
Controversial Opinions Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"The absolute lie that gender is completely disconnected from sex."
"Pineapple on pizza is disgusting and I don't care who disagrees."
"I think India should legalize civil unions for LGB as for the T group I hope we never get that stuff here in India too crazy."
"Speech that no matter how abhorrent is still protected under the First Amendment."
"The mainstream media has done more harm to children than this movie would ever do."
"A lot of people were saying, 'This bit's really boring, I hate this part.' I enjoyed the hell out of it."
"It's dumb to believe that fossils are billions of years old."
"It's difficult, defending the rights of unpleasant people to say unpleasant things."
"Soph is a 14 year old girl who will not we call you the c-word, she'll do it while espousing views that go against modern progressive thought in pretty much every single way possible."
"Donald Trump is real, and Joe Biden is communism. Facts."
"Vaccines are in fact more dangerous than the diseases themselves."
"We all owe Alex Jones an apology because there has been a lot of things that you have been right about."
"The notion that it is it is an inherent good for black and brown women to disproportionately kill their unborn babies is very weird but put that one aside."
"Women don't promiscuous women modern feminists may not like that point but that is a reality."
"Diseases don't actually exist... they're actually downstream effects or symptoms."
"Are you saying Asian Americans in San Francisco should be racially profiling? Yes, absolutely."
"What do you know to be absolutely true that other people disagree on? There's more for us after we die."
"Dissenting voices are silenced every day online for expressing even the most lukewarm controversial opinion."
"The act of going on TV and suggesting that grandparents should be willing to die for the sake of the economy and their grandchildren is pure evil, plain and simple."
"Women want equality until it doesn't benefit."
"Cherish the thing that you have because it can perform just as marvelously as the latest and greatest new hotness."
"The truth is never meant to bring people together, the truth is meant to divide."
"Maybe we're in a world where some of the biggest creators who've been on this platform for years can have hot takes like that and leave it up... Maybe it wasn't the wildest thing I've ever seen."
"Abortion is as evil as slavery, it truly is."
"Planned Parenthood is the worst thing to happen to black babies since Madonna."
"There are situations where cheating is okay."
"Charles Hoskinson himself on March 15th said just to be clear pineapple on pizza is the root of all evil."
"Ben Shapiro and the other conservatives are genocide apologists."
"Nobody has the right to announce whether an entire community is cancerous or not."
"You can't be pro-woman if you're not pro-women in the womb."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you that there's a separation from religion and politics. I think Satan invented that statement."
"People are really writing about this book as if it's some modern-day Mein Kampf against migration."
"A good slap is okay every now and again, it's all about timing, place, reason."
"Abstract as early as possible, that is the craziest statement I've ever read."
"Tiny minority of people think that parents should neither be informed nor have a say. It's up to the child."
"You can't be racist against white people. Yeah, it doesn't seem fair, does it?"
"Art should be subject to criticism, if artists do bad shit we should criticize the fuck out of them."
"My moral values are you don't give kids sex changes have a nice day."
"I think incels do deserve sympathy, controversial take I know, everyone does."
"That absolutely means the game is good. 100% if you have a game that's making people ruin their life over it then instantaneously that's a great game."
"I think we operate in a gynocentric society that puts women on a pedestal and also bails them out of every bad decision that we make ever and tells us we're queens and perfect all the time we are Queens."
"Feelings are justified when I say a man is a man and a woman is a woman, but feelings are not justified if I were to accuse you of gang rape in a public setting."
"No matter whether you liked it or didn't you just go what the [ __ ]."
"These games aren't educational, Adopt Me is educational because it teaches you to drop children in a lake."
"Freedom of speech only is relevant when people say things you don't like."
"Classical music: racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and probably afraid of pickles too."
"It's such in my opinion a double-edged sword."
"Here's something I'm off the grid, but here's something that the crazy ladies of The View did."
"Radioactivity, it's amazing, it's the cure-all."
"In most of these cases, the female was complicit to a certain point, she made some bad decisions."
"Gender fear reaffirming care for children is and should be considered child abuse."
"If you have the desire to cut your breasts off, there's something wrong with you."
"Elon is trying to... have hot takes which may be viewed as political... and just have this really casual relationship with communication."
"The contrary opinion that violence never solves anything is wishful thinking at its worst, people."
"People are going to look at this like it was a form of child abuse."
"So if you're hot, you can drop garbage, you can sh*t in a mic, and it will still do well."
"Bomber Harris: bombing can never win a war, but it has never been tried yet."
"Give me bigotry! Everybody knows Jesus loves everyone. How about how many people Jesus hates? Give me bigotry."
"It's crazy that there are some opinions that you just can't say."
