
Arctic Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"The Arctic May currently have a greater phytoplankton growth than any other ocean location on the planet."
"Despite the fact that Iceland stands with its nose pressed up against the windows of the Arctic Circle"
"The extreme heat and dry conditions at the edge of the Arctic Circle fueling the blazes."
"Almost all of the greenland sharks captured in the arctic were found to have an obvious handicap."
"The dynamic between Russia and China in the Arctic is a big question."
"The arctic region is crucial from a geostrategic sense."
"The Arctic will be almost entirely free of ice during the summers by the middle of this century."
"The Arctic will be the late 21st century's greatest geopolitical showdown."
"The Arctic is warming. That is not an assumption, a belief, a theory, or a political stance."
"Is the Arctic the new Cold War front?" - Dr. David Waralu
"The meltdown is changing long-held beliefs about the Arctic and its weather patterns."
"The Arctic is the new spot for NATO and Russia to flex their military muscle."
"Here we are in Eureka, less than 10 degrees of latitude from the north pole. The sun doesn't set in Eureka from April to the end of August."
"The European Union plans to open an office in Greenland and use EU funding to promote sustainable development in the Arctic."
"Giant polar bears still roam the Arctic today."
"Herders were working so in tandem with nature that they could interpret the Arctic to the rest of the world."
"Could the secrets beneath the Arctic ice revolutionize our understanding of the world?"
"Canada and Denmark have reached a deal to divide uninhabited arctic island."
"Arctic warming can and most certainly will continue to proceed much faster than current forecasts."
"The Frozen regions of our planet hold some of the most bizarre discoveries on Earth."
"We're really looking forward to exploring some places that are different for us, so we are gonna sail up to Greenland and up to the Arctic and play around in the ice for a little bit this summer."
"The Arctic Ocean, shrouded in ice for most of the year, is now grappling with the profound impacts of climate change."
"This 1,000-foot length of core is the longest continuous record of Arctic climate we have."
"Two photos of the Arctic taken 100 years apart showing the dramatic change in the continent's ice cover."
"The Ironborn are also based on Arctic hunter-gatherers."
"The Arctic is the world's new El Dorado."
"Being in the Arctic and crossing the Arctic Red River, that is just super cool."
"Exploring the Arctic's ice caps and glaciers is like unraveling a story that's been frozen in time."
"Polar bears have been recently observed by Norwegian scientists killing and eating dolphins in the Arctic."
"The reason why is that there has been a new incident in the Arctic."
"Last night, overnighting in the Arctic."
"Despite the challenges, Hao and Edna love their life in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."
"The snow knife is the most important tool in the High Arctic."
"Three thousand kilometers east of the Rockies: The Ontario Northland Railway ships critical supplies to off-gritters in First Nations communities that live on the edge of the Arctic"
"Most notably we know the Arctic's warming up two or three times as fast as the global average."
"Welcome to the Arctic, a truly fascinating polar environment with some beautiful landscapes, bears, ice and many things nice."
"Reports of strange sounds often described as whistles, hums, or pings have been documented in the Arctic."
"The Arctic has its fair share of reported UFO sightings."
"Restoring the ice, well, hopefully we can achieve that as well. Regionally, you might consider looking at techniques to thicken ice in the Arctic, which requires techniques in the Arctic winter as well as in the Arctic summer."
"Cold only kills. There were no oases, no vegetation, no fuel. The Arctic was simply a field of ice covered in gigantic blocks."
"The North Pole was one of the last great challenges of exploration."
"Tragic end to the fatally flawed expedition if Andre had just listened to Ekholm way back at the start and built a new and more stable balloon, the trail might have made it."
"Now, today, at the Tromso Polo Museum, you can see some of those artifacts—the last monument to the bravery and foolish pride of S.A. Andre and the pioneering spirit of adventure and engineering that drove humankind to do incredible, sometimes silly things."
"The Arctic is more than just an icy tundra; its people have a rich history and belief systems that remain uninfluenced by outside change."
"Frost flowers bloom on young sea ice in the Arctic Ocean or on thin lake ice. They're fragile and delicate ice crystals."
"If I let all the difficult challenges and hurdles bring me down, I never would have even made it to the Arctic."
"Welcome to the gateway to the Arctic."
"Temperatures across the Arctic are increasing two to four times faster than the global average."
