
Artistic Critique Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"If you don't play great without a great pianist, are you really playing great?"
"Wildlands is an amazing example of both what's uniquely artistic about games and what's uniquely frustrating about them."
"She did it so much better than everyone else, and by comparison your painting looks like you dipped your mushroom tip into some painting smushed it against the canvas a few hundred times."
"I love this design, but the perspective you chose to show, it creates some questions."
"Bloodborne overall, I would say, is a dark game visually."
"That looks so much better already having those distinct markings."
"It just doesn't look like something that exists in nature."
"Just because an artist tries something new doesn't mean that it's automatically good."
"Visually, it’s difficult to find much fault."
"A real Masterpiece... deeply focused on the struggle of human beings under hierarchical systems..."
"Drake is consistently good, he's consistently great, but we know what to expect from Drake, and what he does is always going to be good enough and great enough until somebody comes along and shows people better."
"I don't love the visual style, but I do think it's neat how the Overworld stuff all seems to have 2D pre-rendered backgrounds with polygon characters just like the original game."
"This album feels like one big balancing act."
"It's not ballet, it's not laughs, it's not choreographed away; these choreographed."
"You made it look like bone, it doesn't come off as rocks. More than anything, you really surprised me, and it's a great surprise."
"You got the bio mech elements just right. The contrast you got from the monochromatic background, and then those red elements in the foreground, really gives it a punch. Overall good work."
"Explorers was in Joe Dante's words an unfinished film when it hit theaters and it shows."
"If you are a rapper and that's what you're doing and people start critiquing your rap instead of getting better, the first thing you do is say 'ah'."
"Critique on art and music is not an attack on the person themselves, whether that was the original creator or those that enjoy said art."
"This feels like a vanity project because so many scenes are of her alone."
"The colors are all washed out and it doesn't do the characters or the environments any favours."
"Regardless of what good reasons you may have, nobody cares about a each's content if it doesn't have a soul."
"It's very obvious why this does not make creative sense."
"A prime example of a good idea turned to crap."
"I kind of like this drawing, but in all honesty, I'm glad this movie never got made."
"You can see if these shapes look unbalanced or if the composition looks kind of strange in some way."
"Visually, this may be the greatest arc in one piece."
"There is no way you got 19 out of 26... there is so much space for an artist that does not have enough."
"The colors weren't the best or made sense sometimes, but that's what I read the first time."
"You sounded like an actor in some historical play."
"A lot of rappers try hard to bite it, but their joints ain't nearly as tight as what this author write."
"It's a very pretty thing, but I think there's more to photography than just capturing beauty."
"I can see all of the mistakes but actually what is really good about this particular performance is that the costume was really, really nice."
"Ruined art or transformative of like Renaissance art. It is its own genre now."
"This is pretty damn ugly so I've redrawn it a bit nicer."
"Some of these are the best songs and vocal performances ever." - Mariah Carey
"This has so many undertones and so much repression in one single image."
"Not every color that you spray on with an airbrush is gonna look cool."
"The lighting is amazing, the detail and the texture throughout the piece is fantastic, the composition very simple is really effective, absolutely stunning."
"Her vocals are so stunning, I think she has such a sweet voice."
"That was sublime, that was a work of remodel r."
"It's absolutely killing. He's almost like talking about some of the stuff that I found confusing about his recent project."
"This one's very special, illustrating the extremity of cost and aesthetics."
"A relentless revolutionary assault on the conventions of bourgeois drama."
"It's just surface level. We keep making fun of like bad movie posters."
"I think jcole did his thing throughout the entire project."
"The only valid criticism I will ever entertain is those people who are just like, 'I'm tired of the formula.' Some people are just more bored of it than others and don't have the nostalgia, and I'll take that into account."
"I think those original flaws are starting to become problems... now you have people that are just referencing their work and then you just get kind of a weird imitation of it."
"As artists, we can learn a lot more about writing and creating art from dissecting flawed works than from masterpieces."
"If the content of the movie isn't there, you can slap on all the best cinematography in the world and still not end up with a good movie."
"His albums have gotten measurably worse over the last like 10 years as he's gotten crazier."
"It's not great, that's it, that's all I got... But I appreciate a risk."
"I actually think this style-over-substance approach appropriately fits the delusional narcissistic psyche of fingerling and the author."
"The art itself... feels a little too fast for me."
"That's not a perfect circle, that is a three star."
"Drumming is not a sport. You become very selfish when it's not musical anymore."
"I really think Louis's one is I was admiring that from the start and he just nailed it straight away and I love his composition um I think did a brilliant job so yeah excited for him."
"It's not perfect, but I don't know if people are gonna be shouting like this is perfect. What is perfect about it is its visual style."
"Yo, he kind of has, like, depth to his sound. It's like this nice bass note that's ringing out in the background of the monsters' song."
"In reality, Quinn had only ever faced minor backlash because of their art."
"It's interesting when the horizon's at the bottom... it's interesting when the horizon's at the top... when the horizon's in the middle, it's boring as [ __ ]."
"A great performance in a shoddy production... I would rather watch than the opposite."
"This one's awesome. I like that. Bradley, please, will you just..."
"It's ahead of its time in some ways, and in other ways, it's like not ahead of its time."
"I guess very strong feeling that this was not so much an endeavor through the purity of story."
"What makes a perfect movie I don't think that can even really exist."
"These competing images allow for a ripe satire and a couple of visual metaphors to sweeten the pot."
"So from the story to the characters to the themes to the arcs to the dialogue to the music to just everything I love this film I I thought it was one of the best things that DreamWorks has made in quite some time."
"There's nothing wrong with that, but I think what they're missing with Joel Peter Witkin is a wonderful sense of doing this modern extremist kind of shock value stuff."
"Incredibly well done, just the lighting, the choreography."
"Even though the stylistic proportions aren't exactly what I would do now, I still think there's some very good redeeming elements here."
"It's a masterpiece with a couple of asterisks."
"I think this guy does have a pretty nice design for me."
"It's interesting to think about these Splendid artists and identify the things that when they were on made them fabulous and when they were off made them atrocious."
"It's okay for us to say that Mr. Moran and Big Steppas is one of his better, more open projects without saying this is the best that he's done just because it's his most recent."
"It's a masterpiece, perhaps this is a bit of a conspiracy theory."
"That just sets it off; that is beautiful."
"The rendering is seriously like A plus, and overall this is very well proportioned, nicely executed design."
"The corruption of the capitalist system behind art, behind literature."
"This image is very nice, but it's quite insipid in terms of color."
"I really like her face proportion and her ear is nice; overall, I like the feeling of this picture."
"Technique is great and all, but there's no flavor in technique."
"I'm kind of happy with this at the moment. I think the colors could be an improvement. That's really cool."