
Customer Trust Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"They prioritized money over the trust of their customers."
"If passengers had known what Ocean Gate knew, they never would have agreed to go."
"And we work really hard to keep our customers information safe and to provide them with transparency and control over their experiences."
"Profitability, of course, matters, but you're not going to be a profitable company if your customers don't believe you have the products they need to buy."
"Customers came by because they saw how safe we were doing everything," she added.
"At this rate, Square Enix is really, really starting to give me a bad vibe for what the future holds for this company and its future projects."
"As a well-known local retail brand, Pangong Li has always won the trust of customers with his high-quality service and good reputation."
"Quicker shipping times with print-on-demand build trust and brand loyalty."
"So if you believe in what you sell, you stand behind what you sell, yes offer the guarantee, absolutely."
"This industry trades so much on customer trust."
"You've got to trust your customers. If you don't trust your customers, then why should your customers trust you?"
"They have permanently damaged Bethesda's brand, permanently damaged the Fallout brand."
"Testimonials build trust: 'Feels super secure!' - Brandy"
"Nobody in the world is ever going to buy anything from you until they buy you first."
"But if someone believes that they're not getting screwed over when they speak to you, they're getting the honest truth, they'll pay the extra 20 to go to you."
"Customers are generally gonna trust real people over a brand telling them that this product is quality."
"It's not gonna happen under Bob Iger, like just because he says sorry, I'm real real sorry right, that's not going to get you back."
"Having a recognizable brand builds trust and provides a consistent customer experience."
"We promise to always be 100 transparent with you."
"Changing it for those that have already reserved is a really bad look for Rivian."
"Shopify gives us SSL, which is the encryption on your website. Customers are looking for that; that really matters a lot."
"How big of a deal is it that people bought something on our first launch without any reviews?"
"We want to protect our value proposition always."
"And you all have helped earn that trust with customers and that, frankly, is what's going to give us the permission to co-innovate and co co-develop the next, those truly differentiated assets for customers that matter more than anything to them."
"Beyond just the immediate monetary cost, there's a long-lasting loss in customer trust and company reputation."
"When you go against who your brand is, that's like betraying your customer."
"Customers care more about trust than they do about price."
"Customer trust in a company like Amazon, it's sort of foundational."
"It's your data, it's your customers' data. You don't want your database going down and you don't want to be losing data."
"The main point is to trust in the customers and higher the conversion rate."
"Make sure you have reviews and testimonials to really elevate what you're trying to tell customers."
"That's such an amazing degree of trust that I do not think that American restaurants would extend to their customers."
"Stand behind your product, that's what I believe doing the right thing is."
"This will help conversions and make your listing build a lot more trust with your customers."
"A 'Contact' page can build trust and help customers feel more confident about your business."
"If we don't believe in our products, why should you?"
"Once you already have a good trust relationship with a customer then it's much more easier to showcase the value you can provide."
"The trust customers put in us every day has allowed Amazon to create more jobs in the United States over the past decade than any other company."
"Our telemetry didn't include any customer content."
"This just keeps consistency with your entire store, it just makes everything look super trustworthy."
"The customer has to trust us in order for this to work."
"As a company, they should not lose the customer's trust."
"Most of my stuff is what I call trust trip wires, right? So it's getting people in with a lower cost product that delivers incredible value."
"People have so much more trust in your platform or game; it will be like tenfold."
"Customers can really count on Grand Marquis being equipped with the latest in engine performance technology."
"By solving each of these specific pain points, we'll be able to build trust with the brand."
"We don't tolerate the opening of unauthorized accounts."
"If you can start with a core foundation of what is the health of everything... then what we've actually found is that we don't have to ask our customers for data sets; they'll give it to us."
"Join me and the millions of customers around the world who use and trust Total Gym."
"The win comes with proper diagnosis."
"I appreciate everybody who trusts me and invests in my products, in my store."