
Positive Perspective Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"There is so much opportunity in crisis, it is absolutely extraordinary."
"Making something out of it, a net positive, finding happiness in places where perhaps we didn't see it the first time."
"Interpret your circumstances through the lens of God's goodness."
"Being the odd man out in a crowd isn't always a bad thing."
"Going sideways is actually a really good thing. It beats going down 30 every single day."
"Yemen is more than tragedy and pain but has a magnificent history."
"Dyslexia is like a superpower, your brain processes things totally differently."
"On the bright side, you're the talk of the party. People like your dress."
"Nothing is by mistake, is it? It's just wonderful."
"You're discovering something, this is a blessing in disguise."
"If you lose hope in humanity's goodness, just think of the countless cases in which our ancestors illustrated that they had a heart."
"I don't think social media is useless at all and I think they're going to be very important at the moment. I think it's one of those Commons that we have to take over again."
"I have never been more optimistic about our future."
"It's an asset-based perspective... people already kind of want to do well, they want to impress others, they want to be meaningful, they want to contribute."
"That's optimism at its finest seeing the best of a bad situation."
"It's not all doom and gloom. I'm also going to share why I remain bullish about our prospects."
"The same thing that could be a challenge is also the best part."
"Thirty's can be scary for some people I think, like, 'Oh, my god, I'm [bleep] old,' but now, I'm like, 'No, growing up is cool, man, because I have more wisdom.'"
"That's not a failure, that is a huge huge success."
"I actually think this is happier news rather than sadness."
"Everybody pretty much has quirks. They're basically like superpowers."
"Finding the good... that has been true from the beginning."
"We don't have problems. We are blessed beyond measure."
"Divorce doesn't have to be a bad thing; it can be celebrated."
"Something's happening here and it's all happening for you, not to you."
"Think of all the beauty in everything around you."
"Is it a bit novelty? Sure. But that's not a bad thing, it's fun."
"Your sensitivity is actually your strength and not your weakness."
"I'm a hero, I guess people aren't all monsters."
"Things aren't to be ashamed of. I mean what is shameful about having prosthetics? Maybe nothing, right? That's so good for us all to hear though."
"Sometimes it can be the greatest gift in the world."
"Every day you wake up above the ground is a blessing."
"The challenges that are facing you are not as insurmountable as you think."
"I think autism is part of who he is, and so I think it will affect his future but not in a bad way."
"Golden opportunities instead of painful lessons."
"What makes her special isn't that she's strong or confident. It's that Diana can see the good in everybody."
"Trying to free shake the fact that you're feeling anxious means you care about something so it's actually like it's it is low-key like a bit of a beautiful feeling really."
"Forces really can't be considered a bad game. It's not badly made and it's not badly designed."
"I'm not successful and happy despite my disability, I'm actually happy and successful because of it."
"Don't think of it as a punishment, but that you're gaining more wisdom."
"Some places get like a bad rep and when you're actually there you might really like it."
"What you're going through right now is actually a good thing."
"So things were happening for him not to him, not to him."
"The situation that you're in is actually an opportunity. This is going to create a turning point for you, a breakthrough moment."
"Kids make parenting a pleasure, not a chore."
"Getting old is a gift. I forget that sometimes, but it is."
"I don't know what happened to me, but I used to just always see the bright side because there always is a bright side, even in the worst circumstances."
"This is an opportunity... take that as a blessing."
"Immigration does not pollute the blood of America, it's the lifeblood of America."
"Life has not yet gotten bad. I mean, your life is fantastic, right?"
"This wasn't a black eye this is a great night it's a great fight."
"Let me know how you're feeling, your confidence."
"Embracing the situation instead of shying away from it."
"Be happy for them [family members who have passed], be happy."
"Imposter syndrome is a good thing because when you feel like an imposter, that's just a fancy way of saying you're trying something new."
"Perfectly well, I feel so kind of blessed and happy, grateful and calm, and even when bad things happen like yesterday, I kind of find something good in it."
"You saw the silver lining in a situation, and for me this is a closure that's coming for you."
"I never looked at nobody with a jealousy with a lens of jealousy, I've always looked at people with inspiration."
