
Film Enjoyment Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Hercules is too consistently fun the whole way through for any plot holes to dampen my enjoyment of it."
"Clever will get you around [] [] clever all good to get people just impressed like long enough which is all you need in a movie."
"I just love these [__] movies man that's the only reason I'm way into it."
"Underwater is a film I enjoyed way more than I thought I would."
"This movie [Saw 3] just rules, it's just so much fun."
"I really liked all the surprises in this movie."
"Great film... I want to see a sequel to this."
"There's never been a Schwarzenegger movie that I have not enjoyed watching."
"The first 20 minutes was just joy and fun bundled up into it."
"These movies are so fun and so good at characterization and filled with great moments and scenes."
"I love it when I'm watching a movie and I have absolutely no idea where it's going to go."
"When something's good it's great and I'm just having a lot of fun watching Godzilla. These movies have giant monsters in them and they fight, and really, that's rad."
"Guys, if you have a chance to check out Anya Taylor Joy, watch it, it's a lot of fun."
"Mark Ruffalo stands to reason you'd enjoy films about journalism given what you do with all your time."
"Hocus Pocus fever isn't all nostalgia; it's a genuinely delightful movie."
"I could watch this movie a billion times and never feel bored... I'm just enjoying myself the entire time."
"One of the films of all time now and it's fun."
"It Follows... I really, really like this one."
"Event Horizon is as much fun as it gets in horror."
"I loved it yeah absolutely loved it yeah this is the kind of tonal adventure I've been waiting for."
"The first time I was very spoiler free, and I really enjoyed the film."
"I came out of it enjoying it the same way I enjoyed any Steven Spielberg film."
"A movie about Spider-Man shouldn't break you... just enjoy what you enjoy."
"The thing I love with the movies all the time is that all the serious moments aren't always super kind of cheesy like, seriousness and then is that a food joke."
"Oh my gosh, I always loved seeing Hitler die."
"It's still a fun and enjoyable entry into the predator series."
"It's the fun part of film. I would say, by far, these are the most fun films to watch of any that are nominated this year."
"I love the characters I love the squad and actually I really like the story... and I loved the chemistry of the team."
"I was stunned how much I enjoyed this movie."
"Ultimately, I liked endgame. There's a lot to like about it, especially the last hour."
"The whole ending scene was fantastic, super satisfying."
"I thought it was really upbeat, really fun to watch."
"I had a blast with this movie, it was very violent."
"To like live in this world and be cozy and be around all of these you know awesome groupies and you know I I can't I love breaking 1 & 2 I've talked about it before moving to our movies for me where I could just put him on."
"The film combines action-packed sequences with heartwarming family moments, creating an enjoyable viewing experience for fans old and new."
"Legitimate joy! This movie's dark as hell, its villain legitimately frightening at times, and it overall simply means business."
"If you're just a casual viewer who's seen some of the movies mostly just the avenger core stuff, you're not a big fan of some of the characters then this is not going to be a very emotional movie for you but it is going to be a fun movie."
"There's almost a sense of pulsating joy coming out of the film here, it just feels like a celebration."
"Your movie doesn't have to be good. I just have to enjoy myself. It can be fun bad."
"The movie is more fun than it is good, but in a good way."
"The extended scenes in Themyscira are the best. Those Amazons are such a joy to watch."
"That was fun. You know who doesn't love just a good old-fashioned Treasure Hunt movie?"
"That's true but is it too late? No, like me personally I know it's never too late, no it's not too late."
"It's a good geeky movie, it's a good fun geeky movie for the people that it's made to be for. You're gonna have a blast."
"I'm very excited for the audiences to be able to immerse themselves in this four-hour justice league world and experience it in a way that they would never have gotten to."
"We laugh and joke all day. It's a fun movie."
"The James Bond franchise first and foremost must be fun to watch."
"The humor was so fast and so well realized it was such a pleasure to watch a funny Star Wars film again."
"The Grand Budapest Hotel...it's hard not to have a good time with this movie it has a lot of colors a great cast of characters a really engaging plot beautiful set pieces basically it has it all."