"Sometimes you gotta let Thanos win and say, you know what, let's wipe out half of humanity. I mean, we're sort of overpopulated, I almost sort of agree with his ideology."
"The anti-abortion movement is the political organizing arm of the white supremacist, white nationalist movement."
"Maybe he's empathizing with them a lot of their viewpoints on certain things these serial killers he may be secretly agreeing with them."
"Questioning the main narrative is about to be the equivalent to having the bubonic plague in 1350."
"One of the reasons why I advocate that we must formally separate from black women is to save black women from themselves."
"I admire Nick Fuentes in some ways and disagree with him in a lot of others."
"Violence is never the answer, but in some cases, it's extremely necessary."
"Canned food is abbreviation for cancer food."
"Hitler was a war hero. He won the Iron Cross first class. The First World War turned a nobody into a somebody."
"Saturated fats not a major issue, I put all the evidence together in a provocative article."
"If you genuinely believe that Trump was bad, A) you worked for him, you didn't get fired, you quit. B) You kissed his ass all the way up until January 6th, then denounced him, but then kissed his ass again." - Crystal
"Say that Jackie Robinson was a sellout, but in my opinion, he was."
"So much of what they do in schools... is a plot, a plan, to sexualize children."
"Real men are not liberal, real men actually stand for something."
"LeBron, the devil boy, that boy the real-life Devil Boy. [__] don't know he with the boulay."
"A good sign of free speech is, is someone you don't like allowed to say something you don't like?"
"Like I said, I don't know why people hate these things so much."
"Be the change you want to see in the world, and Lizzo apparently wants a world that is confused, overly sensitive, and has its priorities exactly backwards and upside down."
"Fast. In conclusion, brown face not that bad."
"Some of y'all are out here arguing that Dr. King will be supporting the genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza right now. It's mindboggling."
"I just can't fathom wanting to kill my own unborn child."
"Piracy exists, and in this case, I 100% support it."
"Women never want to settle, they never want to lower their price to match what they are."
"Absolutely disgusting honestly... gaining political power... absolutely disgusting."
"You can't be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation."
"The reality is, if we could warm the world a degree or two, it would be the greatest single blessing we could provide."
"Kyrie Irving is the modern day Muhammad Ali not LeBron James or Colin Kaepernick."
"If it's gaslighting the kid into believing that the parents don't have a gender or the kid should believe that they don't have a gender till they grow up and take puberty blockers, for me that is child abuse."
"I don't care enough about the band, I just am certain that this random singer from this random fucking rock band in the 90s is like a trans person working for Satan."
"That choice doesn't seem so tough to me: vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in, we'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace."
"I advocated for convict Trump, pardon him and pardon anybody who was non-violent in either the insurrection at the Capitol or the BLM riots and neutralize this."
"It's probably the best job for a whole lot of people."
"Is your opinion worth sacrificing your life for?"
"The alternative to free speech is even worse so stupid opinions like that are the price we pay."
"The whole idea of like, 'Don't platform these people, don't give them a voice, don't give them oxygen,' I don't know, I just don't care for it."
"There's no better captain than a drunk captain."
"I think you should not be legally allowed to save someone."
"George W. Bush is a war criminal. That's from Roots Action just so you know."
"A little bit of child labor never hurt any village before."
"I think that the reason why Tom McDonald and all these other people are successful is they're saying the stuff that everybody's thinking but they're afraid to say."
"Cancel culture is the new book burning." - Jimmy Carr
"Should people be allowed be criminalized for saying things that you find hateful or disagreeable? And if you think that, you really don't believe in the concept of democracy."
"Condemn freedom of speech that hurts other people's feelings, that's the whole damn point of free speech."
"Women would rather share a winner than settle for an average guy all to themselves."
"The left has basically convinced black people, you know what, you're better off killing that baby because you can't properly raise it, you don't have the family structure, you don't have the finances, your life would be better without a child."
"I mean who doesn't love bacon i guess there's a few people you know things like that they're satiating they're healthy even though we've been told bacon is going to give us a little heart attack"
"Freedom of speech means being allowed to tell people what they don't want to hear."
"Controversial, out with the old in with the news."
"Now I was treated like an [__] along with my fellow leftists when we all said that Trump was trying to pave the way for some kind of a coup."
"It's just that I have no sympathy for people who advocate this sort of life-ruining attack on other people for the same sort of wrong think or other thought crimes."
"So, who's the villain in this scenario? I don't know. I mean, Noam Chomsky, he's said it's a matter of record that Bill Clinton kills people. We'll go with that."
"If it gets you [__], whatever you have to do to get laid is worth it. That's my advice."
"Bill Maher said quote fat shaming doesn't need to end it needs to make a comeback some amount of shame is good shame is the first step in reform end quote."
