
Application Design Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Every single feature in the entire application is a funnel for you to either get or buy tiles and earn real money with those tiles. That's the entire game."
"A real-world application is essentially a collection of hundreds or thousands of functions working together."
"By utilizing all of these different advanced tools and features of the web, they're able to create an application experience that is not only highly performant, but also has all of the advantages of being an application on the web."
"We're trying to build great user experiences for every person that comes to one of our applications trying to do something."
"Examples should be like one or two. Example is a very, very important way for us to improve the user experience of the radio application."
"I want to teach you how to define, design, develop, and deploy your very own applications."
"Build an application infrastructure that has social built in."
"Create these modules where people can specialize in certain sections of the application, and they can work independently without swarming down others."
"Designing applications to fail gracefully allows other resources to continue service."
"Now, so far, I know this application is not doing a whole lot. It's just like basically CRUD-based operations. I get it. I'm not that creative with sample applications."
"So now that you kind of understand the basic architecture of how we're going to approach this application and you understand what portals are, I think what we can safely do is start with our toast container or what we're calling toast portal."
"The database is a source of truth, not your app."
"If you can design the Cassandra table correctly and your app uses the table just like the tables were intended to be used, the performance is crazy good."
"Wouldn't it be great if your application could automatically react when the user changes from light theme to dark theme?"
"If you're creating a massive application, one of the things that you'll really have to think about and plan for is... if you need to update one little element on all the screens in the application."
"Your application can provision and brings everything together and using this capabilities, your application will be self-sufficient."
"That's pretty cool, we have the beginnings of our single-page application."
"YAGNI, or 'You Ain't Gonna Need It,' is something to keep in mind when you're building an application."
"Experience Builder enables you to create complex multi-page full screen or scrolling applications."
"Let the app own its own data and have the app's backing data model be the source of truth instead."
"The application is really, really well made."
"The function that you use matters."
"Here's a simple JavaScript application that just acts as a to-do list."
"Your application should breeze through the network even if the underlying network is actually not as great as you would hope it to be."
"Emphasize thinking in React, thinking about how it is that we take an application that we're going for, decompose it into pieces, and then try and put it back together."
"Understanding of how the data is flowed through the application is crucial."
"I really like this welcome application; this is pretty slick here."
"That's all it takes to create and deploy a powerful application using React and Firebase."
"Interaction-centric AI is about improving the user experience by building usable and useful applications."
"We want to create an application where the person that is reading this application does not have any questions."
"This is very useful in almost every application that you're going to create."
"It's a great piece of software and probably the most important thing to me is they have an application to match."
"I'm reducing the load that's going into my application. It's only doing the things that it needs to do."
"We are separating our applications based upon functionality."
"Hopefully, you can apply these UI concepts to build your own views in your MVVM applications."
"This animation and this graph is really going to add a nice user experience to our application."
"You get to pick and choose what you need; if you don't need something, you don't pick it, you don't bring it in your application."
"Your application should always reflect what is in the model."
"Performance will not be optimal for our applications when the code for these relatively long-running operations are handled synchronously."
"You can make your application feel more like a real application, by adding icons to your project."
"It is best to use the smallest data format that can possibly include all of the necessary application data."
"If your application sucks up the user's battery life, they'll quickly uninstall it from their device."
"Navigation is crucial for any front-end app, so hopefully you all can use this in your own applications."
"You want to create something delightful, something which makes people want to continue using your application."
"Once you can utilize everything that AWS offers, it changes how your applications work and how they're designed, which really changes the way you think about your applications."
"We design like that by using the Oracle APEX functionality because we know that we can extend the scope of our application to some other application."
"We can see a pretty solid looking app written in a single line of code."
"Redux is also a way of architecting applications that decouple UI from state and app logic."
"If you can answer with yes to all of these three questions, it means that you have that robust, stable, testable, modular, and easy to extend application that you wanted."
"Your application logic becomes more modular, more precisely defined."
"These concepts are very helpful in the world of Android or Java and it will help you in creating more advanced applications."
"The controller is really the brain of your application."
"I wanted to give you a little deeper experience with this application."
"Now comes really some of the bling that adds excitement to any game application."
"That's how we make users not just like our application but love it."
"Animations are a way to make our application more exciting, more interactive, and feel a lot more like a mobile app."
"It's interesting to think about, for example, what if you're creating an email application; you're basically listing, displaying, creating, deleting emails."
"Having the logic for each type of entity reside within that entity makes it easier to reuse across your whole application."