
Engaging Content Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Once again Brad Bird makes a movie that is just jampacked with energy, creativity, world building and just creating an atmosphere that's fun to be in."
"His superpower ... is to be able to talk about all of these things without making you either go to sleep or want to jump into a volcano."
"A very engaging spec... satisfying and challenging."
"There's something about this show where it doesn't take much to really hook you into the world."
"Begin in medias res: grab your reader from word one."
"The Heroic Legend of Arslan will hook you if you enjoy Game of Thrones."
"You don't want to miss this video. You want to watch it to the very end. Stay tuned."
"Wonderland... It might have the most personality of any of the ones we're gonna talk about here today."
"I hope you guys enjoyed today's Foundation Friday."
"This is how you put politics into a game and make it interesting."
"You suck 'em in with the flash, and then you teach 'em how to make cash."
"Even if you're somebody who's not used to settling into a book, you can't help but settle into this one."
"Each game is packed with dozens of unique and compelling creatures."
"Brilliant makes complex topics like probability and statistics surprisingly easy and fun to learn."
"The animation styles immediately grab your attention."
"There is so much entertaining personality on display here."
"I'm telling you, you want to jump on because this show is so, so good."
"Read things you're interested in! Social media posts, comics, blog articles, magazines, recipes, even product labels, you name it!"
"Stop right there before you click away! I know this video is over but it doesn't have to be if you guys join the strawberry Channel membership."
"The fight scenes were just so much more engaging and visually exciting."
"If you can entertain me while teaching me, there's a 100% chance that I will actually learn."
"Every snippet of action promises more action."
"From the first sentence to the last sentence, I am hooked the entire time."
"Flawless characters who don't make bad decisions are boring."
"This is a prophetic word, a prophetic insight in teaching. This is going to be fascinating for many of you. I believe you're going to find this incredibly fascinating."
"Phil Gursky was an excellent guest, former intelligence expert."
"It's super exciting because that sense of discovery, I feel like they just nail it from top to bottom."
"And yet it's not dumb it's not lame it's engaging."
"Disco Elysium, the final cut. It's just super good, super incredibly good."
"Nice Try, Jane Sinner is seriously so so good."
"It's almost mesmerizing to watch as both the visuals and the music are really catchy."
"Welcome to Team WTF1! Let's get into some three-word race reviews, shall we?"
"Fantasy Star IV requires no real knowledge of the Fantasy Star universe to play and contains the perfect combination of engaging story combat and artwork."
"You can make any boring topic fun if you find a way to make it fun."
"I knew a movie was good when my dad didn't fall asleep in it."
"Thank you Google, um, oh yes, the guyliner, let's do this!"
"We have something really cool it's gonna be spicy."
"Mescalero is just endlessly entertaining, there's so many cool things going on."
"The diversity and depth of the errands make it hard to set the controller down."
"I love everything from the colorful cast of squadmates and side characters to the breathtaking visuals to the enthralling story and surrounding lore."
"Venom... a bizarre totally uneven film... still strangely endearing... ton of fun to watch."
"If you're a sucker for interesting random stuff to talk about with your pals around the water cooler then this is a video for you."
"Schoolhouse Rock simplified complex topics into easy-to-understand shorts that you can dance to."
"Once we established the more personal stakes and the connection between the two, it does become a lot more engaging."
"It's all about having fun. Let's take a look at some fun stuff." - Rick Baker
"Sit back and relax and make sure to watch this video all the way through because you don't want to miss out on the perfect camera for you."
"Hold on to your britches 'cause this video is definitely for you!"
"This was a thrilling story, probably one of the finest streams in a while."
"Here you can describe some of the fun facts about you or about your team."
"One of the best prologues I've ever seen in any video game."
"Every single thing that goes down is just like immensely interesting and unique and awesome and different and fun."
"It tells about dream situations, things that would never really happen in World of Warcraft, which was just awesome."
"T-Pain Twitch is actually so entertaining, strongly recommend."
"Luigi's Mansion 3 is inviting, charming, funny, and moves the series forward."
"Grab your tea, grab your hot chocolate, get your blanket, put your candle on, go snack, scrub all the biscuits, and let's get started!"
"Yes, people, what's popping? Welcome back to Football therapy with me, your host Yan. I hope you're doing well, mate. I really do hope that."
"It's gonna be very interesting to see... make it a little bit more fun here on the chat and on the livestream."
"Yo, I ain't gonna lie, that Misfizzle Theory tough!"
"Just have fun and be curious especially if you're doing an interview. Be genuinely curious. Let that guide what your follow-up questions are going to be and where you want to go."
"They all have one thing in common and that is that they are absolute page-turners."
"The charm and character in both of these games."
"This show is such a goddamn adventure, dude."
"Stay awesome stay positive in the meantime click on those videos right now you."
"It's so littered with incredible moments and surprises."
"Maybe we can get Ryan to make a video of mixing graphite together with dish soap."
"Challenge us to make a Superman pancake, so right now let's go!"
"When a personality can make me care about something that I would normally not care about, but then it becomes genuinely interesting, that's next level."
"If you liked today's video please give us a squike a squirrel, I've been a squat mint so we can talk all about your favorite Lego Super Mario thing part piece place, let's hear it! Thanks for watching, that's what I have to say about that."
