
Unique Events Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The numbers that we're getting from China about new infections and deaths are highly suspicious."
"This is the most surreal thing that I've ever been a part of, and I've done some surreal [ __ ]."
"This is a unique wind event. I don't think that we've seen something like this in a while."
"2024 is going to be a year unlike any other."
"It's going to be big and I don't think we've ever seen a card like this before."
"There is zero planning... somewhat unique... perfect storm."
"We going to have wood chipper parties, bro, we going to bring it back to where we got some uh, you know, some of that old school Gladiator fights pay-per-view."
"I've never seen anything like it before and I think it reflects and represents the danger of this moment."
"In my 25 years, I have never seen anything like this."
"Nobody has ever seen anything like it. What they were able to do during World War II."
"This is an election unlike any other. This is an election about us."
"It happened in a church and that is unprecedented."
"This is truly one of the most unique and intriguing natural battles we have ever seen."
"A night like the UK hasn't seen in a long time."
"We've never experienced something like this in global history before."
"This is the first time video games has ever had anything like this."
"I guarantee you that'll be the only nil-nil."
"Well guys I got I got to give it to you this was amazing I mean I really enjoyed this bathtub party."
"She dies on her 100th birthday in her bed. I mean, how nuts is that? That's crazy, but that is baller."
"It was just amazing seeing a virtual world react to a plague react something completely catastrophic was this sustainable no but was it unique and interesting and worth doing I think absolutely."
"The ESPN Zone would also put on 'The Ultimate Couch Potato Competition'... One year, the winner watched TV for three straight days."
"Nobody's ever been swamped like this. And nothing's been so contagious."
"This event is a singular event - not since the beginning of the world, nor shall ever be."
"What is happening to the gaming industry right now is absolutely on its own."
"Instead of going the normal route, these Canadian locals annually hollow out their pumpkins, decorate them, and then take to the water for a very unique and absolutely hilarious kayaking race."
"I'm actually kind of shocked that this is happening. Like, am I the only person here? Like, I've never seen a game company do something like this before."
"Finland hosts first-ever heavy metal knitting World Championship. People like crocheting while head-banging."
"Pilots are telling me I've spoken to Pilots with Decades of experience flying for commercial airlines they are telling me they have never seen these types of things happening in their careers never seen before that is just really concerning."
"Say what you will, but you could not have made this up."
"It's all a bit bizarre this, but it's not every day you meet someone that you know has been left so much money in the world."
"From Palestine to the Charlotte Motor Speedway."
"It was the most extraordinary time in New Zealand."
"It's one of Wales's most entertaining and unusual events. Who knew bog snorkeling could be a thing?"
"Just an amazing game of football, an amazing kind of difference in two halves."
"Only in America. Yeah, I don't believe what I just saw."
"That's why it's a flex for Travis Scott. It's like look at this unbelievable thing that you could have never imagined happening."
"Sharing it with you guys, it's gonna be a pleasure and a once in a lifetime experience."
"This is a special moment... we will not see this again in our lifetime."
"This is definitely something you would never see."
"The true exclusive draw of Magic Kingdom's parties are those character meet and greets where you'll not only see Mickey and holiday attire but you'll get to see several rare characters that are practically never around any other time."
"On the surface it may seem a little odd that the Walker Art Center is hosting a cat video festival but if any of you would pay attention to the open field programming we've been doing over the last three summers this fits right in."
"This time is different, very much the difference."
"Every week college football gives us the chance to see something we've never seen before."
"The only synagogue that has ever hosted a meeting of Congress was at one the synagogue that hosted the memorials to Kahana."
"Jupiter is on a one-way track okay it is just running until we get to April into this conjunction with youranus."
"I want to see like dude throwing sharks at people level of just crazy excitement for it."
"You never go to a ballgame that you don't see something you've never seen before."
"Elmo is the only nonhuman to testify before the US Congress."
"I'm one of the few people who saw Black Sabbath unplugged."
"Frozen Dead Guy days is one of Colorado's most beloved festivals."
"Nothing compares to what happens on the night of October 18th, nothing compares to what happened on October 8th."