
Historical Warfare Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"Great war Richtofen started a plan to break the cycle, with Pablo defending him while he powered up a teleportation device."
"The Aztec flower wars served a far darker purpose than merely the slaying of foes in combat."
"The Comanche were renowned for their savagery and combat skills, becoming the most feared warriors in the territory."
"History's bloodiest war? Nope, the second World War."
"Enemy envoys were to be safeguarded and inviolate, non-combatant civilians were to be treated as neutral parties and truces were to be accepted wherever possible."
"The German U-Boat came to symbolize treachery, cruelty, and inhumanity in Naval Warfare."
"The whole castle is designed to make sure the enemy will always be in the line of fire."
"The benefits of sloped armor have been known since the 12th century."
"There is no elegant swordplay, just brutal melee in the stench of blood and bronze."
"A larger more powerful military and army was able to actually lose a war while being the aggressor."
"Britain was the first country to declare war on it, was in the war on the first day, and it was there on the last day of the major belligerence on both sides."
"The call had come from the Crusader States of the Holy Land. The Crusades were an ongoing series of wars which European Christians had been engaged in since the late 11th century to reclaim the Holy Land."
"Garibaldi's revolutionary soldiers, the iconic Red Shirts, would invade Sicily with only a thousand men before marching north to unite the peninsula."
"Hannibal never really had a proper professional army under his command and he gave Rome a beating in their own backyard for 16 years without having a proper army."
"Mikawa did not know it at the time, but he had just squandered the IJN's best chance of delivering a knockout blow to the first American offensive in the Pacific."
"Alexander himself, as well as close friends and Companions, suffered all the same hardships as the army."
"But war never changes and soon the surrounding sovereigns could only look on as their lands were liberated in the name of congolese consolidation."
"The one decisive counterweight I can see would be if the United States would immediately to range herself with us at a belligerent power."
"Germany realized that their only chance to win the"
"Wars that have ever been fought in all of the history of the galaxy, there are three that stand out the most: the war in heaven."
"New discoveries and forensic science bring to life, 'The Prehistoric Art of War'."
"Carry your head always high in battle where swords seek to shatter the skulls of doomed warriors."
"Hopefully next time we can start building our actual kingdom and prepare for the Vikings that will come once there's money Vikings will come."
"What really made a ninja what they were was their creativity."
"It's a very interesting battle, it's kind of like the Pike and shot era almost or around there, you know it's kind of like early you got a lot of gunpowder you got a lot of late period units."
"Historically, when people going off to battle, the first main bit of armor they'll try and get is a helmet."
"Never underestimate an army that's on the retreat."
"Sure, we've learned a lot of deeply unsettling things about Henry VIII today."
"Long before the famed English Longbowmen rose to dominate the battlefields of the Middle Ages."
"I could literally start a holy war right now and just basically go and beat up the Holy Roman Emperor just for fun."
"Viking raids were not intended to destroy people or towns."
"War was a way of life for these predators of the north."
"Native Warriors preferred way to dispatch enemies are Close Quarters was a Swift and Powerful single blow to the head with a hatchet or a club."
"Before the arrival of the Great Army in 865, Scandinavian warbands in Britain mostly operated autonomously from one another and generally lacked unity."
"I've never in my life been hopeful... pessimism is the wise position to adopt because you're always agreeably surprised."
"At almost every turn, Hannibal outwitted the Romans, infiltrating their armies with informants."
"Even at their weakest point, these Huns were capable of trouncing the armies of a settled empire."
"The age of apostasy was essentially a massive bureaucratic power struggle which overflowed into actual Warfare and saw not only the ecclesiarchy but the entire Imperium brought to a state of severe disruption."
"The brass was helping us get on even terms with the luftwaffe."
"Britain couldn't defeat France on the continent, but their fleet could isolate them, making victory overseas possible."
"We have learned so much. We will be stronger than ever."
"For over a month Hanno besieged the city, but was unable to fully prevent it from being supplied by sea."
"Germans tend to not do very well when they have to fight on multiple fronts."
"This is awesome! Now the French charging, they've got their cab charging in as well!"
"Throughout human history, we've always used vehicles: the Trojan horse, battering rams, trebuchet, tanks, etc."
"The knights had a truly fearsome reputation on the battlefields."
