
Childhood Education Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The practice of taking part in the cleaning of their own classrooms is taught to Japanese children from when they're very little. It's a daily habit that will be taken with them wherever they go into adulthood."
"Once you individually know someone of a different culture, it's impossible to take that bigotry back out in the world."
"Racism robs white children of the ability to learn that other people are equal."
"I remember as a kid being brought in to use the internet and my mom saying, 'This is going to be important.'"
"If you don't teach your boy to be a gentleman, he's gonna grow up and be a little monster."
"We want to nip it in the bud early... so we can have responsible adults growing up who can be an asset to society."
"We're afraid to tell our children that they will die someday... that perpetually infantilizes people."
"The discomfort comes when children are taught by the world around them that their non-conformity is unacceptable."
"Teach kids to be fighters, teach kids to grow up, teach kids to be stronger."
"Teach your kids how to eat healthy at a young age. They grow up smart, they don't spend thousands of dollars trying to get in shape."
"As long as an entry point for a kid is framed as this is make-believe, this is fantasy, this is people who are, you know, know each other and are playing pretend and wearing costumes, and it's not okay to do it in real."
"It's a delicate balance of giving children just enough guidance to get started and with encouragement let them figure it out on their own trust them."
"We need to start teaching kids to trust their own inner wisdom about food."
"You've got kids that are being told it's okay, you can decide your gender."
"Four-year-olds don't need to know about sex and gender and all of this stuff."
"It's unfair to tell a child that they're a victim because of the color of their skin."
"Kids today learn things a lot faster and earlier than we did."
"Children are taught from a young age that it's okay to change their gender."
"Expose the child to beauty and to the wondrous parts of the world where there are treasures that have lasted for thousands of years."
"Children actually learn more in their youth by what they observe in behaviors than what you say to them."
"Teach your kids how to visualize their goals and break it off a little piece at a time."
"What promises am I making and can I deliver on them?"
"We're preparing kids to think that the body they're born into is just a choice that can be changed."
"Teaching children that everyone is different and that's okay."
"I absolutely love this app because it really really teaches him all his letters, the sounds, how to spell words."
"When a kid has no choice but to learn a second language, they'll pick it up really [__] fast."
"There's never an age that's too young for kids to start reading."
"We really want kids to slow down and be more thoughtful."
"You teach a child how to be a good human first."
"Teaching kindergarten for both the last 30 years, dealing with five year old is a lot like double-ended up like you approach these horrible creatures and we want to figure out that they're actually warm compassionate people underneath amazing."
"Teaching our kids how to connect with these things is so important."
"It's okay to tell a child the truth. But what I think is deeply immoral is to tell a child that when she dies if she's not good she's going to go to hell."
"I currently have a second grader and she loves it. And every year keeps getting better."
"Every child should be taught to expect success and happiness."
"The Earth being a globe? Absolutely nuts. Those ideas are pumped into everybody when they have PE brain as children."
"Kids should know these things and not grow up to be like, 'That's weird and ew.' No, they should be okay with that."
"It starts with children. I thought if those children grow up to be adults they'll want to love each other, they'll want to have compassion for each other."
"Please don't teach our kindergarten through third-grade kids about gender and sex... thank you."
"Learning and playing were synonymous, and especially children have this natural tendency to play by learning things and exploring things."
"Children are not born with hate; you teach them to hate."
"I just want her to have the experience of going to school."
"Isn't it crazy when you think of it that way wow like children I mean I know just getting them any education is good but these babies you know"
"The running running walking song... has been such a key way of teaching her stop."
"Preschool is such a fun age because they're so excited to learn."
"Make believe and play time can be great for teaching interpersonal skills."
"What we want to do with young children is strengthen their understanding of their own environment to understand it more deeply and more accurately, how it affects their daily lives."
"When you have children dictate oral stories to you, you are laying the foundations of literacy for them."
"The general idea is that you take away the rigid structure of a classroom that small children are too young for anyway and immerse them in nature."
"We've got to help them get control of their little voices."
"It's so important to teach them at this young age it's so much more important to give than it is to receive."
"We must teach our children to deal with these conflicts."
"The emphasis on preschool and kindergarten should be on play and exploration."
"I think what we're trying to do is we're trying to instill a behavior of reuse with children."
"The way kids learn about science and the natural world around them is through their senses."
"The way that they learn about the world around them is through their senses."
"Letting kids know that there's nothing wrong with that and that it's okay is important."
"As long as a child knows when and when they can't swear, then there's no issue."
"Children learn best when they are doing and when they are enjoying the activities that they are engaging in."
"We want our kids to be curious, we want them to have a habit of reading."
"From 3 to 4 years old, children learn absolutely everything in English."
"It's amazing what these kids understand at a young age."
"We need to encourage our children to question freely and to think for themselves."
"It is perhaps even more important to prepare children for the many aspects of adult life that require cooperation."
"Pick a book and read out loud to your pre-k daily."
"The whole idea is a school that is really an attempt to create a curriculum around what we know about childhood and adolescent development."