
Creative Output Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I just wish you like put a little bit more emphasis on the good energy and being good people and putting out creative work."
"Make sure everything you put out is very intentional and that there's a lot of passion behind what you're doing."
"That's why they produce so many different designs so very quickly."
"Hopefully I have a long life in a long career because I am having more video ideas written down than I have time to make them."
"I can't physically do it. I mean, this last year of the pandemic has allowed me to create so much cool sh*t that's reached such a wide audience."
"Work is my creation. It is only through my work I am bringing this body, this intelligence, this mental abilities, my emotions, and the other human resources you have given me everything together to create whatever I create."
"I've got a lot of opinions, I've got a lot of ideas, and I mean I can't give up because I have to try to get that out, I have to put that in some kind of form."
"I'm actually really excited to see what the community builds, that's always so fun about community servers, just seeing the crazy cool things people can make."
"The amount of heart and soul that went into this project is very apparent."
"The glossy perfected album every two years and slick music videos concept is kind of on the way out."
"Honestly, guys, keep going, keep working at it. Good job putting your work out there, I admire it a lot."
"Now it becomes time to go out there and express your light, your own transformation into the world creatively."
"This might literally be the best thing we can put out."
"How much you want to write does not equate to how much you'll end up enjoying what you wrote that day."
"What's your 'for'? Your 'for' is the fourth year that I have successfully done a video game cover medley whatever once a week without missing a single week."
"These are the objectively best Fakemon I've made, simply the ones I'm most attached to."
"I thank God every day that I'm able to make these for you guys."
"Best artists are always the biggest fuck-ups."
"We're not in a situation where Hollywood isn't making original films - they really, really are."
"The silver lining to being hurt for two years was that I had a lot of stuff come out."
"That's what we do, we just keep making it, baby."
"Enjoy your life pleasures and let your ideas pour out."
"I'm really happy with how this cave turned out."
"I believe in you. Yeah, there we go. We published our first map."
"You're gonna transform that and opposed to that energy working against you you're gonna make it work for you and some of you are gonna create some things very nice."
"There are literally so many options. Please do share them with me on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. I would absolutely love to see what you've done."
"It should be about the work you can produce, the results you've achieved, and the value you can create."
"What motivates me is that we've shot a video... I wonder how people are gonna react to this."
"It's hard to keep up with once you start producing."
"Good enough in my book is 99 percent better than what most of the stuff is that other people are putting out into the world."
"I'm proud of saying like I released it, it's my heart."
"If you're a producer and you have like a lick of skill, you make sure that gets out there."
"He put in his heart and soul into this video part and it shows."
"Not gonna lie, I am so happy with the way this one has come out."
"My wife is a hardcore Cricut user. She has made magic with these."
"You have to come in agreement with what God says about you."
"Good pandemic art will come in retrospect but that doesn't mean this whole thing has been all bad."
"I'm very excited that we're seeing this studio do that."
"This turned out super cool, I'm really happy with the result on this."
"We always wanted to be able to put out like monthly music, almost every month."
"I think things are good right now, like the amount of bangers coming out is actually like crazy."
"That's all I've ever really done, just put my point of view out there."
"I can only admire her enormously for her output, the discipline must have been extraordinary."
"A higher temperature will generate more diverse or creative responses."
"It's shocking when you think about the sheer volume that One Piece has actually produced over 25 years."
"Measure your success off of what you create in the world, and then the women are a byproduct of that."
"I have had a really productive day and I want to show you what I've made."
"I also have some finished yarn to show you and a sneak peek of a pattern coming out in just a few days."
"It's lots of fun and a great way to practice watercoloring and also get like a great end product that you can use at the end of it."