
Financial Insights Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"All of you actually have got one feature at least that is just like identical twins scientifically."
"Cash flow statements reveal a rather different picture [than profit and loss accounts]."
"If you guys don't know how the music industry works, the song credits is where the real money is at."
"The leak revealed some kind of fascinating insights, showing that some of the highest-paid Twitch streamers gained almost 1.5 million dollars from Twitch every year."
"There is a very strong argument for deflation."
"You keep printing money, you need a higher price."
"Banks do that Banks don't have the money every time they make a loan they are printing money out of thin air."
"Wealth is never destroyed. It is merely transferred."
"The future for the currencies is most important... What Putin says is something we should listen to."
"That stocks can go up tenfold but they can only go down 100 percent."
"We came into this crisis without an adequate set of tools."
"Meta just came back into 150... I'm out because we could go all the way to 149."
"Popular financial advice might contain important insights that academics have been overlooking."
"The stock market has no obligation to reflect the actual state of our economy."
"Price can lie but momentum is what tells the real story."
"It's always useful to look at what these really seasoned investors think and also their macro Outlook."
"Trading without volatility is like trying to drive a sports car in bumper-to-bumper traffic" - Highlighting the necessity of market volatility for profitable trading.
"One of the final things I want to mention here before we move into our intermission and start reading some super chats is the fact that bitcoin exchange balance has hit a three-year low."
"If there is no actual wealth value behind a currency, it'll be devalued."
"You got lucky calling the top, good on you. But then why are you screaming and yelling?"
"Every single dollar that's created makes the existing dollars worth less and less."
"It is a sort of titanic shift in the way that people are thinking about approaching the markets."
"Understanding that this volatility is part of the magic that if you can step back and zoom out you understand this."
"That's just how much money YouTubers earn per thousand views. So for every thousand views, do I earn $1? Do I earn $5? Do I earn $10? It's different for different niches on YouTube."
"When big tech goes down 25%, the bottom is in."
"Ultimately asset prices have to come back down to earth."
"I'm not going to make a bubble prediction. Instead, I want to understand why guys like Michael Burry are saying the market will crash and why it actually hasn't yet."
"Chip remarking, 'They think they can squeeze a dollar out of essentially nothing.'"
"You give people extra money they'll find a way to spend it."
"When markets are bad, that's when we leak our best alpha."
"Hopefully you guys got some insight from this video... how an online Creator or YouTuber actually makes money."
"It's a giant attack on the current monetary system."
"The hard way when the market was being pumped artificially by the Fed higher."
"Interest rates always follow inflation, they don't lead it."
"That's right like that is how much gold will ever cost it will never cost more than that it just happens to be more than it currently cost."
"Historically speaking, that's when the market actually declines."
"Numbers still look good right up until the point that they don't."
"There's tons and tons of insights in on-chain metrics."
"The market doesn't care about your biases, it will do whatever it has to do." - "The market doesn't care about your biases."
"The stock market so disconnected from the reality."
"Money is a byproduct of debt... that's what currency actually is."
"Money didn't make him that way, money exposed the fact that he is that way."
"We got some major pumpers. Let's start by looking at the overall market cap."
"The top three causes of inflation are massive deficit spending, high energy costs, and supply dislocations."
"The biggest secret in venture capital is that the best investment in a successful fund equals or outperforms the entire fund." - Peter Thiel
"Just because I expect it to go down does not mean it's going to go down at all."
"He's talking about the general revenue that comes from that."
"Follow the money. That's all I want you to do is follow the money."
"...we're wrapping up our sentiment analysis of stocks from financial news project..."
"So many incredibly smart folks, hedge fund managers and the alike as well, who are also on Twitter sharing their ideas, it's just been awesome."
"Data can be a valuable asset for banks and other financial institutions as it can provide insights into customer behavior, financial performance, market trends, and other factors that can inform business decisions."