
Aquatic Life Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"In a statement, archaeologist Betsy Bryant described the site as the most important discovery in Egypt since King Tut's tomb was found in 1922."
"It's crazy how they live underwater and we live on land."
"The benefits of trees also extend to aquatic animals, keeping water cool and protecting them from the heat of the summer Sun."
"Five little rainbow fish swimming in the water."
"AC Family, something has happened to their refugium, their hidden water reservoir housing an extra team of cleaning plants."
"The lights outside attract so many fish, it's like they're having a party."
"The garial: a true aquatic Marvel of South Asia."
"The alligator snapping turtle: a prehistoric creature lies in wait."
"Spinosaurus egypticus: An aquatic hunter rewriting dinosaur history."
"The most powerful lizard build of all time was the mosasaurus."
"The giant tiger fish: a monstrous predator of the waters."
"The Sahara has turned up fossils of all sorts of aquatic life - fish, mollusks, and even plants - indicating a rich and diverse ecosystem."
"This electric eel has to be one of my favorites up to this point."
"I mean I don't think hydras that risky for shrimp but I also don't feel like hydroxide is that risky either."
"So, what could be next? Perhaps if these organisms continue to be under increasing pressure to escape the water for longer and longer periods of time, we could be seeing the early stages of the evolution of real life 'flesh'..."
"Aquariums would be a big part of our lives, not just because it's our business, but because there's so many teaching elements."
"The giant devil or goonch catfish dwells in deep, fast waters in the rivers of the Indian subcontinent and possibly Southeast Asia."
"The candiru fish has a reputation for allegedly entering people's urinary tracts and latching itself to the inside using its sharp barbs."
"The addition of cod and salmon into rivers actually swimming around was amazing."
"And let me just tell you it worked thump is not hand feeding but he's much more you know aggressive and active ever since the water got warm it's about like 80 degrees in here the fish have been just fired up."
"Fish are pretty tough, they're a lot tougher than we give them credit for sometimes."
"The axolotl is an aquatic predator; it'll attack things like squid and fish."
"Some aquatic insects can swim; a swung wet fly could imitate a tiny bait fish or it might also imitate an aquatic insect rising to the surface to hatch."
"I really love the small fish... it's about educating people about biotopes..."
"Being the only species of known spider to spend its whole existence underwater makes the diving bell spider kind of a special spider."
"Consistency is key with these guys. They need to be kept in the same environment for pretty much their whole entire lives."
"Duncan corals will always be super special to me because of the history."
"I fell in love with stargassum because of the fish and the shrimp and the crabs. It's the only floating ecosystem on the planet."
"Fish can also get sick on not being on something crunchy too."
"They live in sunken ships or in holes in the seabed. When Golisopod and Grapploct battle, the loser becomes the winner's meal."
"The writers were onto something mutant fish are becoming a real problem these are mutant fish taking over waters around the world."
"We're gonna install an aerator, feed these bass, and just see if we can see some big fish that are lurking in the pond."
"You need a good sized tank don't you Matt, four foot minimum."
"Both of these anglerfish are beasts, I love them, they are awesome."
"Goldfish can remember for up to three months."
"...you can generally see more fish on site imaging on these natural lakes because of that..."
"Weed is full of food for the fish, it creates Sanctuary for the fish, it's an amazing feature."
"In 1784, Kimo Alessandro Kini reconstructed terrasaur fossils and suggested that these creatures were aquatic."
"Penguins spend a great deal of their time in the water, often passing months at sea."
"I like my half moon fish to have strong bodies. Think about it, long thin fish like half moons have a lot of finnage to hold up. They have to hold it up and flare it around and swim with it for the rest of their lives."
"The whole experience of seeing these beautiful bright colored fish gracefully swimming in Crystal Clear Water often times coming up and eating right out of your hand, coupled with the background noise of a gentle waterfall, it's just an experience that you don't soon forget."
"Pound for pound they are just about as nutritious as brine shrimp and daphnia."
"Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds."
"But we can catch fish in nets, and we can see that they're in certain places or they're declining or increasing, but we really don't understand what's really happening until we're under there, observing this firsthand."
"Make them really happy, really really happy fish."