"Instead of being like, 'Well, I don't like it because I won't be able to do it,' why not think of the positives that are gonna happen from it?"
"Open your eyes and see if there's not a hundred healthy beautiful living Souls."
"Oh my, an academy of fine hearts. Great princess is a wonderful country."
"If you're a little uncomfortable, that's actually a good sign."
"Life becomes a pretty incredible place to be."
"We are living in glory days, not gloomy days."
"Losing didn't feel like losing because that was just such a fun battle."
"I am optimistic about our future and as an investor you kind of have to be."
"You're taking the loss as a blessing in disguise."
"On the bright side, everyone's washing their hands now."
"Getting rejected was honestly one of the best things that happened to me."
"When you start looking around and everything, you have to be thankful for, the clouds part."
"I always want to look on the bright side of situations."
"Find the beauty in the situation, even if it's unexpected."
"The idea that people could preserve some of their wealth in bitcoin is something that is uplifting and exciting to hear."
"Whatever this big shake-up is that really hurts at first is a blessing in the skies."
"I need a break, and it's not really a bad thing."
"There is in fact a silver lining to this though."
"Look at the opportunities this pandemic is offering."
"Everybody is different in some way. No one is going to perfectly fit the mold of what most people look like or do or sound like or whatever it may be. And those differences don't have to be a bad thing."
"I've made my first mistake... Oh well, actually, this mistake turned out to be really good."
"Taking responsibility for it is kind of even a good thing, probably."
"...you make squatting for a minute in a row not feel so bad."
"It's a good thing you see it like that, huh?"
"There's an upside... He retains his Chi powers."
"There's really no situation so bad, so undesirable that some good can't be wrestled from it."
"It's not fair to write California off. There's a lot of people in the state that are really good people and really wholesome folks."
"Have you ever faced a door slammed shut in your face, only to find it was the best thing that could have happened to you?"
"It's not about tricking fate, but understanding that sometimes the universe's 'no' is a hidden 'yes' to something greater."
"It's so nice, I think the secret is to always look up when you're in town centers."
"Community college gets such a bad rap; it's honestly like the best decision you can make."
"Everything and everybody has a good side."
"We have a problem, but an opportunity in disguise."
"This was all a blessing in disguise."
"There's some sort of silver lining in this ridiculousness that is 2020."
"I'm kind of looking at the positive side."
"It's a lesson and it's a blessing in every lesson."
"Beautiful beautiful everywhere, beautiful beautiful people everywhere."
"Synesthetes by and large consider their abilities as gifts rather than curses."
"There's always an upside to any situation."
"This whole thing has been a blessing in disguise."
"I love you like I just love your outlook on life."
"Kind of a blessing in disguise, you know."
"It's good to see the positives in things."
"Inflammation is a good thing; that means your immune system is working."
"I never thought that it was a blessing in disguise."
"You have a lot to be grateful for, you have a lot of great energy coming in, so try to change the way that you're seeing your current circumstances and focus on the positive."
"The really wonderful thing about life is it never turns out like you expect it to."
"Don't be upset that it's ending, be happy that it happened."
"It's good really that it's raining because we're going somewhere warm."
"The overwhelmingly majority of volcanic eruptions are not deadly, not terrifying, but beautiful actually, powerfully beautiful."
"Try to find the good in it, no matter what."
"We look at them through a lens of assets and not deficits."
"Everything which is good in this country is our Sharia, so our Sharia is already implemented."
"It's like the cool way of getting old, you know? It's like, oh, you don't want to be old, but then when you put a spin on it like 'silver fox,' like distinguished older gentleman, then I'm like, not a bad idea."
"It was a blessing rather than a curse."
"These flaws are some of your very greatest gifts when they are put to use, when they are channeled in specific avenues and directions."
"Sometimes when life gives you lemons, they are so sweet."
"This world is not all bad, my gosh. It's beauty all around us if you just look around you."
"It's not the end of the world, we're living the dream."
"Getting older is not just a bad thing; it's a celebration."
"You're looking at your betrayal like a blessing in disguise."
"It really is a blessing in disguise."
"Find the gift, the silver lining, the blessing in the experience."