
Entrepreneurial Advice Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Because that's the beauty about drop shipping."
"Don't give up because most people they'll put in like a week or two and then they'll just say oh I didn't get any results I'll just stop uh that's actually when you should be pushing even harder so that's what I would say is just don't give up."
"Even if you hit a winning product, you're gonna find success very, very quickly."
"It's not about getting rich, it's about growing your customer base."
"If it doesn't make a profit, it's not a business, it's a hobby."
"It's not about the end product, it's about the process, the steps to get you there."
"If you really have to convince people to trust your business strategy, you should just get out of it."
"The key point is that we all start somewhere, whether that's flipping burgers or a decent job, so that we could build a bit of capital before starting a side hustle or a business."
"If you cannot put your business model on a piece of napkin, you don't have a business."
"Every business is one step away from massive success as well as one step away from failure."
"The less your business depends on you, the more valuable it is."
"The real money is in the product. We gotta go to other people. That's what helped me with my shoes."
"Primary focus should be on adding value, not just making money."
"Start brands early on, not just a business but a brand."
"I really hope that he focuses on doing one good business... Rather than doing like five really okay businesses."
"Building online businesses that can work for you."
"Absolutely start a business if it's the kind of business that can still do well in a time where people don't want to be around other people."
"Don't pick a business you're lukewarm about."
"My hope is that I can help you make more sales, make more money, and build a business out of this."
"If you have an idea that's not your fundamental idea but it's a little piece of it, great, make an app for that."
"Keep reinvesting, don't trick off on none of this to you later."
"These type of businesses, you have to put money into them."
"Owning a restaurant is hard work. However, with proper management, skilled employees, a delicious menu, and a little plasma sweat and tears, your restaurant MOT just might succeed."
"The best way to make money... is by giving value."
"Selling your own product is kind of next-level blogging."
"If nobody knows you're in business, you're not in business. Be proud about what you do, shout it from the rooftops."
"Instead of building something nobody wants, go find out what people want and go build that."
"Typically the only way to know for sure if your startup idea is good is to Just Launch it and find out."
"You don't need money, you need people. People have the next money you want."
"There's three rules of business and they always stand true: It's going to take twice as long, it's going to cost twice as much, and you're not the exception."
"What you're doing now is creating external value outside of your job that way you can attract more money."
"Luckily enough, in my chat, my girlfriend suggested me to sell my rabbits and I made 400 bucks from it."
"Just do it. Just go right. So we built this thing." - "The best advice I can give you starting a business."
"If you're out there and you're working on something people keep telling you not good enough, maybe it is good enough."
"If you can't get repeat business, you don't have a business."
"First you must have something which the world needs and is willing to pay for."
"You're not even gonna have to worry about all the legal aspects if you don't even make money."
"If someone more successful than you is doing something that you can easily copy and then make better, [expletive] do it."
"You want to have a couple of those like first principles things because that entrepreneur is going to need them."
"I know that many of you are also vintage resellers or you're looking to get into vintage reselling."
"It isn't a get rich quick or a get rich easy scheme, but it can certainly be a great side income."
"I think you're the inspiration and the essence, but if you're going to make Choose Your Attitude a business, I think you need to partner with somebody that owns a piece of it as well who's actually an operator."
"If your business is struggling but you have a lot of land you might want to consider Hipcamp, it's called the Airbnb of camping."
"If you want people to invest in you, be willing to invest in your business."
"This is a pretty good method of making money but if you streamline your process of selling items that you find, and finding the right items, you could very easily crank out a million dollars in a day easily."
"You can start them anywhere and more importantly if you're doing things that are not grossly reliant on engineering talent you can do them anywhere." - Gary
"Earning these first thousand dollars strategically sets you up for success from the start."
"Validating their business idea can shave years off their entrepreneurial journey."
"Mark spilled all the secrets behind his explosive success and he's held nothing back."
"Hopefully this helped I just wanted to give you a realistic view of print on demand instead of it being looked at as some get rich overnight thing it can be built up for sure."
"Going from 100K to a million is basically kind of a blue belt in business... you're doing really well the entire way through."
"Change your business practice to align with the market."
"If you are a car fanatic, if you are a clean freak freak, this is the business for you."
"Start it now, even if you don't have the best equipment to do it."
"I've made hundreds of thousands on eBay now, I've helped hundreds of hundreds of people make online success on this."
"I really felt like there's a lot of value to be had in asking an entrepreneur how to be an entrepreneur."
"It's easier than you think you don't have to have like bucket loads of money to start this out so just start off and you'll be really surprised at what can what can happen."
"Start your online businesses now. I'm about to go into property, do influencing, do YouTube. Just do everything that you want to do."
"Get a side gig. Take something that you're absolutely passionate about and turn that into a source of additional income."
"You don't want to dig yourself into a financial hole having to pay every single month for a website host when you're not even making money yet."
"Turner was largely responsible for encouraging the ethos of fake it till you make it."
"If you don't do good business, you'll be in trouble."
"The best compensation plan in the world is the one that you are going to build."
"Find a way to sell your product early on." - Bedros Keuilian
"Make more money, work less, not have to work nights and weekends, and not really be a slave to the business, but have a business that serves you." - Greg Hickman
"Nowadays with social media, it's the best time ever to be an independent creator."
"Sticking with it and not just from a platform perspective, and I know this is cliche but I stuck with the business model."
"I want to hear what that plan is because if you start making money with this, you need a plan in the back of your head on what you're gonna do with the money."