"The fall of Vienna would open the door for the Ottomans to conquer all of Western Christendom."
"The Lionheart himself fought with ferocity and valor, like a proper medieval warrior."
"How did messages get from the front line to artillery units in the rear?"
"Hitler understood that this war was a war for resources... This was the first war for oil."
"Another German panzer encircled, get out of here."
"The French are controlling this battle the entire time."
"Just a couple of outdated German bombers could effectively silence an Airfield for the better part of a day."
"The English archers would have joined the men at arms in the final assault."
"The RAF struck at Iranian airfields... quickly gaining air superiority."
"We're finally getting the job done against the Syracusans, a long time coming."
"Samurai were not defined by the sword or even the spear but rather the bow in a loose universal fighting style called 'kuban umichi' or the 'way of horse and bow.'"
"British infantry in particular were known for their disciplined Clockwork volley fire."
"We are defending a castle, and they only have a catapult."
"During the Battle of Monte Casino, Wojtek supported the artillerymen by carrying crates of ammunition."
"Let's begin the seemingly unstoppable armies of Napoleon are a great threat to all Europe."
"Your entire army has just evaporated. Oh, these poor Danes, they really were not expecting literally god to descend from the heavens and evaporate their armies."
"The booby traps the North Vietnamese army used against them have gone down in history as some of the most ingenious yet terrifying methods of defense."
"The National Liberation Front waged open war against the South Vietnamese military."
"Could you imagine him fighting in the defensive grind of the Overland Campaign?"
"There were almost no Axis units between the Romanian First Armored Division and the Romanian Eighth Cavalry Division."
"For many veterans, it was the epitome of brutal mechanized modern war."
"The Canadian third division had the advantage... emerging from the tunnels they fell on the Germans before they could get out of their dugouts."
"By november the australian army had showed that it was not only the equal of the japanese in jungle warfare but it may have surpassed them."
"The Condottiero is fantastic at dealing with gunpowder armies."
"Fully armored elite European knights must have seemed like a tank battalion from hell to lightly clothed and increasingly expendable peasant conscripts from the Ottoman dominions."
"Pole axes are an awesome weapon...considered a primary weapon for a knight."
"He was the first to stage night time attacks, which became especially devastating to the enemy."
"The British fighters excelled in their high turning rates, a crucial advantage in engagements."
"Cavalry forces went into battle without stirrups or even saddles. This revelation turns the whole modern idea of a cavalry charge on its head."
"Historically there have been other norms that have held in war... neither the Germans nor the Western allies nor the Soviets employed these devastating weapons."
"Elliptical stern for much of the age of sail getting into a so-called raking position was an ideal tactic."
"Over the centuries they developed weapons to fight each other, with arrows, flames, rams, and through boarding the enemy."
"Battering rams were one of the most effective pieces of equipment on the battlefield."
"Ballistae were deployed across Europe to help capture and defend new territories."
"Counterweight trebuchets: one of the most powerful types of siege engines."
"The Claw of Archimedes: one of the most ingenious, bizarre, and deadly siege weapons."
"Victory was not enough to conquer. One had not only to defeat one's enemies but to hold the fruits of their victory."
"One of the terrible things that somebody who fled from battle would have to suffer is that nobody would talk to him nobody would give him fire and he would get picked last at ball games."
"Legend has it that Scottish knight William Wallace used the claymore in the war for Scottish independence."
"While the turtle shell serves a defensive purpose in most cases, the ninja were also developing defensive skiIIs."
"There was a surprising amount of social mobility to be achieved through warfare."
"For all his preparations for an extensive invasion of Russia, Napoleon’s ideal campaign remained one where the enemy fully cooperated with him."
"This was total war, a war beyond their imagining."
"Wow, the Egyptians are definitely holding their lines very very well they have 8,000 so they've lost just under 2,000 soldiers but they've killed almost 7,000 Persians."
"War depends on reputation and Macedonians needed to be considered invincible."
"The breastplates could indeed stop musketry at longer ranges and pistols even closer."
"There was fighting in the Middle East and Central Asia and places that I think people kind of forget about because we essentially have the two main theaters that we think about, Europe and the Pacific."
"For most of history, the most important part of infantry combat was making sure that your men held their formation and didn't break."
