
Hogwarts Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Chris Columbus added warmth to Hogwarts. He made it feel like a home."
"It's wild to genuinely believe that Hogwarts exists."
"By the time we actually ended up at Hogwarts I was already like halfway through the book."
"Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."
"I love the exploration, the sense of Discovery Hogwarts is just so fun to explore."
"Slytherin is currently on a very casual 10-year winning streak, like no big deal."
"That novelty of exploring Hogwarts in the world lasted... for myself."
"Hogwarts is beautiful and mystical and magical and fun and it would be so exciting to explore and to try to find the secrets of the castle."
"Newt's close relationship with Dumbledore, who at this point is Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, will become crucial."
"Most importantly is the Pensieve which legend has it was so old it's older than Hogwarts itself."
"So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
"Do you ever just look at someone and know they're a Hufflepuff?"
"Why would Hogwarts not evolve with modern times in terms of school supplies?"
"...for the first time in a while, even Madame Pomfrey was impressed when she learned that he had given the kids chocolate on the Hogwarts Express after a Dementor attack..."
"Dumbledore is also beyond loyal to Hogwarts and the students in it and would go to any length to protect them."
"Over time, the Sorting Hat may have placed less emphasis on blood purity when sorting students into Sutherin house, allowing for a more diverse range of students to be admitted."
"It feels strange to be going home. I'm not going home, not really. Hogwarts is home now."
"Ravenclaws have a very strong sense of individualism and a very intense, more than any of the other houses, sense of originality."
"This isn't Hogwarts. You don't need to hold hands."
"Here's another great Hogwarts display using a lot of the elements from the sets themselves to make a more intricate Hogwarts."
"I really feel like I'm in Hogwarts."
"A Hufflepuff and Slytherin relationship is just one of the best things ever."
"That was litty dude, they're literally in their last semester in their seventh year at Hogwarts like they're almost done they don't give a [ __ ]. Weasley baby."
"Messrs Moody, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs proudly present The Marauder's Map, a highly accurate depiction of Hogwarts castle and every single inhabitant in the castle and where they are at that moment, or almost everyone."
"The Hogwarts kitchen is actually quite hidden from students and professors alike."
"Fred and George Weasley are the biggest practical jokers in Hogwarts."
"Aberforth Dumbledore helped lead Harry into Hogwarts and even helped defend it from Voldemort."
"I can't believe I'm here and I'm walking through the Hogwarts."
"When Voldemort attained the Elder Wand he reformed the greatest magical powerfeet in the entire series taking down the protective shield over Hogwarts with a single spell."
"There is nothing like the longing of eventually being able to board the Hogwarts Express and ride through the mountains and locks of Scotland to see the Hogwarts Castle glowing off in the distance."
"Why would the Dursleys go to such lengths to keep Harry away from Hogwarts if they hated him so much?"
"The books would have you believe that every student in Hogwarts is basically like inching their way next to the edge of a cliff and at any moment might be expelled for any reason at all."
"Reliable historical sources tell us that Slytherin left the school. For a few years, the founders worked in harmony."
"Welcome to my fifth year at Hogwarts."
"I'm in Hogwarts! Sammy, enough messing around. Let's better teach our owl how to fly."
"Hufflepuff all day baby, Hufflepuff all day."
"I'm finally excited to see what house I'm in, your boy's in Hufflepuff and if it was right man, it feels good."
"Albus Severus... You were named after two headmasters at Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I ever knew."
"Hufflepuffs were usually accepting of everyone, treating them as equals."
"The founding of Hogwarts is the rise of magic and the reason that so much effort goes to maintaining its secrecy is the knowledge of what happens if the secrecy is exposed."
"There is no Hogwarts without Hagrid."
"If I could have been in any house, I wish I would have been in Ravenclaw."
"Hogwarts shouldn't feel as if it's a world that couldn't exist in reality."
"September 1st is back to Hogwarts day, and we had this idea of a sorting hat croquembouche. You pick the cream puff off the tower and when you bite into it, you're sorted into your Hogwarts house."
"JK Rowling made up the names of the four Hogwarts houses while on a flight on a plane."
"It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back. Hogwarts does feel alive, right? Like it feels like a living, breathing entity."
"Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Harry, to those who deserve it."
"If anyone at Hogwarts needed help it would always be available."
"Harry was threatened with expulsion from Hogwarts but was exonerated with help from Dumbledore who had a witness and legal loopholes."
"Let's go back to Hogwarts, back where we all belong."
"A great way to end your day would be to experience the nighttime lights at Hogwarts Castle show where projections are cast against the majestic backdrop of the castle to beautiful music."
"The subtle inclusion of the word 'Hogwarts' in the title indicates this can be connected to other Hogwarts sets."
"What Hogwarts house are you? I took a test for the official test and I got Gryffindor."
"Welcome to Hogwarts, where even the cat is a professor."
"For Hogwarts, the school itself to have a presence and be like I'll give you a safe space so that you can learn and prepare yourself I thought that was AB absolutely great."
"Gryffindor's fire and Ravenclaw's air."
"I'm actually Loki like what house would you be in uh I think I'm a Hufflepuff oh yeah what do you think you are Arya I'm not Slytherin through and throughout honestly how are you a Slytherin I'm a Slytherin everything I keep saying stop be nicer stop."
"Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age."
"You can choose Gryffindor, the sorting hat takes your choice into account."
"You've been accepted into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"Thankfully, a Hogwarts help will always be given to those who deserve it."
"Wow, me and Ray, my cat, just got accepted to Hogwarts. I'm gonna miss him."
"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."
"Merry Christmas! Christmas ring the Hogwarts bell, ting tong tong."
"I'm still waiting for my letter to go to Hogwarts."
"When you arrive at Hogwarts, you will be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses."
"One of the most remarkable secrets of Hogwarts is known as the Room of Requirement."
"Please enjoy your time at Hogwarts."
"The Sun is setting on the Hogwarts castle, look how beautiful it is."
"I really liked learning more about Hogwarts and especially learning more about Slytherin."
"That help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."
"Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Harry."
"It's so good that Lego is expanding on Hogwarts."
"That looks so good for me, I love it, it's just such a great interpretation, Lego style, of part of Hogwarts Castle."
"It's just so magical to walk through the halls of Hogwarts."
"Dark clouds would shroud the sky, casting a pall of gloom over the once majestic Hogwarts Castle."
"The scale and detail in the Hogwarts Legacy game world is truly awe-inspiring."
"The entire castle is fully explorable, its interior a labyrinth of grand halls and secret passageways, each brimming with its own unique mysteries and wonders."
"The true magic of the castle lies within its walls."
"The Great Hall serves as a social hub for student life and is a showcase of the interplay between the four houses."
"The room of requirement serves as a testament to the game's commitment to providing a rich and immersive experience for players."
"From the grand halls of Gryffindor to the mysterious dungeons of Slytherin, each space is brimming with life and full of character."
"Avalanche Software went above and beyond in creating a believable Hogwarts Castle."
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, that's actually kind of neat."
"Of course, you'll know all about Hogwarts."
"Honestly, Hogwarts did promote a gang mentality."
"I believe I'm here about the new spell you wanted to teach me, Professor."
"It reminds me as if when you're in the Warner Brothers Harry Potter studio tour and that's Hogwarts."
"We're off the Hippogriff ride, so that's this little one here. One of the best things is your view of Hogwarts that you get from up there. It's really cool."
"We just left Hogwarts, that is crazy, that's absolutely crazy, so cool."
"The storytelling just from the nature of Hogwarts Castle really begins once you enter."
"Christmas at Hogwarts is truly a sight to behold."
"Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, ring the Hogwarts bell."
"Hogwarts, it's so close but so far away. Someday, someday."
"This looks really very cool, I'm most excited about Hogwarts."
"Voldemort was extremely talented, even as a student, with Dumbledore saying that he might have been the best student Hogwarts had ever seen."
"This almost looks a bit Hogwartsy."
"You're like the teachers at Hogwarts."
"I would rather live in a Hogwarts house I don't like and experience it in real life."
"It feels like exactly what it feels like to get off the Hogwarts Express and head into Hogwarts."
"Congratulations on your acceptance to Hogwarts."
"It wouldn't be Hogwarts if you didn't have a moving staircase somewhere in the model."
"How cool is this? It is a giant like Hogwarts Castle."
"Being back at Hogwarts makes me feel normal again."
"Everybody in the same families put in the same house? No, there have been exceptions to that rule."
"The Magic of Christmas at Hogwarts is a projection mapping show that takes place actually on the Hogwarts Castle."
"Let's draw Hogwarts, because the village is next to Hogwarts."
"Perhaps the coolest thing is this: a Hogwarts acceptance letter necklace."
"If you're getting in Hogwarts, what house will you be in and who would be your best friend? I would be a Hufflepuff and my best friend would be Neville Longbottom."
"You know the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath."
"The box art was particularly nice, making it appear like you were inside Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament."
"I was expecting to get a letter from Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts, just thinking about the name made him giddy."
"Can you believe it, Reg? I'm actually going to Hogwarts."
"It feels like my last day at Hogwarts, like I'm gonna say goodbye to all my old friends."
"We're setting the tone, we're setting the scene, this is Hogwarts."
"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"Hogwarts would be honored to have you here."
"The next Hogwarts session would start from September 1st, 1991."
"I can't believe this is your last year at Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts is up a lot of tricks here, and this is incredible because it's always like, 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.'"
"Good morning, students of Hogwarts."
"It's awesome just going around Hogwarts and doing all this stupid stuff, finding little hidden secrets."
"Hogwarts is its own character no matter where you go."
"I'm just excited for fans to get to finally go to Hogwarts."
"We're going to end in Hogsmeade with the light the holiday lights on Hogwarts Castle."
"It's just a class that they take at Hogwarts, and I just love that."
"Christmas at Hogwarts is really exciting."
"It actually shows you here a specific section of the Hogwarts and the snow hooks made, created by the art department."
"You actually get a very, very good view of Hogwarts."
"There is a map of Hogwarts, which is very, very cool."
"It gives you those magic Hogwarts cool wizardry vibes."
"The journey to Hogwarts for the very first time and hearing John Williams' score is as magical as you could ever imagine."
"We go back to Hogwarts for the first time, and literally, I wasn't expecting it to affect me as much as it did."