
Public Misconception Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"This new money will be sovereign in nature...most people think that digital money is crypto and private, but what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency."
"If you have real trauma and you're not just afraid of an elderly Justin Bieber conspiracy piece..."
"Despite numerous debunkings, there are still people worldwide who genuinely believe that the Earth is flat."
"The problem with the wage gap though, is that it's so far exaggerated that you have to fight that exaggeration."
"Zombie idea is an idea that should be dead because it's been proved wrong by experience by logic it's we know that it's not true but it refuses to die it just keeps on shambling along eating people's brains."
"In no way am I talking about Muslims being violent towards Hindus. In fact, quite the opposite."
"Sentencing is often simplistically portrayed by some in the public sphere as being an easy and uncomplicated task. From where I sit today, the exercise is far from an easy one and it is certainly not simple."
"99% of people who say they're being Shadow banned are just putting out crappy content."
"How do we figure out the truth when it comes to questions like do you need to wash your chicken before cooking it or is MSG actually bad for you?"
"The possibility that this virus came from an accident in a laboratory was not and never should have been labeled a conspiracy theory."
"Humans are notoriously bad at understanding... something is point zero zero zero one percent to happen they like so there's a chance."
"The truth is that Ray J never had this tape, so that computer scene was a bunch of crap."
"When you really understand what Bitcoin is, why you watch that Bill Maher thing over the weekend and you're like, 'This guy's an idiot, this guy doesn't understand Bitcoin.'"
"Replica is broken on a deep fundamental level, and it's not for the reasons the general public seems to believe."
"Voter fraud is a thing, okay? It is to pretend that it does not exist and the possibility does not exist counters a significant number of cases."
"The Amish do not vaccinate. There should be hundreds of autistic children in the Amish communities. There's zero."
"The dose makes the toxin, and that's what people don't understand."
"Told that nurses are the problems, when in fact, we're being continually distracted from the centralized power that often benefits most from these various crises."
"We've seen the 5G conspiracy thing... it's just extraordinary."
"I was wrong about fucking every— Why did anyone listen to me?"
"It's a hoax originally meant to mock the conspiracies about Kanye West himself being a part of the Illuminati."
"Less white coke is not a thing... those stupid pseudo phrases from the right forget that."
"Contrary to popular belief, dark-skinned women who talk about colorism are not haters."
"He shot Joseph Rosenbaum, a convicted child rapist, who was attacking him."
"Defunding the police doesn't mean what you think it means."
"There is no magical check, there's no unicorn check, there's no extra stimulus, there's no inflation check, there's no holiday check."
"To me, to have absolutely no evidence for harm, none, and all of this evidence showing benefit, it's just a... It's just a very strange to me that there's a notion that these are unhealthy oils."
"So Nelson Mandela, who this Mandela effect was named for, he died in 2013 and when he died a large amount of people were like hold up, what? No, because they remembered him dying in prison in the 80s."
"But that's not all. There's another old newspaper article from January 11, 1911, detailing how this verse isn't in the Bible despite everyone thinking it is."
"You've had a tough week this week, haven't you? Because the media have been accusing you of being irresponsible with your children. Comedians, wrong."
"The dude isn't caught there's lots of memes made we're like Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer and all that."
"Everything they thought they knew about Johnson was just a big lie."
"Is it possible that everyone is wrong and this is just a mistake that keeps being repeated, or is this another example of the Mandela effect?"
"Once I got going I was like right come on, yeah, yeah I can't be bossy."
"This idea that she desecrated some fetus or corpse or whatever is laughable."
"It's premised on really simple philosophical mistakes, but since most people don't know philosophy they can't pick out these fallacies."
"A nation is not built by a president, and that's some sort of mistake that I see today here in the United States."
"Many people turned their backs on the vaccine injured as a result of the fact that they themselves were misled."
"I think we're more mature than they give us credit for."
"This is not how America was founded. It's not how most people think the country operates."
"She's being attacked because she's knowledgeable and saying the truth, mistake, purposeful error on her part."
"Foley says Ross has misled people into thinking mankind is having the time of his life when Foley is actually in constant pain."
"So it turns out that the future king and queen of England didn't spend as much on their royal wedding as you may think."
"I did not kill my daughter JonBenet. Those were the most hurtful innuendos to us as a family, they are totally false."
"Making games is not as easy as people think it is." - Host
"Lawyers do all sorts of things, not just what you see on TV."
"Number 2: Evan Longoria's crazy catch. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Evan Longoria does not have superhero reflexes."
"Josh has claimed multiple times that after Drake and Josh, they stopped talking, but the two have been spotted together multiple times over the years."
"Little do they know this makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist, but the fact is they're literally doing the work of the CIA when they use that phrase, right?"
"People told me I'm the reason that autistic people aren't taken seriously... let's kind of unu back this idea that you're doing autism and autism advocacy a disservice..."