"In 7 months, Caesar had chased Pompey from Italy, secured his western flank, disbanded 5 of Pompey’s Legions and absorbed a further 4."
"The US air forces literally destroyed and turned to ashes thousands of Iraqi soldiers."
"Fear is a weapon, a weapon that even the most honorable samurai capitalized on."
"The lack of defense encouraged Slim to change the plan. Operation Extended Capital was more ambitious."
"Countries used to spend like centuries at war with everyone next to them like it's the we live in an era of unprecedented peace."
"General winter will play a big role, but it'll be the Russian army that does it in the end."
"The flamethrower is a frightful weapon that plays to our most primal fear, born of grim necessity. It is an illumination of horror, fire is a savage beast."
"I find all this very interesting. War has changed little over the millennia but technology provides some small advantages for small intervals."
"The spartans had to assert their supremacy and take any slight to their honor very seriously."
"The prospect of being hacked to pieces by the frenzied attacks of enraged peasant farmers would have sent a chill down the spine of anyone sent to fight them."
"Every time you talk about yourself in the negative you become what you talk about."
"You can turn a personal blog into a media company that's making $10 million, $20 million, $30 million a year."
"You could land whole armies on day one, but if they ran out of ammunition and food by day three, then all you were doing was giving the Germans a bit of a bureaucratic nightmare."
"During World War II Japanese kamikaze pilots were revered as Heroes by their country and deemed an enormous Threat by the United States military."
"For an army of 100,000, with half a million horses, grasslands were as crucial as oil to a modern army."
"This obscure battle might be regarded as one of the most significant battles in the history of the Western Roman Empire."
"The Persian Wars themselves were actually instrumental in creating phalanx warfare as we know it."
"But among these none more represented the ideal hoplite than the 300 hundred handpicked soldiers who defended the king."
"The information war was actually being won mainly by the allies because of enigma decryptions."
"Usually facing off against armies that could not amass any comparative number of horses or skilled bowmen, the Mongols enjoyed far greater striking power and mobility."
"The Ming went to these extraordinary lengths to combat a mortal enemy."
"Why are round shields so popular and so universal? Why do you find circular shields more popular than elongated shields or square shields?"
"I don't think you could hear the Mongols coming."
"The plan for the 16th Army was to launch a series of naval invasions against key points in the Dutch East Indies, namely some of the secret airfields that we’ve discussed, as the Japanese would need air support from these points for their planned invasion of Java."
"War has turned against a once unstoppable war machine that was Germany."
"Salcedo and the Luzonous warriors led by the Gandula of Tondo successfully burned 35 of Limahong's ships."
"El Cid would face their powerful armies on the battlefield and win against them in a series of spectacular victories."
"The defender advantages provided by the slope of the hill and the ability to loose arrows on the attackers would do much to mitigate the numbers advantage."
"The fighting on Bak in the caves especially was a portent of things to come in places like Saipan, Peleliu, and Iwo Jima."
"The siege works could be absolutely incredible in scale, rivaling Alexander the Great's construction of the causeway during his siege of Tyre."
"...heroic tales of Hannibal leading his armies over the Alps and bringing with them war elephants to fight the Roman Republicans in their own home territories..."
"This aspect of battlefield tactics would move much more quickly to prominence as each man possessed a weapon that could double or even triple his rate of fire."
"What is the purpose of armor? It is to keep you safe from the weapons of the time."
"The French heavy cavalry with their breastplates and backplates was extremely effective."
"The Rangers would use tactics more akin to those of the native North Americans."
"This was a military machine that we're talking about, not a random collection of barbarous primitive tribes."
"When the Temujai riders appeared around a bend in the trail behind him, Holt launched two arrows at maximum range on a high parabolic flight."
"In his era, in his location, there was only one life path a guy like that could possibly take: Nebuchadnezzar would have to go to war."
"Within less than one hour, the Europeans were slaughtered, the Visayans led by Datu Lapulapu of Maktan were victorious."
"The writings of ancient historians say that the claw was able to lift enemy ships clean out of the water."
"...the Vikings aren't expanding for the sake of territory in most exceptions; they're wanting to pillage and take vast amounts of tribute."
"The Zulus move in very large numbers, but they do so in skirmish formations."