"If being progressive in 2018 apparently requires us to support biological men going into the ring to kick the crap out of women, then I think somewhere along the line we may have lost the plot."
"It's made more ethical than eating animals against their will."
"It'll probably piss a lot of people off but they need to hear it. It is what it is."
"This video is literally Ruby normalizing beating and abusing your kids because that's what real love is."
"You are a war criminal if you don't like Baja Blast."
"I do not like the way the left has been so violent and they have been dumbing down black people for years."
"If people have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack the corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
"Kundalini Yoga is demonic possession, that's all it is."
"if dogs could talk they would have the most racist opinions in the world"
"Disney standing up for groomers is not the most popular opinion at Disney, apparently."
"The audacity and the shamelessness that it takes to even mention this in the same sentence as 9/11... it confirms my opinion that the MSM is, in fact, the enemy of the people."
"The evolution theory is complete bullshit and that they need to throw it in the garbage."
"If you want freedom of speech, you have the right to offend someone."
"You can't say black lives matter and not include the black lives that are in the womb."
"Molyneux's ideas on race and statistics are caustic."
"Freedom of speech means protecting speech that we do not like in order to protect speech that we need to hear."
"She's gained her National celebrity some say notoriety with a sharp tongue and some pretty radical views."
"Pokemon is a step to bigger and better things in the occult."
"I am for all speech everywhere. I actually want people who have bad ideas to be loud about it."
"Being proud of being white wasn't fascist or racist anymore, it was simply honoring your culture."
"A lot of people are totally okay with racism and sexism as long as they feel it's aimed at the right direction."
"I really hate this implication that black and Trump have to be opposed ideas inherently."
"Sometimes I think they're... ill conceived but alas like we like we say with everything we always want Nuance in the conversation."
"High-value men don't want women in the danger zone, and this pisses a lot of women off."
"Everyone knows that the freedom of immaturely stating whatever you want whenever you want is far more important than values like love."
"The pig is one of the most controversial placements that are going to be on this list."
"Even if it was proven to have been the Ukrainian military and not just like pro-ukrainian dissidents or something I guess it might help that I hated the pipelines to begin with a lot more."
"I love it that people get to be heard... no matter how stupid what they're saying is."
"Want regime change in Russia? These guys are going shaking his hand. They'll do a regime change in U.S. Mark my words."
"Trump would shake up the system and could end up being a positive force in terms of undermining the status quo. Does he have a point? A terrible point."
"I told y'all Kyrie Irving was as close as we've seen to Muhammad Ali in this stance he took, and he was dead right."
"There's like actual quote-unquote doctors now saying that fat equals healthy."
"Saying something as simple as biological sex exists... is now such an outrageous statement."
"Everybody don't deserve saving. Say it with me: Everybody don't deserve saving."
"No one seems to have a problem with football players or managers or agents getting paid the king's fortune. Anyone moved to the idea that someone actually owns a football club should get some money out of it? They should be flogged at dawn."
"Remember when there was a collective scream that we all could physically hear when Tom Cotton wrote an op-ed saying send in the troops? It was like one day I just heard and I was like, what's happening up in my window, I could hear it everywhere."
"I'm not anti-semitic but I believe in the right to have all conversational all conversations online no matter how offensive why does Pierce Morgan believe in censorship with a platform called uncensored hashtag when uncensored become censored."
"People love to hate flow racing, they love to hate."
"Yeah, those were pretty hot takes honestly, those are some spicy ones."
"Jason here has had a string of very concerning posts on what he thinks about beastiality such as saying it should only be in the context of the comic."
"Being an [__] but still being right is something that I hold very near and dear to my heart."
"We protect hate speech, because we believe all speech should be free."
"You can't be healthy and fat at the same fucking time."
"Thank you for bravely submitting some very controversial opinions because some of you are very wrong."
"This guy you know I've heard people say like they should give like child molesters bang bang like dolls no to like placate their desires but this seems seems like teaching them how you know what I mean well you're like giving them a test run."
"Kanye's beliefs and the things that he said and done are terrible but the music kinda fire."
"CO2 far from being a pollutant is actually making the world a better place."
"He has views and opinions that people really don't want to admit that they agree with."
"1800 hits already, the dude's such a beast, I don't care if he cheated, he's so good."
"I know this will probably be confronting for people or maybe piss some people off but this is just how I feel."
"Now I know not everyone's going to agree with this, maybe I've lost some subscribers already, but it is a really good way of getting close to wildlife."
"Just going to put this out there and I expect this to be a bit controversial because of recency bias but I think that even gray fox let alone riding under any of the Winds of Destruction could wipe out any of the bosses in this game easily."