
Religious Dedication Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"With all his heart, Thomas Aquinus wanted nothing other than Christ."
"God is going to have a people in the last days that are uplifting all of the commandments of God."
"Jesus did so much for me. I really need to think about what I'm doing, where I'm going, am I glorifying Him?"
"I'm not seeking my own, I'm living first for the kingdom of God."
"Hand it over to the Vishwa Guru and implement the cabinet resolution to build the temple."
"Our response to it is to preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, be ready to convince, rebuke, and instruct."
"He had memorized every hadith he had come across."
"Muller spent all his spare time studying the Bible."
"I'm brave enough, I'm strong enough to pick up that crown and place it on the head of our savior."
"I don't care what people think of me. I'm going after Jesus."
"Every decision you make unto the glory of God is ground taken for the kingdom of God."
"When you sanctified you set apart and God wants you to be set apart for just one thing and that's for Him."
"Success in the service of Lolth lies with those who are attentive to her ever-changing, often contradictory will."
"My food is to do the will of him who sent me."
"Notice three things that you're willing to do: take upon you the name of Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments."
"You must become a worshiper, willing to worship Jesus."
"My life belongs to Him. It's not Him who belongs to my life, it's the other way around."
"I am the one who protected myself, I lived in the dunya, I worshipped Allah, I bought patience, I stayed away from prohibitions, I engaged in Tawbah, I gave my charities, I worshipped Allah alone."
"I'm part of the Fellowship of the unashamed."
"Present yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God."
"I'm not going back and forth with an hourly paid employee. I'm not a server I only serve the lord."
"I was chasing this lifestyle, but I found my true freedom when I enslaved myself to the One who created me."
"It's all for you Lord, it's for our King, for his glory, for the King."
"I have promised God my best. And my best is to honor him."
"The Olympic Games were dedicated to Zeus and all the ceremonies and events were hosted in his honor. It's no surprise that the largest temple of the sanctuary was the Temple of Zeus."
"She herself became one of those who memorized the Quran."
"We're in the end times, give your life to Jesus Christ if you want to be saved."
"What a turnaround! I know some of y'all were probably like, 'hey this preacher's crazy,' well I'm so crazy that I'm willing to go the extra mile for Jesus because he went the extra mile for you."
"I have not come to live of my own whim but to live the will of the one who sent me."
"The temple is built from granite and is dedicated to Lord Shiva."
"We can show you millions of people who have memorized the Quran from the first letter to the last letter."
"I'm gonna leave a legacy for Jesus Christ that he didn't make a mistake of picking me."
"You never give your life away to anyone less than God."
"Dear Jesus, I give you my life, I give you my heart and tonight I surrender all."
"I seek the Lord with all of my heart and places ways at the center of my thoughts. He has become my refuge and deliverance from every fear."
"Congratulations, Miles. My god, god of darkness, use me as an instrument for your work here on earth."
"There's no rest, there's no retirement. You continue your work until Allah calls you away."
"Make a decision now to not bow to the kings of this world, but to only bow to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"We fight all battles for the honor of Christ and in his church."
"First, Allah's help. Second, striving. Third, knowledge."
"We choose men who willingly chose the gift of celibacy."
"When you're trying to be one of God's Champions, your heart is pounding."
"Whoever's feats were dusted in the way of Allah, those feet shall never touch the fire of hell." - Sheikh
"My goal is to make the very most of the time that I've been blessed with, to dedicate my life into service to serving God trying to be pleasing to God."
"Christianity is not a cruise ship, it is a battleship."
"Listen, just focus on being his. Be sincerely his, and that's why we focus on scripture and what the Bible actually says."
"Evangelicalism sacrifice everything else on the altar of the gospel."
"Fix your eyes on Jesus. Let Jesus be your focus, your purpose, your intention, and your goal. When He's all that matters, everything else will fall behind in the shadow. Satan's deception will be exposed, and you will break free."
"Sacrifice: the direct connection to igniting the fire of God."
"Love you guys, thanks for grinding so hard for the Lord."
"God doesn't want 99.9. Jesus says it's all or nothing."
"We are being tested whether we really love Jesus and keep his Commandments."
"There's a sense of sacrifice associated with real discipleship."
"God's gonna get all the glory, he's gonna get all the honor."
"I tonight present myself to you, to follow you. I want to be a disciple of Jesus. I want to have that sure steadfast anchor for my soul."
"Consecration is not just abstaining from sin and distractions but wholeheartedly devoting yourself."
"The purpose of your life is to discover everything in the scriptures that pleases God and then set yourself to doing it."
"The people of the sofa had given up everything for the sake of Islam."
"I want my life to have marked eternity, I want my life to be one that was fixed on God."
"We've always doubled our piety, right? We're going to go about 30,000 left now."
"I promise I will try my best insha'Allah, and I'm gonna do all this for Allah insha'Allah."
"If you're willing to turn from all known sin... willing to turn toward all known obedience... and to allow the Lord to draw us closer... then you're in a covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
"Allah describes him as Hanifin and even though he was loving and caring for his father and concerned for him, his commitment to the truth was always number one."
"I've been through hell and back for this gospel."
"We're doing this because this is what we feel God's calling us to do with our life."
"A brave woman grabs the hem of God's will and doesn't let go."
"It's important to honor the men and women of God who laid their lives down for truth and justice."
"I believe would envy us right now for having this chance to stand with Christ the King when the entire world is standing against him."
"No man can serve two masters. Who's your master? The God of Israel, Ahaya is His name. Only Him should we serve."
"A hundred years of ongoing building project just to build a facility to give glory to God."
"Being a member of the fearless army means that we pledge to place God first and foremost in our everyday endeavors of life."
"The key is to surrender yourself to Him, denying yourself, picking up your cross daily, and following Him."
"Our commitment to keep our covenants should not be conditional or vary with changing circumstances."
"In the kingdom of God, you cannot advance unless you seek his kingdom and his righteousness."
"I refuse to be replaced; I will worship Allah willingly."
"Let us all commit and or recommit to serving and worshiping our only one and true image, the invisible image of God."
"May you leave this assembly dedicated to the paths of righteousness."
"There's real demons we're dealing with, it's time to give your life to Jesus Christ."
"Those who want to use Grace as an excuse from discipleship are deceiving themselves."
"His life, which took him to many distant lands, was dedicated entirely to the service of Islam."
"The house that I am to build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods."
"Behold, I purpose to build a house unto the name of the Lord my God."
"The Levites were more diligent in sanctifying themselves than the priests."
"They were men who were undistracted in their devotion to God."
"Dear Lord Jesus, I'm Yours tonight, totally without exception."
"Holiness unto the Lord now and forever."
"...this is the most important three weeks of our ministry."
"I consider my life worth nothing to me unless I use it to finish the race and complete the mission that the Lord Jesus has given me."
"Pray for your children, dedicate them to God."
"As excited as we are about the increase of quantity in temples, I think the Lord would be even more impressed with an increase of quality in our own Temple worship."
"This is not the time to slack with the Lord; this is the time to constantly be in his face, in his word."