
Gaming Dynamics Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The odd late-game triple battle which are like double battles but bigger is a lot of fun."
"People are going to quit the game... it rewards griefing... ensures that only one group is allowed to have fun."
"These dynamic events aren't just one-off favors, they often evolve as your actions impact the outcomes."
"But while the intent is for people to fight over the reward, in practice people end up just partying up."
"I think this is the perfect match and game mode combination."
"This increased turnover of characters does mean that you're eroding your sense of commitment."
"Options and after looking at all those things what we really returned back. Can I just jump in and say that you're leveling up at the same time excited?"
"It's a seesaw of heart-pounding heists followed by heart-wrenching deep and meaningful when."
"Shaggy is Captain Falcon. The way he operates is very Falconesque. He kind of runs around, he's very fast, very agile, goes all over the place."
"Transformation smashes force you to get good at avoiding them, adding excitement to the game."
"If metagaming is a problem for you, then you need to talk about it like an adult with the other people around you instead of seeking to punish them."
"Meta games are just that: they change, and things get better."
"Video games are uniquely placed to make the most out of their villains."
"The tension inherent in this game's day-night cycle has the power to completely flip your experience in seconds."
"No reports, guys, no reports. Why you do this, why?"
"Just moments of unrestrained adventure, and fallen order is chock-full of this stuff."
"It's like a really deep sandbox game that plays out on a really small scale."
"Literally everything's gonna fall in collapse and then in-game like literally to fall."
"Player choice is the only thing that separates a game from an animated movie."
"Players don't like their character being useless and then just sitting at the table watching their friends play any more than the dungeon master likes his monsters being completely useless."
"The real threats in this are other players and NPCs."
"What's the point in getting my golden sword of Phoenix slaying plus 12 if the game suddenly adapts to that and says, 'Alright, we're not going to give you any Phoenixes'?"
"Cloud fits in better with the dynamics of many Smash Bros characters, fighting against them with his own sword fighting style."
"Offline play and franchise momentum is more play outcome-based."
"The game remains consistently challenging, ensuring you're always feeling strong and in control."
"Kind of crazy that a single sub-faction can do better than armies with their entire codex."
"Fox's neutral is so scary because he's so fast, he's so powerful."
"Having a DM who shuts down divination completely and doesn't give you what you're hoping for out of divination is not a good DM-player relationship."
"No two maps will play the same. Radar can't penetrate mountains. Nuclear warfare will physically alter the terrain."
"This has been eventful so far, hasn't it Josh? Yeah, it has. And I'd like to find him and kill him soon."
"That exchange should show you how complex social interactions can be in a game."
"It's certainly a cooperative game, but it feels very strongly like a role-playing game."
"It seems as though the things we really hated ended up being the things that, without us realizing at the time, were keeping the game alive."
"If my players are arguing about what to do, they're playing D&D."
"It also makes combat scenarios less repetitive meaning different situations could happen at different times."
"Nitro Kid makes me think of fights in tight spaces injected with retro 80s neon vibes."
"Good players can be in bad lobbies and bad players can be in good lobbies organically."
"That's why it's a sub battle though, funny things happen."
"Pokemon is at its best when a mix between offensive and defensive teams are viable, and messing with the balance in either direction leads to games either being too short and volatile or too slow and grindy."
"Give something people, you know, it gives something to work for. People like unlocking things, people like working for something, and credits aren't gonna be that difficult to earn."
"Starting to get a little crazy, Sally's red situation is actually on your screen."
"With his supportive abilities, Byron is replacing Gene as the king of duo showdown and for good reason."
"As long as King keeps kicking Saitama's ass in videogames, it doesn't matter that his reputation as the strongest fighter is a complete lie."
"We're definitely getting our opportunities to guess for mercy. It's the same as a rage quit, dude. This is like actually a severe ass open right now."
"Dungeons contain those big shiny items they give you massive experience huge Quest turn inss so needless to say dungeons are a very big deal and players want them"
"Being able to have the stock cloak which does refill on stab and having the speed boost actually does provide for a really fun slippery play style."
"Adrenaline is so fun and necessary in this build."
"Even famous snipers here on YouTube hate snipers on the other team because there's nothing more annoying than being one-shot by something."
"Most of jug's power comes from the fact that it takes like four heroes to kill him a lot of times."
"Chaotic fast-paced games create more roam opportunities."
"He feels like a hyper carry in that he has good damage and sustained onfield damage but he plays like a driver too."
"This is actually insane dude, double elemental chaos right now, it's just so busted."
"Sims would acquire either positive or negative moodlets based on their traits, their surroundings, or recent interactions."
"Do you think the fact that there's actually a challenge to even start playing WoW classic adds to the excitement?"
"Invincibility removes that risk, and if you’re not careful, that can remove a lot of the fun along with it."
"He's not even fed or anything, he's two and three and he can just snowball and insta-kill anybody he wants."
"Betrayals, team ups, last minute daring rescues, they're all genuine and this gives games a real edge of depth."
"I like the feeling of hitting an enemy dodging real quick...doing the stomp...being able to chain a combo off another feels so satisfying."
"Captain Falcon with instant double jump is literally insane."
"I don't think we've ever had eidolons as game breaking as silver wolf"
"Real players will exhibit more interesting, more unpredictable, and more fun behavior."
"There's always something happening in Jurassic World Evolution."
"More damage and even less accuracy, just what we wanted."
"This thing is so crazy dude, you just W-key your enemy and they just can't do anything about it."
"Players should never be isolated from action or allowed to simply go into autopilot."
"Start killing mobs here's the thing, the first mob you kill, it's gonna be slow, right? So it'll be a little bit slow, but the moment you start attacking a lot of these creatures, well, that's when things start getting real big."
"Meta gaming is definitely something I would rather we avoid as D&D players and Dungeon Masters but guess what? It is inevitable."
"Teams fall behind so easily with so much damage in the game."
"It's pretty awesome and that is a really good support piece and the damage dealer."
"It's all the stuff I love about games facing off in a death battle: heavily interactive environments, colorful characters with powers, it's conceptually perfect."
"You'll never see impossible players traded for in connected franchises and rebuilds." - RV Team
"Kingdom Hearts 2 was Snappy right your mashing X you're doing quick commands"
"I think attack type characters are gonna be perfect for 1v1 and the only type they're gonna have trouble with is the defense type which can hold them off for a very long time."
"Every game is a lot more jammy towards the end of the year."
"When Valkyrie starts to reach its limit, the tip on its reboot driver retracts and causes Valkyrie to get an extra boost of energy and speed."
"Having daily challenges and then having a weekly one... it's something new that's happening in the game every week."