho was actually the first time that a toilet was seen in a movie and actually flushed in a movie."
"The Laughing Fish features a mix of humor, horrifying imagery, great music, and Batman riding a shark."
"Lightsabers are great. The Duel of the Fates is iconic."
"This is one of the best sequences ever committed to film, in my opinion."
"This movie has some very iconic and memorable scenes that make it an instant classic."
"Billy's phone calls are also some of the best of the series which have yet to be topped, in my opinion."
"That's a fantastic film, not even mentioned the train scene."
"Everybody wants the rain kiss, everybody deserves a rain kiss."
"It's one of my favorite movies of all time, it has some of the greatest scenes in cinematic history, especially the reveal."