
Hopeful Outlook Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"We're hopefully heading toward a final stretch, the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Damn, does this look like it has a lot of promise."
"Only by addressing those root causes can we break the cycle of desperation and provide hope for families who clearly would prefer to stay in their countries and provide a better future for their children."
"The number of daily deaths is slowly decreasing, maybe leveling off."
"I just hope we can continue doing this for the next 10 years."
"It's absolutely incredible, the new home. Hopefully we'll see some good times."
"It is our hope that what we have seen begin in the Greater New York area will become a trend."
"There's still a path ahead, but it's because of the fact that this tree is gonna be prosperous for the rest of our lives."
"It feels like a season that is full of miracles to be honest. It really does."
"We really live in a different world, is it the better it's hopefully it's a much better world."
"When you start feeling this pressure... it's also bringing a golden answer... they will be resolved, okay? Very important."
"It's not over by any stretch of the imagination. This has to just be the start."
"Signs of hope in the United States... let's hope that bears up."
"I'm feeling a bit more hopeful that things won't be too crazy moving forward."
"You really are starting to see glimmers of hope and maybe even characterize it a little more optimistically than that."
"Without joy and laughter to balance out the sorrow, the world can never hope to have a bright future."
"It'll be a great situation for us and hopefully the Rams will too to get better."
"Be open to this, you won't have to struggle much longer."
"You can be in a bad place but know at the end of the day I'm gonna get through this and it's gonna be better."
"The middle class is financially ruined as long as they're living paycheck to paycheck... thankfully it doesn't always have to be that way."
"The light will win, we just have to walk through it."
"It was the promise of tomorrow, it was the optimism toward the future, and it was the idea of progress."
"We got 14 wins in the bag, we got 20 games left in our weekend league run and you're saying there's a chance that he'll eat that's what I'm saying booyah nation."
"It is that willingness to really embrace change in the interests of people and the planet that is our hope of navigating this."
"They fear the lack of communication and distance, but hope for a prosperous future."
"We're starting to see new signs of hope in our economy."
"A new Liverpool team and hopefully success will come from that."
"The genre isn't dead, there is a light slowly shining through the darkness."
"The worst is behind you, look up to the light - a bright future awaits."
"This too shall pass, right? We all want to find summer safe."
"Tonight we took a baby step forward in the right direction."
"I'm so much more comfortable with something's gonna come out that makes some sense."
"I feel a lot of hope for the future now. We can do it together."
"The king is coming again and it could even be today. Amen."
"All that pain, all that rain, is gonna turn into a rainbow. It's gonna give you emotional satisfaction and fulfillment."
"Even though it may take some time, even though it may be difficult, through our collective efforts, we will create a new world."
"There's a light at the end of the tunnel, turning dark times into divine timing."
"No problem lasts forever. Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."
"You're looking into the future with optimism, faith, and hope restored."
"It's gonna be a good year I'm gonna keep saying it until I believe it."
"We can win this fight and transform this country together."
"I believe that many more people are going to be free as well."
"I confronted a lot in 2021, I did the work and now I'm moving into this New Year anything is possible because I am willing to change."
"We don't want to go back into the Freak Cove in nineteen world, we want to go back into a better world."
"Trudeau split up a lot of families with those mandates and it's a dark time but there is light at the end of the tunnel though as we head into the next election."
"We don't know what's happening on our behalf on the other side, but what we do know is it's being worked out."
"We're seeing the glimmers of progress. The experts will tell me not to jump to any conclusions, but like your president, I'm an optimistic person. There is light at the end of the tunnel."
"I honestly just think that we can all help each other move forward and have a really good year ahead."
"Miracles and blessings... it's just gonna be so fulfilling."
"Seeing people not go off the rails and seeing the conversation itself not get derailed is possibly the most hopeful thing I've heard in a while."
"I actually think there's hope. It's very difficult though, and it's very difficult for people to get beyond the barrier to entry in journalism."
"Maybe there is a safe and peaceful way that we could be introduced finally to the truth."
"Happy New Year! 2022 is definitely going to be a different year, it's going to be different than 2021."
"If we take this opportunity collectively, we can create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world."
"Early positive reception from the audience gave the staff hope for the future of the show."
"This new start is coming and it's coming strong and bright."
"I hope Nigeria will find I think it's a great use for his talent."
"I am really hopeful that they could start to normalize financial privacy to a mainstream audience with this move."
"Look up and lift up your head; your redemption is drawing near."
"I've been in this real challenging space. I hope that I don't encounter too many more obstacles after this."
"I think we're headed towards a light at the end of the tunnel."
"I'm hopeful that there's a happy ending for the toys somewhere out there."
"Even in a cruel world, there are still good people who share our sentiments."
"I really hope this movie isn't done for because the simple idea of this movie works so well."
"Your miracle may be right around the corner."