"When I read a manga I can't put them down... It's so boring... when I read a manga I can't put them down."
"They focus on what's really important, they focus on making the characters interesting and making the dilemmas interesting, the scenarios, and the action sequences are very interesting."
"Sanderson knows how to make it fun for his audience."
"His video style and editing is seriously impressive and encapsulates his personality and gravitating cheekiness in them."
"Let's get into it, oh my!" - Captivating enthusiasm.
"I actually had a lot of fun with it. It's been a long time since we did any kind of hauling stream so this has been a lot of fun."
"Make sure you're subscribing but so without any further Ado how is everyone everyone well everyone good everyone enjoying the transfer window so far? It's fun it's fun."
"I felt like it was just like a really good job of just captivating from the jump."
"The story here was an emotional roller coaster for me it was funny it was sad it was happy it was joyful it was silly it was just everything in between."
"The sheer style and vibe of everything you interact with is such a large part of what makes this massive game not tiresome or boring to play."
"This one is really good, it really sort of sucks you in."
"These are the types of comments we love to chat about."
"Every single page I was like I wanna know what happens next I want to know what happens next."
"Welcome back to Cosmos Anonymous! I am your favorite new mama Luigi vintage."
"It's ridiculous, it's hilarious, it's so much fun, it's also very fast-paced and has great combat and plot at its core."
"I am vengeance, I am the knight, and that was V Infuso. Just remember if you're not tuning in then you're missing out."
"There hasn't been a movie that I've spent so much time talking about after watching it that I can remember."
"Phantom of the Opera... it just has everything in it that you could want for the autumnal season."
"All of the interactions were either engaging, hilarious, charming."
"I love talking about things that I love so this is a good one."
"This is honestly the only video you're going to need, so get comfy, grab a snack, enjoy."
"That's the Love & Hip-Hop Miami reunion. Shots out to Kendall and Claudia Jordan, y'all did y'all damn thing. This was a very entertaining reunion. Be sure to like and subscribe, and I will call y'all hoes later. Bye."
"Strap yourself in, literally, because this is the video for you."
"Strap into your Gamers seats, enchant your pickaxes because we're gonna break this down block by block."
"Yeah, those were pretty hot takes honestly, those are some spicy ones."
"Do I like that necessarily no but is that how it is yes am i more likely to click on like the products I products for like full face of brands that hate me over like June favorites yeah because it's juicy and it's fun and it's exciting..."
"Replay value is something that's important to me in games like this and super metroid has it in spades."
"The authors believe that when you reference facts and information from prior conversations, that makes the text much more engaging."
"Hope you enjoyed the read, extremely powerful, my friend. Hope you got something out of it. Almost Robin lied, see you soon, Aries. Get two tickets. Bye for now."
"It's impossible not to bump your head when you listen to this."
"People are on there to connect temporarily and like if some guy is talking about an important issue like New York infrastructure but delivering it in this cool, fun, approachable package, what could go wrong?"
"Wow what what a heated show this was whoo this is what it's all about."
"Sticking with the video to see what happens cuz it's pretty riveting!"
"Make sure your content is worth watching the entire duration of the video."
"I was entertained the whole entire time."
"I remember hearing some reviews from some of the critics where they just said it was like from second one until the very end I was hooked because it's so engaging. There's so much conflict but there's so much peace and happiness in it."
"He was a fun part of the show and always felt like everything he was in was very entertaining."
"It makes you want to continue watching the anime."
"It was actually a great interview, starts a little slow but by the end you're gonna never want to turn this off."
"Once you pick it up, you can't put it down."
"This should be a very exciting video."
"I do hope you found this interesting, exciting. Thanks for watching, and we will see you back really soon."
"When you do stuff like that, you don't have to be entirely accurate, so long as you make it fun and interesting."
"It's just so much fun, it is so entertaining from sort of minute one to the last minute."
"When I go back and watch, I remember... this is making my brain say thank you because it's engaging."
"Use case studies. People are always going to be more engaged with that example."
"Make this poster postable on say Instagram, make it more engaging, add some movement instead of it just being a flat picture."
"It's always cooler and more engaging when you make it a video as opposed to just leaving it be a static photo."
"It works in every single area it's supposed to work; it's entertaining, it's hilarious."
"It's very entertaining; I would read a thousand pages like this."
"I found it extraordinarily engaging for the time that it was on."
"It's just as engaging as even the most action-heavy storylines within season one."
"Make sure to put your best highlights at first... they want to be connected."
"It's very unlikely that you're going to want to watch this only one time."
"It’s fast-paced, super long, and engaging start to finish."
"You don't need loads of evasions to make it watchable, and that was watchable."
"It's going to blow your minds, sit back, grab your snacks, and enjoy."
"You don't want to make a history lesson; you want to make something entertaining."
"Dan Hooker's interviews are always good, guaranteed entertainment on an interview."
"Shows like that can have merit and be entertaining."
"His puzzles are literally without fail entertaining and interesting."
"It's amazing television to watch."
"It was interesting and it had me coming back for more."
"It's fun, it's more mystery, more fun, more intrigue."
"I am truly captivated by these chapters."
"I never got bored in that movie; that movie moved and it kept going and it didn't stop."