
Business Essentials Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Communication, recognition, absolutely vital."
"It is an absolute necessity to have some sort of inventory system like this."
"In business, people are always going to need to eat, people always going to need clothes, people always going to need convenience, they're always going to need to save time somehow."
"Vending is all about locations and foot traffic."
"If you cannot put your business model on a piece of napkin, you don't have a business."
"I think one day having your own token will be like having your own website. You can't do business without it."
"Every single business in the world needs only two things: a product and customers."
"Every single business needs a lawyer; they need someone who writes their legal documents, somebody who does all that legal, logistical work."
"Learn how to market; what business do you know that doesn't have a marketing plan?"
"If you ask me to sum up DocuSign in one word, it's trust."
"The essence of a company is the product and the customers."
"You're going to need a website, a brand, a niche; these are the foundations to create an online business."
"Customer service is Paramount. I don't give a what it is, if you own a paint company, if you own a cleaners, whatever the case may be."
"A branded email address will probably cost you 99 cents a month. You pay it for the year, it'll cost no more between $12 and $20 for the year to have your branded email address."
"If you can't get repeat business, you don't have a business."
"Every business is going to have to do a really excellent job on value and convenience."
"You need customers and you need a product that you can Market your customers to."
"If you have a business and you do not have a website, you do not have a business."
"The money is in the list, my friend. If you are not building a list, you don't have a business."
"Our flies are our bread-and-butter right now, no question."
"If you don't have sales, you don't have a business."
"You need a good product, you need a good service, you need to wrap that up in a good brand."
"The fundamentals of business. Because you’re mental if you don’t have a good time."
"Act like a professional: pick a business name wisely, have a professional website and email, get business cards, and showcase your work."
"The core of your product, your service, your business, you must totally believe and understand that it is of value to other people, not just yourself."
"Self-confidence is critical... it's impossible even to start a business without it."
"It's immediately recognizable. That's very very important."
"Every business needs leads, I don't care what business you're in."
"To get started, you need five things: a winning product, a great design, a place to sell the product, a great supplier, and of course, paying customers."
"Open a bank account... you will not believe how many people start a business without actually having to set up a bank account."
"You cannot do deals without a great title and Escrow Company."
"The top three must-haves: demand, competition, and profitability."
"Marketing is so vital and essential to every business."
"If you're running a small business at your house, I would consider this a requirement."
"This is what every businessman needs: a coffee, some air conditioning, and Wi-Fi."
"If you haven't clients, you haven't got a business."
"Printed matter and business graphics are increasingly vital to the function of almost every business in America."
"You're gonna need to be legal, you're gonna need all the things, the liability insurance."
"It's a must-have for any business."
"Your store being able to accept payments is pretty much the most important thing of the ecommerce store."
"Here's what I love about it: it has two separate zippered compartments where I can keep all of my personal items, my business items."
"Your business is about marketing and innovation."
"Sales is the lifeline, it's the lifeblood of a company."
"I can't think of anything else that you can do for your business that is more important than having a machine in place that brings you customers, clients, patients on a consistent basis."
"If you can't get paid from your clients and you're not sending them bills, you don't really have a business."
"At an absolute least, you must have high demand; this is essential."
"A business has to be profitable or it can't continue."
"Product research is the most important aspect of a dropshipping business; without a good product to sell, there is no business."
"So before you worry about a website or creating a company or all these other things, remember that not every business needs a website, every business needs to have a great name."
"Business only has three functions: innovation, marketing, and money management."