
Youth Potential Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"He's awesome... I mean they're young but they've been around the block."
"We got to preserve the kids in our blocks, in our communities. Like, we can't keep killing the talent because who gonna come back and take care of right?"
"The potential of the Youth of the world is Limitless."
"I think Bill Maher should be hiring the 22-year-old to host the show."
"I just hope these boys can mature and take this second chance at life for real."
"The CIA does believe that young people have the capacity to protect America."
"When Lee does get that man strength, he'll be a real player."
"The children are gonna save our lives. Thank you, kids, doing so good right now."
"Our youth, the number of our youth if harnessed well is going to make us great."
"Do not waste these years of your life when you're at your strongest and most resilient."
"Once he turns 16, we can actually appoint him as our court physician."
"It's tragic that so many young men that clearly have the talent and drive to succeed are having their lives cut short by gang violence."
"He's an 18 years old... the confidence that kid has is amazing... in the future he's going to be unreal."
"Life is about decisions... just listening when you're young and you're talented and you're coming up."
"This next generation... has the ability to learn skills and contribute to society in ways that we just did not have."
"That's a kid with all respect too understand because he's young but man is he amazing."
"Kid's got a head on his shoulder, uh shoulders I should say, uh amazing stuff."
"War is at its most destructive to one particular resource of a nation—the best and brightest of its citizens."
"I've heard kids preach right, and you can tell that they've been coached... But you got it, man."
"Our children can aspire to be and do anything they want."
"Somewhere out there is a kid with so much promise he's going to be just as talented and just as big as Juice ever was."
"At the end of the day, Brian was a promising student with a bright future."
"He's capped under 20s as well and he's 16. Like, that's mad."
"Kids today, with all their resources, they're on a whole other level."
"He's only 17 years old and he's got the world in front of him."
"Together we can build a future where every young person can thrive and fulfill their potential."
"I'm not as cynical about young people as some in our industry."
"I think we've actually got youngsters who can augment the squad next season."
"The present promise of a Nation can be measured by the current prospects of its young people."
"It's not about how young they are, it's about how ready they are."
"We need to be the best of the best, wonder kids or ready to break out."
"The true potential of Africa lies in its youth."
"The young people of America are not a liability; they are not a clock ticking against us."
"Young people today, when we talk about youth, we talk about problem segments of our society. But young people are not our weakness, they are our strength."
"I just want to see her living a life properly like a girl."
"Lewis dunk was born in Brighton and has been a 1 club man bearing a brief stint on loan at Bristol City don't began the decade is an eighteen year old a Brighton in Ligue 1."
"Young people are capable of far more than we've ever imagined."
"Can a 16-year-old win this? 100%."
"I'm excited to see what the future holds for young Maxi and Riley."
"Imagine the potential, the talent, and the dynamism that Indonesia's Young population brings to the table."
"He is 24 years old, about to take over the world."
"Young people inherently have a greater potential for change."
"If you can enable the untapped and enormous potential of the Commonwealth's 1.4 billion young people, you can transform our world for the better."
"This generation will transform the continent."
"People discount what kids are capable of."
"Our greatest untapped natural resource in the world: kids."
"You are our country's future, remember that."
"So many of our young people who have a lot of talent, but they just don't know what's possible."
"He's just a winner; that's the best thing I can possibly say about a kid."
"You're not like these dudes, you're a good dude, you young, you got a shot to make it out bro."
"Every single young person can become something, just if they can set their minds to it."
"It's worth keeping in mind he is 20 and is going to continue to grow."
"Let's see what these kids do, and I believe in them."
"We have so many opportunities here compared to the kids over in the other side of the world right now."
"Yet they are the future, and any restoration will have to come through them."
"We need you, you know if you are graduating from university you're super intelligent and innovative and creative."