"Hopefully it helped the industry move in a very positive direction."
"I've got a really good feeling about this one."
"But Pat said could still prove to be better Beyond and well past that after all these years."
"With big endings come big new beginnings that can be more beautiful than they were before."
"A victory, the truth, and some sort of victory coming in for you."
"Making some changes okay, you've got the king of Wands and you've got the star."
"We're not quite there yet, and perhaps there's still a chance."
"Have faith that your Miracle is on its way, your prayers have been answered."
"I think we're literally on the cusp of something fantastic for this series."
"So that is a very hopeful statement by Joseph Staton at the end of that and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting emotional."
"Buying from a company that isn't interested in changing you."
"I believe this year is going to be the best year for us."
"Soon enough, everybody will be loved and treated the same. Okay then, I'll wait."
"Maybe there will be a renaissance. People will start taking time to think and develop."
"It might have seemed like a scam at first, and it still might. I know it still might seem like a scam right now, but just wait on it, okay? Just wait on it just a little longer."
"Solar Punk is about hope in a world that seeks to deny it."
"There's something hopeful in that, isn't there?"
"He's gonna do something brilliant any moment now."
"Humanity is full of hope, our salvation lies within each one of us."
"Hopefully nobody loses their head over anything, you know, hopefully we have nice peaceful transitions of power and everything is amicable."
"Maybe there will be some happiness coming in when you're seeing some progress."
"Perhaps Anthem will be far better than it is today."
"Leading with science is the only way to deliver breakthroughs, to deliver hope, and to bring our nation back to full strength."
"This blessing is meant for you. It's coming without a doubt."
"This economic reopening... There's a lot of hope out there."
"I'm sorry for playing like complete booty butt cheeks today, but you know, tomorrow we're gonna do earlier, Monday we're gonna do that."
"It would be nice to see some justice in the world, and it's looking closer."
"I hope that this is the start of a turnaround for Anthem."
"If somebody, if God takes someone away from your life, just trust Him, believe Him, have faith that someone better is gonna come along and you know, better things are gonna come along."
"Gratitude stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, empowering us to face challenges with courage and to remain hopeful even when things don't go as planned."
"It could be good, and I think it will be good. Trust me."
"I have a lot of optimism for the youth vote."
"Does that hold the door open for Half-Life 3? I mean, probably not. But you know where there's hope, there's possibilities."
"Welcome 2024 with open arms and I hope you have an amazing year."
"We as a people will get to the promised land."
"We can at the very least hope things do in fact get better for her."
"Reconciliation is on the horizon. I told you they're not letting you go. Okay, they can't, they don't want to."
"A golden age is on its way and I really do feel this dawn is here."
"Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen to you at any moment."
"Hope is untamed optimism, expectation, and anticipation that God will do what He said."
"In the middle of chaos, there's a sense that God is up to something."
"I think there's hope that we can get along. I think there's hope that they can improve and there's hope that I can improve. We're always wrong; we need to be less wrong."
"Hopefully, we will not get there, and I don't believe we will."
"There's a lot of hope for the switch version."
"Hope is about what you can achieve in your life... I want us to, as a society, recognize we've got to invest in all our people." - Jeremy Corbyn
"He loved his family so much that he gave up his personal life."
"Let's just hope that the game gets better so we can focus on that a little bit more."
"We've said goodbye before, so I guess it stands to reason that we'll say hello again."
"I truly believe Star Citizen has the potential to be an industry-defining game."
"Hopefully this stuff is done peacefully and patriotically."
"He flourishes, his suicidal thoughts go away, his life feels worth living. He's more hopeful, more creative, and has a lot more energy and more mental clarity."
"The beginning of it starts dark but when you hear crossing a line that's apart that's the point in the record halfway through where it really goes from looking backwards at the things that were that happened to the future and hope."
"There's a lot more hope coming in here for you guys."
"Victory over Russia's invading forces appears to be more than a possibility."
"We were just like a really, really good team... there is no reason for us not to make it again." - Rekkles
"This should be within manageable levels... essentially be the end of the pandemic."
"You're not giving up, willing to put in the work, patience, and hope."
"God is getting ready to do the impossible for you."
"I speak and I prophesy that every dream of our world of tomorrow is going to come to pass."
"I just have this feeling that it's not over yet."
"Our one advantage is that we might learn from their experience."
"2021's gonna need to be a good year because we all know how much 2020 sucked."
"Let's hope they deliver results in the coming months."
"Our odds aren't good but man it would be nice to sneak in somehow with this team."
"Changes are coming into your life because there's something better meant for you."
"Suddenly, your bleeding is going to stop, suddenly your drama is going to end."
"This is definitely a month of dreams for you."
"You've given us a lot of Reason for Hope um thanks so much for joining us today and for your insights."
"Jupiter is all about expansion, beliefs, and hope."
"Trust that miracles are happening behind the scenes."
