
Religious Metaphor Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"The black man is God, and it's always the white man remains devilish."
"Nothing's impossible...watch and see God part the Red Sea for President Trump."
"These metaphors are used of the place where God has come to be with man on earth."
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not love I'm a noisy gong or a clanging symbol."
"Revival is a bringing back to life of God's people."
"Violent men take the Kingdom of God by force."
"How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come."
"We need a Jesus come to Jesus moment on this thing."
"Cleanliness is Next to Godliness. It's true. It is. And evil is characterized by their opposites."
"We're all feminized in a sense as the bride of Christ."
"Your sin, compared to God's mercy, is like a drop of water flicked into a raging furnace."
"It's going to be sudden like a thief in the night."
"If he floods this place, I'm gonna kick him. Beware the wrath of God."
"Essentially, God did take a selfie, and his name was Jesus."
"But remember, it is not your job to feed the five thousand, it's only your job to provide the loaves and fish."
"This is the Checkmate that God's about to strike evil with."
"Jesus has a cleaning service. He can clean you up from your sins."
"God is a mighty wind and he's a fire from the loins!"
"You have the best of parents: Jesus Christ as the father figure, and the Church as the symbol of our mother in this spiritual rebirth."
"The devil ain't gonna call you and make a reservation!"
"The Quran is like an ocean, and all we do is get a little wet."
"As we lead up into this end time Harvest, it is becoming a lot easier for us to identify who are the wheat, the righteous."
"The false Christ is the serpent on the pole."
"The rise of sheep nations, nations that are not gonna allow themselves to bend the knee to the dragon or to the Beast."
"Jesus died for our sins, but Twitter died for our Salvation."
"The bride of Christ is important because it shows you the relationship that we have."
"The harvest is plentiful. Jesus said, 'But the laborers are few.' It's not that the people aren't responding, it's that the laborers aren't going to get the harvest."
"For the people here Sanctuary Hills is not a place it's a religion they all believe in it but they have different interpretations about how to do right by their belief."
"Just like a seed has life-giving reality inside of it, there is life in God's word."
"God is the boat, it saves you for the resurrection."
"Lucifer convinced many angels to lie, wake up."
"It was basically a religious experience for me."
"I'm tempted in every way to sin every day. Jesus took the wheel, but the devil's the GPS."
"Paul Verhoeven saw Robocop as like the ultimate American Jesus figure."
"These three here are kind of like the holy trinity, like god itself."
"We will strangle this rebellion, we will show them the holy light."
"There's a prodigal that's a religious prodigal, staying in the vicinity of the father, hanging out in the father's field, but disconnected from the father."
"The Bible is like a light that shines in a dark place."
"Can we actually be a place where the charge stops, like where it hits a wall called the gospel and it dissipates?"
"That is mustard seed faith... it seems tiny and then it grows." - Harris Faulkner
"There's a mysterious ingredient in the blood of Jesus Christ that removes the stains of sin."
"You don't clean the fish before you catch it. Likewise with the sinner, I'm not trying to tell you to conform overnight. Just come to the boat of Jesus Christ and He'll change you."
"Your relationship with God, viewers and you that are here, is it on the rock or is it shaky on the sand? Which is it? Because if it's on the sand, then the slightest thing that comes gonna cause your foundation to shift."
"When you're a false prophet, you're the sands man. That's right."
"That's not bad. I'm asking for forgiveness. This is a form of church."
"We will be the Israelites lost in the desert asking to go back and be ruled by the Pharaoh."
"When the role is called up yonder, I don't mind you calling the role down here."
"Beware, for the ground will be fertile for the seeds of deception planted by the false prophet to flourish and grow into a monstrous tree."
"We believe we are all equal at the foot of the cross... likewise we are all equal under the law."
"If sin is missing the Mark, it's an archery term."
"For then we would truly know the mind of god."
"I am the true vine and my father is the husbandman."
"The resurrection is like the receipt in your inner store."
"Watch out because your adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"Without God, it's like a broken pencil. It is pointless."
"He is the Lord of the vineyard, and we are His servants."
"He's coming back for a bride without spot or blemish."
