
Code Management Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's really not hard to review what's going on in the entire class when you have small methods and classes."
"Control structures allow you to adjust the flow of your code."
"Check them out, play with them, rip out the pieces you like, throw away the parts you don't."
"Separating functionality into separate classes makes code easier to manage."
"This helps a lot, especially when you're writing programs that have tens of thousands of lines of code."
"When you as a man can present two undeniably thriving children to this world, the response you get nearly everywhere you go is unadulterated respect."
"You shouldn't write all that code in one file like we have done so far. You should break that code into smaller, more maintainable, and potentially more reusable chunks."
"Bundling your code? Not a major pain with Angular."
"No longer do you need to pass in handle click, handle complete, handle edit, handle new, handle create, handle delete."
"It really cleans up your props and, in general, makes the code that you're working with much easier and cleaner in my opinion."
"Git tracks every change that has ever been made to the code you tell it to manage."
"Without Git, you would have to resort to trying to remember what you changed."
"You want commits that are very detailed as to what changes were made."
"So now we're working on a project that could potentially have multiple developers and people have been pushing code to that remote repository while we've been working on our own features."
"I would argue that it would be also cleaner to instead of writing this raw query here you use a stored procedure for example."
"Reduce technical debt, have the cleanest code possible."
"Your code is extremely safe when you're working with git."
"Storing the folder path in a string variable makes life much easier when running this code."
"Storing a file object in a variable gives you access to all sorts of other interesting and useful properties."
"Typescript is all about just trying to make the code much easier to reason about."
"But look how more neatly separated the concerns are."
"And that comments out everything in between it, so anyway now we've commented that out it's not going to be used by the browser."
"We are now able to code split this app into such a small size and incrementally load it, which can give our users a much better experience."
"Git is for managing your codebase, and GitHub is basically a place to host your git repository."
"It seems to me that it would be wise for companies and programmers, frankly senior programmers, to make sure that new kids coming out of school are not allowed to touch any of the core code for a year or so."
"You can create branches, you can merge your branches with the mainline code, you can do lots of really creative things."
"We're very, very excited to announce an automatic synchronization with Git repositories where code will be synced between a branch that you choose and a staging Snowflake."
"I suggest you create a copy of this code base and you can use it as a base for different gameplay experiments."
"As your application scales, this architecture makes your code much easier to reason about."
"Git is a version control system, just a way to basically keep track of your code as you change it."
"The database project will contain all the things like schema, stored procedures, tables, and everything that is in the database code."
"They let us run asynchronous code."
"Or, you can do what's becoming increasingly popular, which is to actually keep everything in one github repo, a monorepo if you will."
"Happy developer, happy teams because it's going to be much easier to own the codes collectively."
"You can mutate different objects so that you don't have to actually have direct access to the code for that class specifically to make a change that is completely important in a different class."
"Git status just lets us know what's in our staging area, all the files that we're ready to start merging into that local repository."
"It's going to help consolidate your code, it's going to help your developers be on the same page."
"Rather than having everything all in one big super long file, which might get very unwieldy, we can actually organize things into their own separate files or even separate folders so it's easy to find whatever code you need to update."
"Don't try to rewrite the whole code base; it's not going to pay off."
"And it allows us as a developer to essentially have an easier time when we need to make changes to this file, we don't have to scroll up and down over hundreds of lines of code."
"The code also stays closer to where it needs to be performed, so it's a lot more understandable."
"Keep your executable sections really small to avoid spaghetti code."
"Pull requests is the main model by which code gets filtered into other repositories from someone that wants to make a change."
"There are two primary methods to get code from GitHub down to your computer: one is to clone and the other is to fork."
"It's a way to specify, 'Hey, I have a repo that has a dependency on some source code I'm not really developing in that dependency, I'm just using it, and I'd like to track my use of it with my repo itself."
"Tracking ML model changes is just as important as tracking code changes."
"When you've finished working on a branch of code and it's clean and working well, you merge it back into the trunk."
"That's the key to have scalable code and to not paint yourself into a state management nightmare."
"Never delete your source code, always keep a copy."
"Every developer can have a local copy of the repository and the code."
"Some people call this serverless; it's the idea that you give us your code and we run it for you, we scale it for you, and we keep it running for you while giving you observability into it."
"Locking a file and defining the code owners will only allow those code owners access to the files."
"You have to identify the code paths within your application where you can expand the infrastructure to cut out boilerplate, improve readability, and hide complexity."
"All code is inherently messy, and the whole job of a software engineer is to manage the complexity of a software project and keep complexity down."
"Our goal as a team is to help developers understand, write, improve, and maintain their source code."