"The Sagittarius is obsessed, holding on to this, hoping for the best."
"That tells you a lot about a person like that you know that's huge and I hope his head on his shoulders stay that stays like that."
"There's absolutely a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's bigger than just a light, it's a whole sunshine coming out."
"Good energy brings good energy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's very cliche but there's always light at the end of the tunnel."
"You're going to be finding the light at the end of the tunnel very soon."
"I cannot wait to hear the news, hopefully it's like 2018 instead of like 2021." - Sinead
"2020 may have been tough for you, but 2021 brings better things."
"Things are better, a lot better than they were and I hope that they continue to get better."
"I feel like this is a sign, I feel like you will get it with the sun."
"Cycles are breaking and seasons are starting."
"Keep looking up because our Redemption is Drawing Near."
"Perhaps the most hopeful... the battle pass methods we're going to be discussing now are things that could happen based off prior context."
"We are coming out of this, there shall be glory after this."
"Cheers to 2021 being way better than 2020! Here's to fireworks and good luck!"
"While the story isn't over, a happy ending is insight."
"Take it as a blessing in disguise because I promise you something much better is coming."
"I hope that the culture as a whole can learn from this and make a positive change."
"It's going to take some time and some voting but it will happen. You're starting to see it, everything is going in that direction and it's up to us to carry it."
"Things looking very good for Destiny right now for the first time in like 6 months or maybe even technically a year."
"I really hope that everyone will be resonating with someone something like this one day... things are just aligning so beautifully."
"Awesome, we're starting to see the light of hope."
"So far, so good on this cruise. Knock on wood."
"Here's to 2024 being a great and amazing year for us all."
"Friday was legendary and landmark and momentous and huge and awesome and step in the right direction it's a long way to go but yeah put the pressure on the states and then people can choose what state they want to live in."
"The sun is coming up for you, Aries, it's just right around the corner."
"We'll see if we can get this thing back together... maybe go for a little spin here in just a minute."
"Keep hope within this market because not all is lost."
"Hopefully this is all leaning the right direction."
"I didn't come here today to actually walk out of here and have us be where we started. I'm walking out of here today hopeful."
"They can see the light at the end of the tunnel, completing one cycle and moving on to another."
"Maybe someday we'll see, you never know what life will throw at you, maybe you wanted a... I'll have my Oprah moment."
"Vikings fans, you should have hope and you should be excited."
"Things won't always be this way. God has the ability and desire to restore broken places."
"The universe is saying it's good, it's gonna happen in time, there's gonna be some balance being restored here."
"You think things will be better in like a year or two? God, I hope so."
"So a thing that is impossible except it's not."
"This year will end for you on the note of celebration."
"Get excited for things to get better, for the storm to finally break, for you to understand a lot of things about yourself, to understand this other person, have some cathartic sense of healing and sense of closure."
"Relief shall come swiftly. Soon you will see things differently."
"Prepare, the best is yet to come, ace of cups."
"Embrace the new path ahead, a fresh hope, a fresh sort of look at the new year as you shift that energy."
"I get so excited for what the future could be, it's so I don't know, I love that, I love dreaming and I love thinking about like what the world could look like in the future."
"I credit you and your sobriety um but I just don't know if Mr Lane can get back on his feet within a reasonable time."
"We are going into 2024 with a clean kitchen, a full heart, and full bellies."
"Things aren't falling apart, they're falling into place."
"This is a wonderful symbol to have things go in a positive direction."
"If they pull through and implement some kind of new system, they will come out stronger."
"It's gonna be hard and it's gonna be close but we have to know that we absolutely can win."
"When one door closes, another grand door will soon swing open."
"Marduk Motorsport is on the rise, let's hope I can continue to ride that wave."
"Apokaradokia kind of faith that can look forward to the future without anxiety, without that crippling fear."
"Maybe we won't die, maybe we're going to be absolutely fine."
"That's hope, that's optimism, that's future, that's the victory."
"Nothing lasts forever; joy is coming after the sadness."
"I hope that this is a sign of things to come."
"Nothing on this planet is worth going away for. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. There is always a way out."
"I did have faith that we would do something big."
"Our hope is for a discharge tomorrow to the White House."
"I could see us legitimately making a for real run at a national championship in a year or two like if you hook me up to a lie detector mike I believe that isn't it isn't that the weird part of it though like this is the time he leaves."
"It looks like the vaccines may be liberating us from COVID-19."
"Regardless of who the next president is, I do have hope that the American people will keep standing up for what's right."
"Good luck with this connection, I really feel there is a positive step in the right direction for you my beautiful Libra after all this time."
"They definitely want a fresh start, a new beginning, a leap of faith."
"All the signs point towards 2023 being a bit of a phoenix year breathing fresh life into Doctor Who."
"Miracles are working behind the scenes here, the stars are aligning."