
Personal Need Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"I need to go pee, I seriously need to go pee."
"I need a good cry, I want tears to come out of my eyes, this stone heart of mine needs to feel something."
"I really need a deep, rich story narrative game, and if Vampire Survivors came along and I was like, 'Oh, this is it, turns out this is exactly what I needed.'"
"All I need is support, you know real love and genuineness around me and just people that can make me feel loved that's the one thing I don't got."
"I just want to sleep in silence. Is that too much to ask?"
"I really need this one, like really, really, really need this one."
"I need... I need this. I have a hole in my chest and I need this."
"Goku knows one thing, he needs it. He needs that transformation for himself."
"Football was my safety net, barely getting up and going training and playing, it was giving me something that I needed at the time."
"I've really gotta take a hard piss real quick."
"Dear Jesus, I raise my hand tonight because I recognize my need for you. I ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins."
"Can I use your shower for real? I need to go shower."
"This person is somebody you need right now in your life."
"I need dude I need more ovens I definitely need more ovens."
"After everything that's happened the past few months I could use a vacation."
"I need like a sandwich or two a week and when I don't get it it's like dying."
"Every book I write is a book I couldn’t find for myself."
"I need some stimulation in my life, I need to be doing something." - Derek Levasseur
"I needed that man, I needed it for the team, I needed for me, needed for my family and um, yeah we're back."
"That's what I need. I'm a horrible person and I seriously, true story, need Keeper Security in my life."
"I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but I need this. Love, Cassie."
"I need it, my family needs it, my community needs it."
"God is like the Sun. Without him, you can't look at it, but without that, you can't look at anything else."
"Come on Chelsea, oh wait actually she really needs to go."
"I don't even care if it's damaging, I need it."
"I feel like this really lifted my spirit. This is what I needed today."
"Man, I'm just glad we got this money. I needed the money so bad."
"Honestly, I needed it because I was running ragged."
"I just want to be healed. I feel like people need to care."
"I need more belts. I need more of these. I need things that are going to motivate me."
"It was different, that's what I needed, pure fun."
"Tell me why are we so blind to see that cryptocurrencies are what I need?"
"Is there anyone in here that needs God to give you rest for your soul?"
"I need something that is creative, I need something that is out of the box."
"I feel that I really just deserve this break."
"Glad Richarlison scored because he needed that goal."
"This person desperately needs you, needs your soul, your love, and your presence."
"The ease of that is exactly what I need in my life right now."
"I really needed a new helmet because this helmet of mine, this jet helmet I really like my jet helmet but it's almost 5 years old and I really, really needed a new one."
"Whatever your race, whatever your religion, you need Jesus Christ as a person in your life."
"I feel like I really needed this weekend."
"For me, it was exactly what I needed even more so than I realized."
"I wanted a tool like that, so it made sense for me to build it."
"I need you in my life; you were like one of the few things in my life that felt normal."
"The sun felt so good, that was so nice. It's exactly what I needed."
"The Positive Vibes are something I could really use right now."
"I'm a person who needs companionship."
"I wish you luck, I really need it right now."
"I didn't know I needed it before I saw it."
"I need that energy, give me some of that energy."
"I pray because I need God, and I know it."
"I'm not a prayer warrior... but I pray because I need God."
"I just feel I needed that; I didn't notice how much I needed it until I could just sit in the pool and go lay on the beach."
"I feel incredible. Oh my God, I can't believe how good I feel. This is exactly what I needed."
"The Lord knows I need my sleep, and I got it."
"This is me getting support from my best friend. I also need support."
"It wakes up the value of saying, 'I need this, I want this, this is important, and I value emotional connection because I know what it's like to not have it.'"
"I really need this and I'm really glad that you're doing this for me."
"I need to get some coffee inside me at the moment."
"The wind on my face was blissful, exhilarating. I needed this."
"Just what I needed today, I just needed to clear my head."
"I'm really psyched to check this out because, you know, I've needed a mic set for drums really for a while."
"It's really important that I have space to create space for quiet."
"Each day without solitude weakened me."
"All he wants is a chance for some closure."
"I really, really, really, really, really, really need a trip."
"Something's missing, something isn't here inside of me, something is lacking and it's something I need."
"...it's been so long since I've read something like this I feel like it's just so refreshing and kind of like exactly what I need right now..."
"I need some downtime, I need some time to let myself be creative."
"Our need for self-esteem is the need to know we are functioning as our life and well-being require."
"I need a Starbucks or an ear or something, leave me a chai latte, you know what I'm saying, guys?"
"For me, it's a real stress relief and something that I need for my mental health."
"I just feel better if I have a neat house. I don't function; it's not really for anybody else, it's for me."
"I got kombucha 'cause I'm so... I need one right now."
"I needed some sunshine in my life."
"You have no idea how badly I needed this."
"The best apps, the best projects come out of some need that you're familiar with."
"It was good being back in the church, I needed that."
"I really needed this, I'm so happy."
"We were building a product I would have wanted myself."
"My goodness, I love this stuff; this is really a need come true."
"I snatched it up so fast... I just took it as a sign that I needed it in my life."
"I'm a huge coffee nut, so I feel like this would have to be in my life."