"Just the oranges, I really love the orange on their fins. It complements the pink, everything, just a perfect looking fish, aren't they?"
"The fish are just loving buzzing in and out of all the roots in the plants."
"I was just looking to see if there's any fish hanging out here."
"What I believe you're seeing were fish taking midge pupae in the surface film."
"Please, when you put them in the water here, hold it there for a second so we can watch the release."
"So, I'm going to start next week's Vlog with fish not Garden related but beautiful nice bit of music look at some fish you're in for a treat."
"Stress is not only the number one killer of bettas but it's probably the number one killer of all fish."
"My favorite is always going to be the arapaimas."
"The pariba catfish, with its colossal size and mysterious behavior, is a captivating species that holds an essential place in the Amazon's rich aquatic ecosystems."
"I love how beautiful this fish is."
"I really do love fish, big part of my life."
"This is my kind of tank; this is a wild, very natural looking river system."
"Finally, guys, we've got our shrimps inside this tank, and they look gorgeous here."
"These are otters, and they're so cute. Look at them go underwater, whoa!"
"That's where, you know, the catfish will be feeding around the bottom, the larger tetras moving through the open water above."
"I do find fish really nice and relaxing."
"One of the world's largest freshwater fish, these giants can reach nine feet long and weigh up to 440 pounds."
"A grass carp can eat up to forty percent of their body weight and reach up to five feet long and more than eighty pounds in weight."
"That's the coolest Molly I've ever seen."
"Life was then exclusively aquatic and will remain so for nearly 3.4 billion years."
"These fish live forever, they're true river monsters."
"You should be mindful of what might be living in there, not just of the fish, the algae, and the tiny water bugs."
"For over 20 million years, animals have lived peacefully in the water."
"These are awesome looking. I love these fish. Look at this guy, look at that silly looking face, that is awesome."
"It's incredible, though, look how beautiful that is, all the fish like it's got like Koy fish in it."
"Hopefully we can see some fish in the process."
"We have all types of fish inside of here, and they just live their best life."
"We platypuses don't mind the dark because we swim with our eyes closed anyway."
"Swimming creatures really know how to have fun."
"In the waters of the Earth, there is a countless number of aquatic species, and about 90% of those species have not been discovered."
"Do you want to be a water creature? Come on, let's go."
"If we want to be a water creature, we need something to move us through the water, we need flippers."
"Penguins are flightless birds who are completely at home in the water."
"A rising tide can produce some great tailor, brim, whiting, and flathead fishing."
"Every living creature that moved, with which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind."
"Fish don't breathe water, they do breathe oxygen."
"This is a unique exotic island between Australia and Fiji and home to some amazing aquatic life."
"I love Rainbow Fish; they're probably my favorite fish."
"Something in the water would be cool."
"Angel fish, this one is actually pretty beautiful."
"I like when they swim against the actual current, it's like they're on a treadmill, it's like some kind of exerciser, watch this, like this guy might swim right into the corner, yeah, they just keep swimming, they're really good."
"I think we need to remember that fish are like dogs and cats; they all have different personalities."
"It's better for the environment, great for the fish."
"My shrimps absolutely love to hang around and graze on this algae."
"Keeping them in a show has certainly reignited my passion for them."
"Happy, healthy fish that feel like they have safety and security tend to swim in the water more often."
"I set up an ecosystem and the fish are so happy, they decided to make babies about it."
"That's a very good sign of happy, healthy fish."
"They're little water puppies, aren't they?"
"The first rule of fish club is if it fits in its mouth, it can be food."
"They look like a cheetah underwater; it is super cool."
"Checkerboard cichlids are amazing fish."
"They're a niche fish, they have adapted specifically for living right up on top of the water."
"I love monster fish, but these little baby fish, man, there's something about baby fish that looks amazing."
"We will also introduce some new megastructures, like a Hydroshell, which allows truly huge aquatic environments; dwarfing planets but avoiding crushing water pressures."
"Look how beautiful this iridescent shark is. Oh my gosh, look how beautiful that is. This is insane, that is a monster, bro."
"Tiger fish are by far the number one predator fish in the world."
"Hello and welcome to Girl Talks Fish, I'm your host Irene."