"The Arctic will continue to be the leading edge of global climate change."
"The dramatic consequences of the rapid warming of the Arctic are already apparent."
"The economy of the Arctic is a harsh, perfect thing."
"The Arctic is blanketed in night one quarter of the year; its only illumination the cold aurora borealis, the northern lights."
"Our ultimate goal, because we have a year and a half, is to do the Northwest Passage."
"August is the time of year when shorebird migration southbound from the Arctic breeding grounds really picks up."
"The sun traces this awesome route from north to north, barely leaving the horizon."
"On June 12th of 2015, I set off from Chicago determined to ride to the Arctic Ocean and back."
"After 440 km through Arctic Sweden, on day 30, we'd finally made it."
"As you might expect, the nature all around here is as beautiful as it gets, as well as the incredible wildlife of polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, and Huskies."
"The Arctic is not a barren, frozen wasteland; in fact, it's seen as quite valuable."
"There's value in keeping the Arctic untouched."
"The fight over the Arctic is a lot more nuanced than just assigning a number to whatever the region may or may not supply."
"Sailing in the Arctic was shockingly dangerous; ice would build up on the ship and all hands were needed to chip the ice away."
"When the sun rises on May 10th, it doesn't set again for three months."
"It's an unforgettable Arctic cruise through the otherworldly beauty of glaciers at the top of our planet."
"The Arctic region is recording temperatures increasing up to 8 times faster than any other region on the planet."
"This one looks aggressive, standing up and reminding us that it is the most feared land animal in the Arctic."
"The ships were specifically designed for Arctic exploration with reinforced hulls and advanced technology for their time."
"What more can we ask for? The first ship of its kind being a vessel to scale and explore through the Arctic, smashing through the icebergs."
"They are an almost perfect solution to the needs of the Arctic people."
"I think it was very brave what all of you did during your Expedition to the Arctic."
"Then in summer, the Arctic bursts briefly into life."
"With the importance of the Arctic growing, the addition of Finland and Sweden to NATO is also a balancing factor for the alliance."
"The primary functions of the pair will be to monitor cosmic rays and collect information from Arctic facilities."
"In the wilderness of the Arctic, a sleeping giant begins to stir."
"The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet."
"Diving under the North Pole was a new frontier, only a handful of people had ever done it."
"The sea ice keeps the oceans cool because when the surface is covered in ice, it's white, so the energy from the sun is reflected back into space, keeping the Arctic cold."
"The temperature in the Arctic has risen by more than twice as much as the rest of the planet."
"Nuclear-powered icebreakers can break through the thick Arctic ice so ships can sail on their way."
"The Arctic was an important site of American exploration in the 19th century because it was a space where the nation's anxieties about the perils of over-civilization, manly character, and racial purity could be tested."
"The Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer."
"We're here to talk to you about a few questions about what happened during the Arctic Expedition."
"It's amazing how they've created and sustained life up here."
"The wealth in the Arctic, it's in natural resources, and oil is one of them."
"Welcome to our apartment in Levi, Finland, which is north of the Arctic Circle."
"It is almost 12 o'clock noon here in Finland in January, and sunrise is at about 11:30 and sunset is at about 2:30."
"What we specifically need in the Arctic is to keep the temperature low and the carbon sequestration high."
"The tradition of going to the ice was another; it was a specialized trade of our northern men."
"The mysterious land beyond the North Pole."
"It's absolutely beautiful flying over the Arctic."
"The Arctic, like every other place on Earth, spends half of its year in darkness."
"The true historical role of the DEW Line will prove to be the opening up for peaceful and productive purposes of a vast new frontier above the Arctic Circle."
"It is home to polar bears, walruses, reindeer, and marine animals such as belugas, narwhals, or the blue whale."
"His research specializes in climate change and how we could potentially refreeze the Arctic."
"The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe."
"Shooting in the Arctic was pretty crazy. That was an unexpected awesomeness."
"This folks is the Deep Arctic, we're 200 Mi above the Arctic Circle and it's absolutely beautiful."
"It was a typical sunny Tuesday when me and my friends went hunting in the Arctic."
"The enukshuk is one of the most enduring symbols in the Arctic of ancient Inuit life."
"It was hard to go to sleep because the sun didn't set and there was the possibility of seeing amazing things outside."
