
Gaming Experiences Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Wow, man, it is a crazy build. Yeah, pretty overpowered, eh?"
"I do absolutely recommend you guys try last Epoch."
"That has to be one of the best moments I've ever had in a game."
"It's not gonna bring back the same feelings of your first time playing WoW right or it might in a nostalgic sense but you could never really bring that back because that was such a unique moment."
"The emotions... resonated with me and so many other players across the world."
"They offer totally different experiences, which is again another merit of this genre."
"I actually hung out with Leon first when I played the game."
"If people want those unique experiences, they're going to go to some of the exclusives where they can get those experiences."
"It's nice to see a friendly face, you know, Pokemon that you've previously gone through an adventure with."
"These don't necessarily have to be concrete scenes or actions just any moments I've had playing games that impacted my understanding of what they can do."
"Multiplayer video games give you the highest highs and the lowest lows."
"So much of the best times aren't about what you played, they're about how you played it with your partners, your buddies, your rivals, your friends."
"One of the coolest things I've seen in Minecraft."
"All of the great moments in Planetside involved a big defense."
"Some of my fondest memories in my long time of playing video games have been thanks to this franchise."
"No, this is not one life. Someone asks. I got kicked out on one life for dying."
"Engagement, finesse, epic outplays—moments we live for."
"There's a concept called emotional bleed... where the relationships and things that happen to your character in-game can bleed over into real life."
"Last Wish was my favorite raid of all time, for its prime."
"Our intent was similar to Classic WoW... But in practice, it ended up just being something that players chafed against."
"Breath of the Wild is one of my favorite games of all time."
"The game you played as a child, as a teenager, as a young adult, you'll be nostalgic for it."
"Every early-to-mid mission feels like you're nothing but an errand boy in this guild."
"Doing challenge appearances is a great way to learn some new specs and experience the game in a slightly different way."
"It's all about the experiences these games bring you."
"Through this competition, I feel that I've met new friends, had fun playing and experienced a lot of interesting things."
"Control, I think both are incredible and captured my imagination a great deal."
"The boss battles were so intense and hard and epic that that kind of set a precedent of what all boss battles should be in an RPG."
"It was the best summer ever and it's never... you know... and I played all the rest of the games and I liked them... boards excellent but he never came close to that religious experience for the first game."
"Everyone I talked to about this game, that's one of the bright spots for everybody, is seeing them get to have that father/daughter relationship."
"Seeing an entire horde moving through the wilderness never ceases to give you that 'oh [__]' moment."
"This is my favorite anti-birth run of all time."
"There's no game that gave me like so much extended joy and good experiences than Halo 3."
"It's amazing how games just have these unbelievable moments, right?"
"I wasn't even looking for it, but I just ran up the hill. You know, so we have experience here all the time in this game."
"Every damn one of those 4,500 seconds are some of the most beautiful I've experienced in a game."
"There was no experience in 2016 gaming more thrilling, fun, and heartwarming."
"I just don't feel that bad when it happens, maybe because I've seen the darkest parts of magic."
"Realistic rebuilds give you the realest experience."
"We want to avoid the sense that you just missed this warfront, sorry, come back later."
"We continue to be thankful to you, our community... we've embarked on epic adventures, forged lifelong friendships and rivalries, created countless memories, and defeated a few dragons in the process too."
"Some of the best times I had in games were when I was level 29."
"I just wanted to try the game when it came out so I could form my own opinions on what I experienced."
"Essentially we want next-gen quality experiences."
"Thank you for joining me on this great adventure; it was so much fun playing this DLC and incredibly rewarding to produce Lonesome Road content for my channel."
"It was almost like therapeutic it's just kind of like oh I play other games I just walking or running or or even taking a car - it feels so more natural now just to swing around swing around like spider-man."
"Let's talk about this mod, some of my experiences with it."
"Magic is easy sometimes. You win by being on the play, sometimes you just frickin' win."
"It's one of those few games that made me feel like a better person after playing it."
"Doki-doki literature club opened my eyes to enjoying indie type games."
"So much fun stuff you can do in custom games. It's actually unreal."
"Long after your game launches, if you can make a compelling and immersive experience, you can have players playing on for years on end."
"Surprisingly, that trial by fire turns those random characters into beloved, hard-fought characters that you’ll enjoy playing as much as ones you had spent days and days planning out."
"It's also one of the best games to complete ever."
"It feels like those 'only in Battlefield' moments happen a lot more than they did in BF1."
"So many moments filled with epic plays, complete fails, utter shock, and hilarious clips."
"It's pretty important to kind of know where you're at and where other people are at."
"Games I thought I’d love ended up not-so-great, and games I didn’t expect much from ended up becoming some of my favorites this year."
"If you have any good memories of playing this game, let me know."
"Ask any KSP player about their first M landing and they'll talk about it like they summited Mount Everest."
"This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen in Minecraft."
"It's one of the best final bosses in Zelda history."
"There are some video game moments that are like a reality check that feels like a hammer to the skull."
"Damn. That's the last thing I'd expect in a game like this."
"I have played quite a few domination battles on these new maps."
"Xbox has taught me to be prepared for disappointment and for everything to come with an additional price."
"We mine for diamonds, explore vast lands, and build creations with our own two hands."
"It's wild to think that... there are incredible experiences that can come out of AAA gaming."
"One of my favorite experiences is natural disasters that's been on the platform forever by one of our early developers."
"I liked Origins because when we were four players, it was just the best time."