"Inspired by the classic Bohemian wonder of the same name, this pool area is home to alluring waterfalls, 8 to 15 foot rock walls that you can jump from, Stone Gardens, a secluded Grotto with a window for viewing the aquarium, Turtle sharks, and all the Aquatic Life."
"I love just staring and watching and just seeing him like swim around."
"This pleco has an interesting history that is different from a lot of the other cirrhosis and sisterís cirrhosis plecos."
"They like water that is slightly acidic to neutral, so pH between six and seven point five is just fine."
"Axolotls are another super adorable oddball creature, not a fish, this is an amphibious end that stays entirely aquatic for its entire life."
"Look how gorgeous that fish is. Wow, is that a pretty one!"
"What's on the bottom of your body of water matters."
"The Tarpin might be a better fighter, the Bone Fish a faster swimmer, but for all things combined, there is no better opponent for the consummate angler than the Atlantic salmon."
"The fish come first, so the conservation part of it is so important."
"Coming up to you, saying what's up, really, really active, swimming around, living their best life."
"The giant freshwater stingray is the largest freshwater fish and stingray worldwide."
"Thermal pollution can cause thermal shock, leading to fish die-offs or die-offs in any aquatic organisms that require oxygen."
"Bullheads are rare and this one looks glorious."
"Two female betta fish can actually coexist together in the same tank."
"Turtles are aquatic; tortoises aren't."
"Otters are beautifully adapted to life in the water."
"Everything in the water is moving quicker, the fish are cold-blooded so their metabolism is really heightened."
"It's cool seeing a scenario where you have all of those fish coexisting."
"Beautiful fish, I think it would be so cool to have a tank in exhibit with like a whole school like 30 of them just swimming back and forth."
"These guys are really cool, they get huge but it takes a long time."
"This type of behavior may have been the first step towards the further semi-aquatic adaptations seen in the first of the true cetaceans."
"The black water reduces the amount of light that can reach the bottom of the water they live in, which is why their colors are so bright and vibrant."
"Life began in the water and for some special forces, it remains the ultimate evolutionary proving ground."
"Lake Malawi is the lake that has the most species of fish in Africa."
"You're absolutely gonna love this channel; we talk about everything aquatics."
"Kokanee really are cold water specialists."
"You can see all the fishies are doing well and they are very, very happy."
"The role that a number of minor trace elements play in aquatic ecosystems is critical."
"Look at the colors, look at the eyes, really cool fish."
"The brand new saltwater pond is practically completed, from the decoration to the rock structure to our first three fish inside the pond."
"The proof is in the pudding and how my fish look and how my corals look."
"Hastatus are cool because they're a dwarf Cory that swims midwater."
"This should be a nice breeding paradise for them."
"I've grown to love this cichlid pond a lot."
"They really are a fish that you can do so many things with and are willing to cooperate in so many different conditions."
"The fish are insane. I absolutely love rainbow fish now."
"Every single fish keeper gets in this hobby the same way: they see a fish and think, 'Wow, that is something that I would love to see every single day.'"
"They're actually a very social fish and as the name suggests, Angel, they're really nice fish too."
"I can't believe they can breathe underwater."
"Now tell me that ain't a cool looking fish."
"Spillways are enclosed environments with heavy currents, so you know that there's going to be plenty of oxygen and plenty of food for the fish to feed."
"Mermaids look like humans unless they spend lots of time in the water."
"The Lake Okeechobee runoffs do not affect them up here, so they still have seagrass beds, they have everything that's supposed to hold bait which in turn holds fish."
"They have truly made boating their chosen lifestyle on so many fronts."
"A hippo can't swim even though it lives in the water, and they can hold their breath for about five minutes."
"It has one of the most diverse cichlid species in the world."
"Being in the water is comfortable for them; it also means that they don't get exposed to the hot, hot sun on their sensitive skin."
"A group of fish is actually called a school of fish. That's so silly!"
"Penguins swim better than any other bird around. In fact, we swim as well as most fish."
"Look how cool this thing is, I mean, so like majestic looking."
"Being a conscious breather is actually advantageous for an animal that breathes air but still lives in the water."
"If I could navigate around in the water and actually see all types of different fish... that would be amazing."
"It's like a dolphin swimming through the water."