"This is the land of the midnight sun."
"The muskox is one of the few species of megafauna to survive prehistoric hunting by adapting to the Arctic region."
"Descendants of this ancient animal still survived in remote corners of the Arctic."
"A normal life passes there are schools, hospitals, churches, supermarkets, restaurants, banks, and even a post office, and everything absolutely everything happens without the sun rises."
"As an Arctic Nation, the United States seeks a polar region that's peaceful, stable, prosperous, and cooperative."
"The Arctic is warming at two times the global average."
"The Arctic is the refrigerator for the Earth."
"It is one of the most puzzling mysteries that has ever come down out of the Arctic."
"The modern Port of Zvezda is one of the pivotal points of the Northern sea route in the 21st century."
"It's cool to be really far north and it's cool to be at the Arctic Ocean, but what really makes this place special is the people."
"Strange things are done in the land of the Midnight Sun by men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold."
"In today's adventure, we are in Tromso, popularly called the capital of the Arctic."
"Arctic ice retreat is now one of the main drivers of climate change."
"The Barents Sea is this 800-mile stretch of freezing water up in the Arctic Circle, just northwest of Russia."
"Here, things are heating up at Polar Base Lego, where you plow ahead with a high-tech team of Arctic explorers."
"The Canadian Rangers play a key role in Canada's Arctic."
"An unsupported expedition to the North Pole has for many years been looked upon as one of Arctic's last great challenges."
"On top the world where everything's white, this is the Arctic life."
"Distances are always deceptive in the Arctic."
"The narwhal is an essential contributor to the survival of the hunters in the High Arctic."
"Winter operations in the Alaskan Arctic mean working in constant darkness, bitter cold temperatures that can drop to minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit."
"The Arctic basically works as a refrigerator for the rest of the world."
"Polar serpents live in the north, basking like seals on flat icebergs."
"The Arctic is experiencing its warmest season due to global warming."
"Nothing like a nice sunny day in the Arctic to air out the creature power suits."
"These tragic and disappointing expeditions assisted in gaining knowledge and assorting a navigational blueprint of the Arctic passage and surrounding regions."
"Simply put, we believe that the affairs of the Arctic should be governed by the actual nations of the Arctic."
"We humans have now sparked off a heat feedback loop up in the Arctic which is impacting all sorts of variables."
"On the edge of North America, the Canadian Arctic is breathtaking and brutal."
"The first sitting president to visit Alaska's Arctic."
"The Arctic armor... made to withstand the harsh temperatures and conditions of the Arctic."
"I'm going to make a special video for you all because I'm heading to the Arctic Circle."
"We're out here in the Arctic, it's cold, it's freezing out here, but at least it's fairly calm."
"The Polar Arctic museum is without a doubt the most popular museum in all of Tromso."
"The astonishing immortal of the Arctic sea."
"Lieutenant James Lockwood and Sergeant David Brainard reached what was, at that point, the farthest north an exploration party had ever reached."
"Welcome to the Arctic Atlas Adventure Resort."
"We have the Santa Claus village which is located right by the Arctic Circle."
"Global warming means the Arctic is heating up, thawing out deposits of precious minerals and opening up new oil and gas fields and trade routes."
"The Arctic is thought to contain a full fifth of the world's untapped oil and gas."
"We bring light, heat, and hope for the cold cruel Arctic."
"With the Arctic, the fastest warming region on the planet, climate change is already altering key components of the Arctic environment."
"It's high summer here in the Brooks Range, in the heart of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, and the landscape that's teeming with life."
"This is great, it's midnight up here in the Arctic, in the land of the Midnight Sun."
"Living on a moving ice flow in the middle of the Arctic Ocean for 8 days."
"It's the land of the Midnight Sun where summer's light never sets on this unspoiled wilderness."
"All right, good morning! We had a great sleep there on the Arctic Ocean."
"We already know that the arctic ice cap has melted and shrunk considerably."
"Having a moment of silence in the High Arctic is life-changing."
"We believe that the affairs of the Arctic should be governed by the actual nations of the Arctic."
"The reality TV series featured people whose job involved driving across thin ice over deep lakes in the remote Arctic region of Alaska and Canada to deliver critical supplies to cut-off communities, industrial sites, and diamond mines."