"What I like about Surf Ninjas is that it'll get so ridiculous that it's almost like a blank canvas. Like, I don't think anyone is beholden to any particular moment of Surf Ninjas, they just remember sort of the dumb joy it made them feel."
"It was the most fun I ever had on a movie. That's what I always wanted to do. So, those are the moments where it's just like, you're enjoying, you're like, 'This is why I'm here.' And it'd be icing on the cake if it was a hit, but it wasn't."
"Just because a movie doesn't do well at the box office or someone else doesn't like it shouldn't take away from your enjoyment of the movie."
"Avatar 2 is well worth it... it's a good movie."
"If this is a movie that you enjoyed as a kid, then it is a fun movie to watch just to go down that old trip down memory lane."
"Although I loved the last Jedi I had loads of fun watching spider-man homecoming experiment homecoming way at the top of a lot of people's lists mine included."
"Most of life, it's true, is known not with certitude but with probability."
"I loved every minute of this film. I, straight up, just... I was entertained from start to finish."
"Best movie ever! I thought this was just a terrifically made movie."
"It's satisfying to watch over and over again."
"It's a movie that any Pokemon fan will thoroughly enjoy."
"It's worth having people that you love around you when you're watching this film."
"This is the happiest Ryan's been since the Batman."
"It's absolutely hilarious, you do not have to have seen the show to enjoy this movie you're not gonna know some of the relationships between the characters it doesn't matter."
"I genuinely enjoyed it, it sets up this movie to have substance."
"It's a movie that's thrilling and exciting but emotional that you feel something while you're watching it."
"Zoolander: a hilariously quotable film that somehow works perfectly."
"It's been a long time since I saw two comic book movies back to back where I came out going oh that was so good."
"The action sequences were awesome. It was super badass to see these characters interact and fight together."
"It's a summer romp where you don't need to take too many things seriously."
"I feel like I could just watch these two interact for the whole film and still be relatively satisfied."
"This is your movie if you want to turn your brain off and have some fun for a little bit."
"Appreciating a film like this is a rewarding experience like no other."
"Be excited, be enthusiastic, love the movie, pump the brakes on telling other people what they are and are not allowed to feel."
"It's a great movie and I think it's totally worth it and I enjoyed it and I'm gonna watch it again."
"The poseidon adventure in space—it's just wonderful."
"The French finally showed us what they are capable of because I really enjoy French cinema."
"There's something magical about movies like this, whether it's Princess Bride or something like that."
"If it could have just been that I think I would have enjoyed this so much more."
"It's not one of the greatest comic book films of all time, but damn it, it's great."
"It's a film where I can look up those three or four scenes I enjoyed on YouTube when I want."
"The first two movies were so much fun, just a really unexpected joy to watch."
"But I really, really enjoyed that movie and it is a heartwarming movie."
"I imagine some parents watching this with their kid and being like wow."
"It's so cheesy and campy, but I love to watch it anyway."
"It's just the best, Wade and Vanessa, simply the best."
"The audience loved this movie... the only rating that matters."
"Sometimes just a good dumb fun action movie."
"Jumanji the next level... This film is just really good."
"It's just a blast, you know? The movie is pretty awful in a lot of ways, but it's really fun."
"Ben Mendelsohn and the cat steal the show. Love the cat, what, you kidding me?"
"I think what's cool about this movie is that it's kind of unto itself. As a comic book fan, don't you like a one-off every now and then?"
"Top Gun is one of those films you just want to go see again."
"I mean, I don't love every single one of the things that he does but man when he's putting some out you can probably count on having a pretty good time watching it."
"Let's just let it be that. You know, I enjoyed it like I enjoyed a lot of MCU movies."
"Just because Halloween is over doesn't mean that we are without horror movies to keep us going."
"I love twist and turn movies like this where you think it's such a mystery but someone's known the whole time and it's just so wonderful." - Appreciating the complexity and satisfaction of a well-executed plot twist.
