
Racial Discussion Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"You mean white people really are the only people in America that you could say it's free?"
"The necessity for us to have a conversation as black people to understand each other and to contextualize each other's rage."
"I just don't think that's true, I think Megan's skin color has afforded her access and a life."
"Black people deserve a lot more credit than that."
"How can you call those people racist but you can't call someone racist who literally believes that black people are incapable of succeeding in a merit-based system by their own words?"
"There are some white people listening right now that are tired of hearing us talk about all it is [ __ ] so [ __ ] them."
"We can debate until we get tired of debating about how to fix what's happening to black people in America but at the end of the day the system was not built by our people nor was it built for the benefit of our people."
"Black people keep coming back, they keep winning."
"Literally saying white people are superior at gaslighting, what lack of empathy."
"White people are so devoid of having actually been oppressed, they have to co-opt oppression."
"Adam was the first white man and yet Adam body came from the dirt of Africa."
"They would rather the controversy of this discussion of this racial [__] than that but yeah, but it didn't work, it actually spotlighted it."
"What does my curly hair have to do with anything? You're more concerned about this aspect of me than I am because I'm more than my skin tone and my curly hair."
"Did Will Smith let black people down, or is this a good look?"
"When a black person is brought up, it's usually negative."
"Tom Hanks is a white celebrity who wrote an op-ed to discuss the evil of racism and the alleged whitewashing of history."
"You don't need implicit bias for a system to be racist."
"If you genuinely believe that the state black people are in in this country is a product of their own doing exclusively you are preposterously unintelligent or dishonest."
"Let's stop pushing racial narratives and build up victors, not victims."
"Tiger who's arguably the greatest golfer of a long time you know should be advocating for some of those things unfortunately we haven't heard it heard enough from Tiger in regards to to race and a black man and golf."
"Ian isn't racist and he's just using a word."
"You wonder, like, where did you grow up, because I would love to grow up where you grew up, like, I am equal and that everything I do will come to pass and my blackness will never be challenged in this country."
"Some of what Kanye's points... where he's saying the voice of a black man is being basically suppressed right."
"White people cannot own black people's music. That's the settlement for me."
"Go read the New York Times if you need white people to validate something."
"If it was a white person doing that and monetizing it, we would all come up here and demonize that person."
"Not because he's Black, but because he's Black and qualified. Because he has the skill set, the plan, the vision, and the ability to do the job."
"You're a hater. Malone exactly. But also, when you disagree with black people, they be like, 'No, you're Uncle Tom or sellout.'" - Charles Barkley
"White privilege exists, alright, everybody agrees with that."
"Black women and black people in general do not owe you education, we do not owe you political commentary, we don't even owe you racialized discussions."
"President Trump is not a racist. This is a tactic that's being used precisely to generate fear."
"White people frequently discriminated against? Strong disagreement with subjective statement."
"If I was a white guy, that would piss me off."
"If you are black, you're better off right now."
"Everyone tries to say 'oh Second Amendment until black people get the guns' it's like black people already have a lot of guys I love this I love it."
"It's like people don't really care about the n-word, I don't know why we're talking about that."
"I want to say what I don't like is when it comes to any black celebrity, it seems to bring out this energy where people talk about how we 'need to do better' and it's your own people who do it."
"Black women had their cape on for true Thompson and defending her because she's the darkest you know little Kardashian baby."
"White people need to talk to each other about this."
"We gotta see us as human beings man because as soon as we say anything about any other culture everybody comes down on our necks."
"No other reporter or gaming outlet has ever asked them on the record why are you guys black this ink otaku."
"There's something extraordinarily dangerous about having people revert to identification with their racial identity." - Jordan Peterson
"We have to talk about race because it's the only way to identify solutions."
"I wasn't actually attacking her, I was really talking about white supremacy."
"We need to talk about the reason a drug war has been waged and really reckon with the role race has played."
"Please don't say that I shouldn't talk about things because I'm not African American."
"I do not like the way the left has been so violent and they have been dumbing down black people for years."
"I don't judge nobody, nobody can judge black women, I told you to show me the black woman that turned a black man into a hashtag."
"Bottom line... this man has got to be the worst racist ever."
"Racists and anti-racists agree on the exact same things except who should be benefiting the most from it."
"If white privilege does not reign supreme in this story..."
"Racism is real it's not progress for black people."
"We hurt ourselves when we make everything about race and it just contributes to this polarity where no discussion has ever had about the issues that need to be discussed."
"Some may argue she built a large amount of her income based off the backs of black people."
"There actually is an entire underclass of black people who legitimately could use some help in the United States."
"The rest of us have a parasitic relationship with them, particularly with the black community."
"Let's talk, because what I'm seeing is they want to do a blackish show then they want to do a mixtish show but they don't want to do a Atos show."
"A racist wouldn't be concerned about black people working, no. Racist don't do that." - Diamond & Silk
"We are not the color of our skin, that's not who we are as people."
"Velma being race-swapped doesn't make it a bad show."
"The United States of America is not a racist country, there's no systemic racism in America."
"If you think that America was built by white people, you would be correct. But if you're going to say the reason America is successful is because those people were white, then you have a problem."
"The racism that these people are encountering day to day... is it really so racist that we couldn't expect you to engage in the close reasoning about often rather anodyne topics that legal training consists of?"
"Race doesn't matter until it's a white guy, then it's the only thing that matters."
"They have within their group white supremacist elements."
"You mean to tell me you can go through and experience time after time again and you still fix your mouth to say that it's not about race?"
"White people have to spend more time talking about the injustices which we perpetrate."
"Television has at times been an outlet for discussing racial inequality."
"Police officers killed twice as many white people as they did black people."
"Candace is not captive in her relationship with this man so when you're saying oh uh she's married to a white man and so she can't call this woman a bed winch technically a bed winch does not describe the relationship."
"America's never been a racist country which is clearly not the truth because America owned slaves so or enslaved Africans so clearly that is not a true statement."
"Those domestic terrorists that invaded the capital... like, we saw all white people included."
"I feel like every black man should deserve a quarter million dollars."
"I'm not black because I bust my ass and turned in a resume, I'm here because I checked two boxes."
"It's a sick move to release the top 10 and have four white dudes in the top five. That's rappers for sure."
"The number one problem facing black America today is not racism."
"White people are not harmed when they're called racists."
"I think it's very clear that I don't think Zulu is particularly racist."
"The majority of people within the black community are hypocrites."