
Market Confidence Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"For those of you who are losing faith in the asset, don't. The future's very bright, it's all there, it's all the numbers."
"I still think the economy is very strong. Unemployment claims low, industrial production strong, business investment strong, holiday sales very strong."
"The market will take care of itself... the market will be very strong as soon as we get rid of the virus."
"I'm staying invested. I'm not selling anything. I'm here for the long term."
"As long as it holds above 28-30ish, people still have confidence."
"Don't freak out we're gonna be good all right guys we're gonna be good okay."
"Bitcoin's back up to $72,000. How can anyone be fearful right now?"
"Elon has just tweeted Tesla has diamond hands. Probably to reassure the market that Tesla is not selling through this."
"To gain the buyer's confidence, traders used the masterly skills of Dutch painters."
"Arc Invest to split sixty percent Bitcoin, forty percent Ethereum as confidence in Ethereum grows dramatically."
"I'm more bullish on XRP now than I literally have ever been."
"Institutions are the smart money guys. They're holding 96 percent of shares, which means that they obviously believe in this company long term."
"Confidence level for me is at an all-time high right now. If you guys have been watching the sort of the damage that we've been putting on this market over the last couple weeks, we had the best January."
"We're all in, and my conviction couldn't be higher."
"Bitcoin is doing perfectly fine. It is healthy and it is going to continue forward and break new highs for the rest of this year."
"Bitcoin and all the cryptocurrencies could go to zero... That's what it comes down to, it's confidence."
"Bitcoin itself is in a no-lose situation today."
"I don't mind having egg on my face if I'm completely wrong about this right. I don't mind at all; it would actually dispel some things that I thought for a long time and it would improve the confidence in our markets."
"Markets are efficient. I don't lose sleep at night thinking the market's going to crash tomorrow."
"I feel so much more confident in the markets because they're so efficient, because they're so tight."
"High level is just the fact that a lot of the holders are still here and they're still holding up strong."
"Bitcoin is just fine. Realize that this is temporary. It's going to be a drop in the bucket versus where things will be in the future."
"Bitcoin has well and truly moved past the point where it will go to zero."
"I remain extremely confident in where the sports card hobby and where prices are going to be a year from now two years from now three years from now and as a result of that I think now personally is a really good time to buy that's my take."
"Homebuilder sentiment reached the highest level on record."
"I'm not selling, I'm still holding on and this right here is an indication that we could have a bright future coming."
"When people see more adoption coming from the big guys, they're going to feel much more comfortable to come into the space."
"Bitcoin's not dead at all. Don't fall for the FUD."
"Bitcoin's going to hit 300,000 this year. Very confident. Some people will say it's got to take longer than that. No, it's this year bust."
"It's very clear that bitcoin is going to be around for a very long time."
"I'm not sure the Fed hiking by 75 basis points haphazardly is leading to more confidence."
"There's no absolutely zero reason to be panicking about bitcoin at this point."
"The only thing that should give you confidence in markets is fundamental analysis because in the long term, fundamental analysis always wins."
"The funny thing or there is the most sexy thing forever bike is the freedom of choice I think it will make the success of this segment and so we are confident it will have success."
"If people in mass lose faith in bitcoin and don't care at all about bitcoin in the slightest then yeah certainly I think bitcoin would in that case die."
"I think it is a very high certainty that bitcoin survives and thrives."
"AMD's pricing of Zen 4 CPUs reflects their confidence in winning."
"The markets don't care about the recession, which means they believe it was fully priced in."
"We need to have confidence that the market is our financial Market or Securities Market in particular is the best in the world."
"Is this the end of crypto? Not a chance. We are definitely going to see continued resilience in this space."
"Bitcoin will never go to zero." - Kevin O'Leary
"It's only a matter of time until everyone looks at Tesla the company and Tesla stock the same way that today they look at Apple the company and Apple stock. It's a no-brainer."
