
Programming Advice Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"You can achieve a lot more instead of using imperative approach."
"Constants should be your default choice if you don't need to reassign."
"Explore this side of it further, see the kind of components that you usually use."
"Don't worry about var, what you want to use is let."
"If we're gonna reset a value potentially, we're gonna use let."
"I mean don't have globals, if you can avoid them, obviously."
"A better design would always be to use a const."
"Let's don't return a pointer, return a smart pointer or at the very least, leave yourself an actual in-code compilable real note that you have to clean it up."
"You don't have to spend the whole rest of your programming life just putting individual print statements everywhere."
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil... in programming." - Donald Knuth
"Stop caring so much about frameworks and start coding."
"The answer really is let the compiler do the things for you."
"There's a lot of advice on what programming languages are the best programming languages to learn, and a lot of it is bullshit."
"If you only remember one thing from tonight, don't synchronize on concurrent collections."
"If you have any kind of mutation of your object or any part of your object, then records are not for you."
"Always use polymorphism if you can get rid of if and switch statements."
"Anytime inside of your state that you're modifying the actual state variable based on the previous state, you should use the function version."
"It's going to say hey don't do this don't do that do this instead."
"Don't use go to unless you absolutely have to do it and you absolutely know exactly what it's going to do."
"I would argue that it would be also cleaner to instead of writing this raw query here you use a stored procedure for example."
"In every single situation you should be checking the types at least of your props."
"The most useful data structure by far is gonna be hashmaps; this is like Ridley's side B in Smash Ultimate—if you don't know what you're doing, just throw hashmaps at a problem, you'll probably make some progress."
"Choose the programming language based on your environment and the problem you're trying to solve."
"Forgetting to mark destructors virtual... to make sure the correct destructor is called even through a pointer to a base class you need to mark the function virtual."
"Attempting to add or remove elements from a container while looping over it... this is a case where using a loop index actually does solve the problem."
"Read your error messages! Learning to read error messages is a skill that you have to master."
"The number one rule about multi-threading in games is don't. The second rule of multi-threading games is don't. The third rule is if you're going to multi thread make your threads do exactly one thing only and finish."
"Does the function exist somewhere related to some keywords you have in mind? Like string copy, see if something comes back."
"Don't obsess over learning a programming language. The programming language, while it is important because that's the language you'll be sort of talking with the computer, it's not the most critical part."
"Use list always and I guess it's because of... it shouldn't be, nothing breaks, I think."
"One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is that they jump around between multiple programming languages like kangaroos, and that's just the killer."
"Make your code simpler to read and understand."
"It's much easier to improve a working piece of code than it is to write a perfect piece of code on the first go around."
"If you don't know what to do if you catch an exception, you shouldn't have caught it at all."
"Try and write code that's about half as smart as you are or twice as dumb as you are, and then you've got a good chance of finding the bugs in it."
"Learn one programming language, one framework. You're able to build applications for all of these different operating systems and devices."
"Return errors, don't panic. Only panic when an error can't be handled directly or the handling can't be delegated to the upstream caller."
"Do it in SQL, and if you can't do it in SQL, do it in PL/SQL."
"Remember to add your semicolons, of course."
"Instead of using equals for arrays, use sameElements."
"If you have to use exceptions, use a try rather than an exception."
"Favor object composition over class inheritance."
"You shouldn't need to have many comments; it's better to keep your code clear through sensible names and so on."
"Writing out small functions is a really good idea."
"If you can make it const, make it const, because the compiler will like you."
"Copy Paste is rarely the solution when programming."
"I definitely recommend using these, especially instead of casting all the time."
"Never use the wait keyword, never do .Result, never do .Wait, never use Task.WaitAll."
"Sometimes it's good if you find yourself getting stuck in small little bugs, just take a 20-minute break."
"The trick with programming isn't to concentrate so much on the algorithms, it's to get the data right."
"Always try to be context-free; don't depend on side effects in your application."
"We should not use either of them; we should use ES6 modules."