
Unethical Practices Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"She gave these people false hope, shortened the time they had left, and took thousands of dollars from potentially struggling families."
"Loot boxes are vile, they should be eradicated, the game industry has a clear gambling problem and it cannot be trusted to regulate itself."
"Conversion therapy is not only an abuse of power, but also spiritual abuse."
"Yelp is a service that I had used as a consumer many times... the practices that Yelp was using sounded illegal."
"I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole." - Mike Pompeo
"This may very well, if you look at it from that justifiably cynical perspective, be possibly the most disgusting DLC practice I've ever seen."
"Dark patterns are tricks that companies employ to make you do things you didn't mean to do."
"The mobile game market has devolved over the last decade with increasingly manipulative practices."
"I've taken advantage of Amazon without Amazon's clear and affirmative consent. I've used and abused and manhandled its algorithms."
"It's a dirty playbook, but it works. It wins the game."
"Banks are constantly manipulating other markets to their own gain."
"One unit of electricity generated but one and a half units consumed. One liter of fuel equals only 800 milliliters. When it comes to deceiving and swindling, they are all masters."
"Money-grubbing: microtransactions, day one DLC, and shovelware."
"I don't understand why we tolerate it or why it's allowed or how they get away with that."
"What really got FTX in trouble...their predatory business practices towards competition."
"It's like this really sick money-making business."
"P.T. Barnum, his first real move into showmanship, came when he paid for the right to rent an aging black woman and parade her around cities, claiming she wasn't."
"The NRA has persistently engaged in illegal and unauthorized activities."
"They promote these coins, dump these coins, and then delete the posts."
"Enforcement policy statement makes clear that tricking consumers into signing up for subscription programs or tapping them when they try to cancel is against the law. Firms that deploy dark patterns and other dirty tricks should take notice."
"In certain countries you can grease palms and get things done quicker and bigger and better for a fraction of the price. That's just, again, that's a dirty little secret about our industry."
"Exposing fake gurus, unethical marketing, and charlatan behavior."
"It's common for people to have to deal with bribes and threats when seeking contracts."
"I think a vast majority of the products sold are predatory and will hurt or hinder long-term growth."
"It's just ridiculous and infuriating to me that Herbalife would knowingly put lives at risk that way."
"Our mother was an incredible woman who dedicated her life to service. The ripple effect of a culture of exploitation and unethical practices ultimately took her life."
"Cronyism is the practice of giving out contracts to people."
"How can Whole Foods or Amazon say they value open communication but use this interactive heat map as a way to spy on their workers?"
"It still does piss me off to see an actual doctor promoting scammy products like this."
"This is beyond thievery, this is callous, this is business 101 tactics."
"Your hesitation and your just delay in acting is paving the road for FIFA 23 to continue their unethical predatory practices."
"The labels have been signing trash humans based on algorithms."
"This is not something ethical people do, this is a dishonest practice that happens to be extremely common in the world of social media."
"fuckin shitty compilations that rake in revenue from stolen content and in these specific cases rake in revenue from literally showcasing the tragedies and death and slaughter of hundreds of people."
"MLMs are very well known for taking advantage of their ignorant downline, but this is taking advantage of pretty much everyone that they can in a time of crisis."
"Putting people in solitary confinement until they said what he wanted them to say... That's third-world tactics."
"A child is not to be traded a child is not to be taken from a mother at Birth and sold to men who act like they just got a fancy new car."
"The Chinese Communist Party uses prisoners of conscience as living sources for organ transplants... it is a murder-for-profit campaign."
"They know that the way to make gigantic fortunes is either create effectively an illegal monopoly or to find some other way to unfairly rig the game."
"Such blatant disregard for human safety in pursuit of personal gains is sadly one of the notorious features of China's current landscape."
"Conversion therapy, a discredited practice claiming to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity."
"You're literally training people to manipulate others in the same way that they were manipulated."
"Establishing an unregulated market is bound to attract deceptive merchants who would like to take advantage of it."
"MLMs work wonderfully if you are a ruthless individual who does not care about others and will do anything to get ahead."
"I'm gonna start teaching people [ __ ] forcefully and in very unethical ways."
"Most of what they do is technically illegal because it doesn't add any value, usually subtracts value." - This quote highlights the nefarious activities within the healthcare industry, emphasizing their detrimental effects.
"Asset theft has a long and inglorious history."
"The story of the way in which Trump lied to his lawyers, put them In Harm's Way, expected that they would do his Dirty Work is stunning."
"I am shocked...creating fake storylines to damage the careers of people is not reality TV."
"There's just been so much unnecessary over-the-top malicious business practice."
"It's legitimized slave labor of your player base, and you then keep taking cuts from all of these sales. It's maniacally evil."
"An industry body would openly canvas their members increasing prices in a coordinated manner is a clear red flag."
"Discrimination is pretty bad, especially when it involves targeting certain groups for DNA sampling."
"That's so messed up you're gonna charge someone that's struggling financially ten dollars so you can just cast a spell on them."
"Scientology does blackmail people into donating money, they don't blackmail people into staying in Scientology."
"Another black hat method is to get reviews from Amazon related Facebook groups or review trading specific groups."
"They wanted to sell this game before it had even launched."
"Greenwashing is a strategy through which brands that are neither ethical nor sustainable try to make consumers believe that they are."