"The movie is basically him just figuring out how to be Batman, and it's great."
"I'm doing great and I also love replacing MT and I love Spider-Man so truly this is great."
"I usually don't like corny action flicks – but I like this one, it was pretty neat."
"Seeing Vader and hearing him, and just anytime we get Vader, it's always a treat."
"At the end of the day, movies are meant to entertain. I had a blast watching this."
"As far as a rating for me, I really like this movie, this is a very fun Spider-Man movie."
"This is the film for you man it was definitely the one for me."
"Movies are meant to be exciting and unexpected."
"That's one of those movies that I would watch over and over again."
"Maybe Alex should check it out, it's genuinely great."
"It's not up to anyone else to affect whether or not you enjoy a film."
"Baby Driver's just so fucking fun. If you got some joy in your heart, enjoy the movie."
"Best movie ever. I had a good time with this."
"I love mysteries, I love movies, I love twists."
"Anticipation definitely affects our overall experience of a movie."
"It was a pleasant surprise to see him in this."
"I'm very impressed with this film so far, I have to say."
"I just really enjoyed this movie, man. I just had so much fun with this movie."
"So the movie had a lot of comedic scenes, all emotional scenes for me and I really enjoyed everything but like honestly the scene I really like just like felt a lot of fun and was the car chase scene like we was talking about."
"This movie was start to finish the most fun I've had watching a Marvel movie."
"It was just an enjoyable film and I liked it."
"Keanu Reeves is so adorable in this movie, that alone is worth it."
"I'm surprised by how much more enjoyable of a film this was."
"It was just a really fun ride, especially with all the surprises and reveals of different actors like the Johnny Depp reveal was just so good."
"Absolutely watch it again... and I also watch the sequels... I really enjoyed it."
"Libras could really enjoy this movie because they could see themselves in both of these characters and it's also such a comfort film."
"But there are actually quite a few gay men who really did enjoy this movie."
"The recent ones I particularly enjoyed, J.J. Ames' 'The Force Awakens,' which I loved."
"This movie is insane... it's a treat to behold."
"This movie is incredible. It is a perfect Christmas film."
"I still enjoyed the movie, the kills were crazy."
"The real answer is Jurassic Park, and I think I loved it because I loved the dynamic between the adults and the kids."
"It was so much fun watching this movie. I was so entertained."
"Super dope movie, I really liked it. This shining in this... fantastic."
"Street Dreams is a really fun watching experience."
"He won't admit it to the camera, but Moana is one of his favorite movies, he absolutely loves them."
"I was genuinely surprised by Robin Hood; it was a genuinely funny and enjoyable movie."
"It's really cool to see Michael Keaton back in a movie that he really does enjoy."
"I think Royal Tenenbaums is hilarious. It makes me laugh so much."
"That was one of my favorite MCU movies ever."
"You won't be disappointed if you are a Wes Anderson fan."
"If you're entertained and you laugh consistently, then you just pay attention to the film and you don't look for problems with it."
"I really, really, really enjoyed this film."
"I can watch that movie over and over and over."
"It's very entertaining at a lot of points; I'd even call it slightly above average."
"It's probably one of the funniest of all, it's just a charming, absolutely beautiful film."
"Yes, Knives Out leaves me grinning like a possum eating a sweet tater every time."
"La La Land, I absolutely adore this film."
"It's an enjoyable film, and I love the serious tone."
"I'm here for more of these kind of action movies."
"It is very comedic, it is so good."
"It's what makes films exciting for me, not knowing what's going to happen or what a certain thing means."
"People, don't be lazy, read your film, you'll enjoy it, it's awesome."
"His film is actually the one I can actually come back to now and still readily enjoy."
"I thoroughly enjoyed it, quite a good film that was."
"I love this movie, everyone should have seen that film."
"I really enjoyed that they had most of the original cast that was available in the film."
"Pulp Fiction is one that I can enjoy all the way through at any moment."
"I really, really loved this film. I thought that it had so much fun to it."
"Do yourself a favor and go watch this movie."