
Anime Fandom Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The return to the Kanto region fills longtime viewers with a true sense of nostalgic joy."
"Gundam Build Fighters resonated with kids and veteran fans alike."
"There's never been a better time to be a fan of shonen battle anime and manga."
"If you have not seen Dragon Ball Z or OG Dragon Ball at this point and you're an anime fan... I might gatekeep."
"The bleach anime coming back felt like something of a pipe dream for the better part of a decade."
"Devilman Crybaby was the anime many fans were waiting for."
"Every Dragon Ball fan has a list of characters they want to see more of."
"Hope you've now learned something about yourself as an anime fan because as part of the title of this video, if you haven't seen absolutely everything on this list, then obviously you're not a real anime fan."
"Frieza broke the internet when that happened."
"Being an anime fan during that era, it was hard finding legitimate sources."
"Every person who ever says something about Goku's Japanese voice has never really experienced it at all."
"Many fans have speculated about Olivier Mira Armstrong, the Ice Queen of Briggs."
"My other favorite character out of the bunch is Mirio and hopefully everyone else's boy."
"It is so nostalgic and so comforting, this show was one of my many anime obsessions when I was in high school."
"I love dragon ball... I now love one piece... and I really love fighting games."
"In anime we all have our favorite characters and there's nothing worse than when your favorite character well kicks the bucket."
"Kyoka is a great character and one of my new personal favorite characters in Hero Academia."
"Sailor Moon was my first not love that was in arguably Princess Leia rest in peace my queen but first anime everyone remembers their first."
"It's just beautiful to finally see it comes to the forefront and you get to experience it for the first time as an anime fan."
"Never bet against anime, good rule for life."
"Remember the golden rule: anime and manga, whole life. Have an awesome day!"
"The Haikyuu community is just on a grand scale, just like a stupidly large."
"It's strictly because of the passion, it makes us love the characters, and then the fact that they have Hinata's passion, and then they take note of Yachi, and then that part where Yachi helped, right?"
"Anime has connected a lot of people with me."
"Anime and manga for life, have an awesome day, peace!"
"Zoro isn't that much weaker than Luffy, in fact, most people whenever they meet the Straw Hats say that Zoro must be the captain of the crew."
"My favorite Dragon Ball villain is Frieza, because Frieza is just the most ruthless OG villain."
"From reaffirming that Digimon is best Issa guy to someone finally pronouncing 'Futomomo' the correct way, the Rant Cafe has truly been blessed with men and Whamon of culture."
"If you read this part of the chapter and you're saying you're human and you're a fan of Demon Slayer you didn't cry you didn't get emotional bruh I don't know what to say this part one god this was so good."
"All of that has led a lot of fans to wish for a Promised Neverland Brotherhood."
"This stereotype of anime fans which in some cases fits but not always not always and certainly not the majority is not everyone bro a lot of people like anime."
"Otakus and just kind of anime fans in general were left with a pretty big stain on their image and reputation and a sort of blind hatred from a sizable chunk of society."
"Thank you all for being here. It's awesome that we can look at this, all these people came here because of anime, because of My Hero Academia. The impact that you all have is just absolutely phenomenal."
"I have come today after cracking the Rosetta Stone of anime with my gigantic brain."
"Megan Thee Stallion, who has gone so far as doing an IG Live interview about her love of anime."
"Watching almost every single anime that’s airing this season was no easy task."
"Oh my god, this is the greatest anime ever."
"The sequel to Higurashi Go coming out, that's something to be excited about."
"I've always enjoyed more Slice of Life anime and manga so I do love when they have a gigantic, no not exactly a gigantic one but a large cast that's very lovable."
"This is my favorite anime character of all time."
"Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball, that's my jam right there."
"I can't even express how much I love Attack on Titan."
"I love Dragon Ball, but so does everybody else."
"You say weeb, I say well informed."
"The anime is a ton of fun; I love it."
"I used to watch Toonami back in the day... My favorite show at that point in time was Yu Yu Hakusho."
"Dragon Ball Z is one of my favorites."
"You're just such good friends, it's good, right? One Piece is for real."
"I'm actually a huge fan of the Seven Deadly Sins."
"I love Neon Genesis Evangelion and I highly recommend if you are a sci-fi or post-apocalyptic fan."
"I'm a big fanboy of Boku no Hero Academia and JoJo, and if those series were not airing at this time, I would probably say right now this so far has the strongest start of spring of anime 2016."