"The real virus is Satan and his ministers. Wake up, wake up!"
"Satan doesn't want casualties. He wants converts."
"Christianity is not a cruise ship, it is a battleship."
"I'm doing God's work. I am the virus tonight."
"It takes a man of God to put the people or the wood in order."
"Then Jesus would throw a stone; that dude sinned right in the eyes of the internet, at least."
"All prayer is God's intercontinental ballistic missile."
"If you recognize and you are willing to admit that you're stained... god sent a sanitizer and his name is Jesus."
"God is the pilot. And before I call myself the co-pilot, I had to check in the back and look at the cargo because I'm more like the cargo."
"Let's take me to church and get this staff built."
"John rising from the dead to become some sort of messiah is exactly that—he is a truly righteous and truly just man who will lead a bloody crusade against the others, and it's an absolute catastrophe."
"Our terror is breaking all the records in heaven. Help us."
"This food is Jesus Christ... it's more precious than all those things... because it is the Creator of the universe."
"AI is already calling itself god, acting like god, pitching itself to be mankind's new savior."
"These other rappers they cannot even see it all holy Trilogy of rhyme busted for the three of y'all three of them versus the Holy Ghost Jesus and the Lord Our Savior AKA Harry Mack Marcus veltry and Robbie Ralph."
"For he spoke and raised up a stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea."
"Guru Nanak Dev Ji is that 'Hakk Hakk Aiena' because they reflect the light of Akaal Purakh."
"The anchor holds in the time of the storm." - Unknown
"His thoughts for us outnumber the sound of the seashore."
"She's real gee, Joe, she's Jesus, she is Jesus."
"Buy the field that has the treasure, buy the pearl of great price."
"Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities by triumphing over them on the cross. He defeated Satan, destroyed death, and delivered us from fear and slavery."
"You can destroy it, but if you do, you should know I will raise it again in three days."
"Everything isn't for everybody, just like Jesus spoke in parables."
"Sacred scripture likens our struggle and life to finishing the race and that we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling."
"I would build my church with those ingredients. I would bake your cake and the devil will hate it and it'll be poison for him but it'll be glory to God."
"The Bible is greater than other books as the rocky mountains are greater than a grain of sand in the parking lot of this church."
"Don't stop, you are that little lion cub, and the Lion of Judah is watching you."
"This journey of turning my back on perhaps like the great divorce with C.S. Lewis I'm turning my back on sin and I'm heading towards God, but this is not gonna be an easy journey."
"False prophets come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
"Just the faith of a mustard seed, a little seed that you can hardly see, if it's centered in Christ, it's enough."
"God's not counting heads, God's watching the clock."
"This is a great mystery but it's an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one."
"The treason illustration: Jesus first, we see he's hungry and he wants the fruit of the fig tree."
"The believer is a walking, living, breathing, moving worship machine."
"Thank you, devil, because the thorn in my flesh made me speak with God."
"If the church has to break through everything will change. No church has a breakthrough, you have an upper room, then we've got to scatter and go into those institutions because that's where the reformation happens."
"It is us who brings life-giving life. We bring salt, we bring light, we bring Jesus."
"Death wears thy sting; we have the promise of life."
"The simplicity of the gospel: As a chaste virgin, you're to be presented to the bridegroom."
"If you can't feel the presence of God until you see the pastor enter, you don't have any more Holy Ghost than you can jump double-dutch with an elephant's trunk."
"Elon Musk wants to put a man on Mars by 2025 but I think we could do it in a little under two hours if of course you can you know let the CG part slide hello."
"This was God's way of giving us a taste of heaven."
"Christianity is not a starvation diet. It's an invitation to a banquet, an infinite wedding feast."
"Our society is marched boldly and defiantly through the doorway of Satan."
"Every branch that bears not fruit, he takes away."
"There are only two cities that exist in the earth today: Zion and Babylon."
"Beware the mocking sneers and scoffs of those in the great and spacious building."
"The great delusion revolves around Satan being like an angel of light... just because something looks righteous doesn't mean it's righteous at all."