"The first thing you have to do if you want to be able to build a successful business is you have to be resourceful."
"Getting rich on your own is close to impossible—you need a great and committed team to make it happen."
"People are pissed because they said it's a cash grab right which is nuts at the end of the day you have to be stupid not to understand that if you're starting a business of any kind it's for profit in some capacity or another."
"Once you've found a product that's working, congratulations, you've done 60% of the work."
"Find a business that aligns with your vision, values, and purpose."
"Y'all gotta create the products, man. Give it to them. They're gonna buy it."
"For some of you out there... building a platform or a software might be worthwhile to explore."
"This is the way to billions of dollars: IPO a company."
"If you're selling a product or service that nobody wants to buy, you do not have a business, you have a hobby."
"Master one source of income and then move to another one."
"Before you waste any time or make any catastrophic mistakes trying to start selling on Amazon, watch this video, use these strategies, and start your Amazon FBA Empire!"
"Stop chasing money. Chase problems and find the solution to those problems."
"The number one way to protect yourself is to have a cash flow business, ideally one that can't be shut down."
"You don't have to spend a lot to get your voice out in the world, build an audience, gain fans, and potentially even turn this into a business too."
"Every business comes down to what is the one thing that you can do better than anyone else on the planet."
"You don't need any more friends, you need business partners. You don't want to hang spending money, you want to hang brothers and sisters making money."
"You do not have to stay slave to the system. Start a business and write everything off. It's all legit."
"This is a game changer and a really cool way for you to make money online."
"Business is really just about challenges, like you say, and overcoming challenges."
"Start a side hustle that is more in line with your passion."
"If you have an expertise at something, whether it's in health, wealth, motivation, cooking, whatever it is, I would highly encourage you to go for this first."
"Be your own central bank. Print your own money. That's how Robert Kiyosaki says it. If you create something of value, you're kind of printing your own money because you're giving value to the populace and they give you money back." - Josh
"There's a whole process that you have to do if you go from Herbalife distributor to like actual business owner."
"It's much more likely you're going to build value when no one's watching."
"Building a business plan: the foundation of success."
"So, just keep going, pray over your business, pray about your business, manifest nothing but greatness. I mean, nothing but greatness."
"I feel like you're putting out some of the best entrepreneurial content on the internet right now."
"Sometimes you find something that works really well, and if you listen to everybody... well, you wouldn't have figured that out."
"It's all about action, not planning. Business plans are stupid, business cards are stupid, LLCs are stupid. It's all about action."
"Starting a business is actually a step-by-step process, and if you follow those steps, then actually things can become a lot more manageable."
"Playbook to millions: the route to becoming a millionaire."
"Your job is to find a problem worth solving that you can solve."
"Thrift shopping is an insane money-making opportunity."
"It's not overnight, it's building a piece of a foundation and then adding another piece and then adding another piece."
"If you don't have sales, you don't have a business."
"If I could do this st, y'all can do this st ten times ten and be millionaires."
"The good news is that there is an organic way to understand everything that you need to know to start a business."
"The best businesses are you treat them as prototypes."
"That's why the ultimate thing you can do is turn your passion into a business."
"Find something you genuinely love doing, stick to it, and make it a business."
"It's about, you gotta be able to produce something that people want."
"Act on your ideas... anything growing that fast is even if it's baseline usage today is tiny it's growing so fast it's gonna be big."
"People are so scared of changing prices or did it it's like no just do it and look at it and like that."
"Hopefully this video was helpful for you guys, eight things to think about before you start your Amazon FBA business."
"If you have a passion that you want to turn into a career, then a website is a very good start."
"Cripps trading company is officially up and running so get out there and do some huntin'." - Cripps
"Number seven, how much can you actually make with Print on Demand?"
"Yeah, you might make a mistake buying phones guys, but you know what, if I was afraid to make mistakes I never would have done over two million dollars."
"Focus on getting value to other people and the money will come."
"There is money to be made from the botting game."
"We're going to be more intentional about helping you build your business."
"It's very easy to make money as long as you know what you're doing."
"Avoid employees in the beginning if possible; start small and learn."
"Create a product that fulfills the market's existing desires." - Breakthrough Advertising
"You have to be willing to invest not only your time but some money into creating a successful business."
"Business is made so much easier if you absolutely love what you do."
"Stop trying to tell people how to run their own business and create your own."
"I'm gonna show you how to start drop shipping in an online business for $0 literally from nothing."
"If you're a food enthusiast... start a food truck business... bring you in more than half a million dollars a year."
"10 things that you must do before you go ahead and launch your business... they're absolutely critical to make sure you start off on the right footing."
"If the question's like should we go out to make a ton of money yes because if you're doing that make a ton of money means you found a prom that's not yours you're gonna take responsibility for it you're gonna try to change that thing."
"If you're launching something that you're not embarrassed about, you're launching it too late."
"Take into consideration the effects that this business will have on your lifestyle."
"That gives you a great sense of how venture capitalists work, what their incentives are, and this is going to help you pick the right venture capitalist for you."
"I hope it's given you some inspiration if you're thinking of starting your own business."
"I'm about to lay out the blueprint for you to make $11,000 every single day starting with virtually $0."
"Try and build up a positive cash flow or savings to start up your plant shop."
"Decide where you want to start selling, if you want to start on Etsy, if you want to set up your own website."
"Founders should solve problems and use technology to reduce their cost or increase their revenues quicker."