
Age Comparison Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I'd rather be 80-year-old me than 20-year-old you."
"But speaking of fibs the sentiment of gen Z collectively looking older than Millennials is just categorically not true."
"I'm not saying when I turn 30 I'll have figured things out but I definitely have more things figured out about myself than I did when I was 22."
"At 26 years old she had less autonomy than she did at 16."
"Kids have fabulous ideas. If you want to know what the future is, don't talk to the 35 to 55-year-olds."
"Don't take Kevin Durant for granted. He's 34, he's still playing like he's 26."
"My 33 year old brain is better than my 11 year old brain."
"How can I admire you beating up a man who, if you were the same age as him, he would rip your head off?"
"I feel like we'll be more acquainted with culture than someone a similar age in a different career field."
"I'm gonna be healthier at 55 than I ever was at 17."
"A 50-year-old with a high score has a massively higher risk in the following ten years than an eight-year-old with a zero score."
"Children have a wonderful immune system compared to later phases of life."
"She feels better now in her 60s than she did in her 30s."
"30 is basically the same as being 20, except you have more hair on your face and less hair on your head."
"He's done for, he's actually done for. He's cooked, bro, it's actually cooked."
"The 30s is significantly better than the 20s."
"Kudos to you on crushing it. It's kind of embarrassing when you're someone like me that looks back and thinks, 'What was I doing at 24 years old?'"
"It's tough but I saw a photo of my dad the other day, it was me and my brother playing in the backyard and my dad had a suit on and I go, 'Oh, what year is this?' and I did a math, he was 33. So I'm like he's 33 and up 39."
"Amy Poehler was only 32 while Rachel McAdams was 25."
"I will vote for an old man who is fit like fiddle, I will not vote for a young man who is suffering from any kind of ailment that will forward."
"I think I'm a little better now than I was when I was younger."
"If you were having a geriatric Olympics, I'd put my money on Joe Biden winning the decathlon, not Donald Trump."
"I think a lot of older people forget what it's like to be your age, like, yeah, I remember when I was like young and I was saying Jay-Z and [ __ ] old enemies like he can't [ __ ] with Rakim."
"I don't care if he's 25 or 85 or 95, maybe 25 is a young liar, if he's 85 he's an old liar."
"He's about his age, yeah, only a couple years on, I think I'm in love."
"Sally may be 16 in human years but 32 in Squirrel years your arguments thus become irrelevant due to a legitimate storytelling point."
"Endurance wise, I'll beat the shit out of 18-year-old me."
"Kevin Holland's got all this swag, Jacare looks like a 41-year-old man trying to keep up with him."
"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died at 39 but he had the same hairline he had when he was Martin Luther King."
"Helena Hutchins and I are around the same age."
"Older people, you know I'm probably in the same age bracket as your parents."
"a decade really makes such a huge difference because at 20 years old versus 30 is like two different worlds"
"I climbed out of there like a man half my age. Energy, that's what it takes."
"30 to 40 is going to be so much better than 20 to 30 for me."
"I think the main reason people Google ages is because they want to compare themselves to them or something. Like, they'd be like, 'Okay, so they accomplished this at 33, so like, okay, I have, like, this many more years before I also have to do that.'"
"The average 23-year-old has slept with more men than the 53-year-old woman."
"I'd rather be the 35-year-old guy worth 10 million than the 45-year-old guy who's a billionaire."
"My favorite thing about the night was the part where Jean Simmons...shoot him to the top of the stage...and my son's just sitting there looking at him...and my wife goes 'that guy's the same age as your grandfather' and my son's face was like what."
"Bob's sister is three when Bob is six."
"I'm even more physically fit now at 67 than I was maybe at 60."
"If you're 32 years old and you've got a fitness age of a 20 year old, good news."
"I'm in better shape right now than I was at 25, training my ass off for a year."
"You feel so young because you're the youngest from 20 to 30."
"The only difference between a 30, 40, 50-year-old and a five-year-old is just one of us got gray hair and the other one doesn't."
"I really wish teenage me could see 26-year-old me."
"The average four-year-old laughs 300 times a day; the average 40-year-old, only four."
"The 19-year-old me would really be impressed with the 49-year-old me."
"Betty White is older than packaged sliced bread."
"If my age is greater than your age, then I'm older than you."
"I am now older than George Orwell when he died, I will soon be older than Jack Kerouac when he died."