"Jesus paid a price so that you and I could feed straight from him, that we can eat living bread every day."
"You have to eat the reality of what he paid a price to give you to eat."
"Let the words of God, like precious fertile seed, go forth and find fertile soil."
"Christ is fire and the demons are rats on a ship."
"I am the vine. I am the one that covers you."
"Every member of the church is supposed to be a pillar, uniting Heaven and Earth together."
"He compared our Lady to a morning, bringing forth the clear Sun of Christ Jesus."
"If you take the written word of God, shred it until it was dust, blend it with water and oil, and cook it until it dinged, Jesus would walk out."
"Our salvation in Christ Jesus is a one-hit wonder."
"You gotta be stronger than the Holy Ghost."
"Are you going to allow Jesus to be the seamstress that tailors your Redemption?"
"We, the church, are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, a city set on a hill."
"You can't be drinking from the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons."
"You can't be partaking of the table of Jehovah and the table of demons."
"If you're arrested on the rock of ages' you are saved."
"You can't go in love my head and hate my body; body and head are together."
"The church is the body of Christ, the fullness of him who fills all in all."
"The faithfulness of God is all that you can eat it is your daily bread it is your water he is that faithful stream he is that Manna."
"I'm still waiting outside and knocking, even though you threw me out of my own house."
"The wider gate, the wider way, and plenty of people walk through it. But the narrow gate is a very narrow path, very few people find it."
"Yoke up with Jesus, and it becomes easy and light."
"God has called all of us to be fishers of men."
"...our own journey... our ascent up the ladder of divine ascent..."
"Drink of my cup and you'll never be thirsty again."
"Oh my God, you're alive! This is the second coming of Christ."
"God's people are sheep, God is a shepherd, and those who lead their people are shepherds as well."
"What is the value of a sheep? You ask, who's their Shepherd? Because God has seen fit to have you shepherded by the Good Shepherd."
"He and she that hath the bridegroom is the bride."
"Wherever God builds his church, the devil builds a chapel next door, and the chapel is always bigger."
"The kingdom is invading earth, that heaven has come crashing into Earth."
"Jesus as the physician has come to bring spiritual health."
"Jesus as the bridegroom has come to bring spiritual joy."
"A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient."
"The book represents the ever expressed everlasting ever embracing warm mercy of God."
"This is what it should feel like on the inside, because God is not in a building made by brick and stone anymore; He's in the hearts of those who love Him."
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed."
"They were like sheep that were in need of a shepherd."
"If you wish to drink from the well of living water rather than a broken cistern that can hold no water, look at the original Hebrew."
"Football is a religion at Michigan and here at Ohio State, and today's Saturday is the holy day of obligation."
"The Word of God is like a sword, and it cuts deep."
"In this Kingdom, I don't have to finish the race first, all I have to do is finish."
"If ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious... ye also as living stones are built up a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood."
"I am the vine, and ye are the branches."
"Mountains serve as stable and unchanging symbols reminding us that God remains constant through all time."
"If you've got Jesus, I may not have everything that somebody else has, but boy if I've got Jesus, I'm living in acres of diamonds."
"Israel is the wife of God, and the church is the bride of Christ."
"But the hands of God is the church."
"When a person stands firm for the sake of Allah, you see that person is like a mountain."
"The Torah is said to be a living tree to those who hold on to it."
"Living in God's kingdom would reduce the traffic."
"I wouldn't like to be a lost sheep; I'd rather be a saved lamb."
"You will begin to peel off your armor and expose yourself to God."
"It's like God, don't send me to hell for what I do to your disciples."
"Baby talk is over; it's time to eat meat now."
"I am the door of the sheepfold; I am the bread of life; I am the water of life; I am the good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep; I am the resurrection and the life."
"The church is a hospital for sinners, not a social organization for saints."
"He's going to lead us out of the conflicts of the carnal mind and he's going to lead us to that place of promised, the right hemisphere across the Red Sea of the emotions."
"The sanctification happens here on earth, the chipping away of the stones, and then we're brought and placed into the heavenly temple."
"Men of God are like gloves. God is the hand."