"Bitcoin's never going to zero. There's enough people around the world see it as a store of value."
"People just want to have guidance and confidence to get out of stocks if they're not already."
"You know, there's definitely staying power behind this."
"The long term story is still a hundred percent there."
"You cannot lose faith in the market. You cannot lose faith in the future of mankind."
"You know it's Now's the Time to get back in this market just like it's crazy how long it can take for people to get confidence to like jump back in the pool my gosh."
"Bitcoin will be the signal of confidence re-entering the market."
"Fear around Evergrande is really evaporating... the market has really relaxed over Evergrande fears."
"We have the backing of the US government and that feels like the market is much more stable."
"Investors in Ethereum are not looking to sell their ETH anytime soon."
"Please folks do not get scared out of the market or sit on the sidelines because of all the bs that you're hearing."
"bitcoin will come back and we'll come back stronger and it's one of those assets and networks that will never go away as more and more countries and companies and people embrace and adopt it"
"Each day that goes by where the recession thesis doesn't materialize, people become more unborn golden."
"Bitcoin is going to live and it's going to rally."
"There's a reason to be bullish. I don't think retail has FOMO yet."
"We have mechanical reasons behind it of course but without the validity of the argument be it pivot or soft landing we would have never seen such inflows and stampede into buying equities."
"That's a bullish sign, that means these guys know what they're doing."
"Crypto is the future it really is it's not gonna I really don't feel like that is going to change."
"Bitcoin will come out of this stronger, okay? I do believe that."
"The longer a rally exists, the more confident you can be in it."
"In my personal opinion, I do think we're in the clear to see our all coins exploding in value."
"The reason I felt comfortable doing that at a time where you know Silver's gone down it's gone from 30 down to 20 is because I really have a lot of confidence in in the discovery potential."
"The altcoins are a great indication that the market is taking a little bit more confidence."
"I am confident that we will be able to sell all the cars that we can make."
"It's about finding a level where you can feel comfortable investing in stocks even if it falls further."
"I still believe we're going up to this box... I'm not going to be shaken out of position."
"Bitcoin is strong, crypto is strong, we will get through this."
"Show me, prove it. Bitcoin, Ethereum, I'm sure they'll be here five years from now."
"While everybody's capitulating, selling, doubting this space, complaining, I personally will be buying as much as I can get my hands on."
"As the crypto market, we've done extremely well without proper regulations... and I can only assume that we will continue to do so."
"If you're a Bitcoin bull, you have been vindicated."
"Apple has been an incredible outperformer and I think it's going to continue."
"So long as Bitcoin remains above $60,000 in the short to medium time frame, it's onwards and upwards."
"Never be afraid to buy back into a stock that's still got a great story, great fundamentals, just because it didn't work out the first time."
"Bull markets still on, signs are still looking good."
"The confidence this market needs to take off again."
"If we see a change of character for example in this zone here, I could be able to look for buys with confidence."
"Bitcoin is 100% at least going back to all-time high."
"Do people still want to buy homes at these increased prices? The answer is a resounding yes."
"I'm extremely bullish on Costco as a company."
"I'm confident about the market, I'm confident about the money I'm going to spend, and confident about the profit I can make on it."
"First and foremost, this is an affirmation that crypto is here to stay."
"The economy is improving fast, inflation is falling, growth is strong, stock market is at an all-time high."
"It's really a testament to how strong the market remains."
"Alaran is most definitely here to stay, and there's just so many fundamental aspects that are really, really bullish."
"We are not scared but price keep moving up, wow."
"If you look at any tangible announcement that companies make for future growth, markets for the most part bend over backwards to give them credit."
"The economy is incredibly strong right now."
"Is it time to panic? No, it's not time to panic, we'll stay bulls."
"We are not concerned over demand for electric vehicles; we think they'll be the future."
"I'm confident that over 10 plus year periods of time, I will do quite well in the market."