
Encapsulation Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"And through all this we focus on the functionality. We're hiding the implementation details. It's kind of the ultimate promise of encapsulation from object-oriented programming but it's really taken to a higher level."
"Shadow DOM: self containment for encapsulated markup and styles."
"Encapsulation in Java can be defined as a process of encapsulating or bundling the data and methods that operate on that particular data."
"Encapsulation is actually a perfectly useful idea."
"Put that, put that. That's very much the spirit of this quiz summed up by James Acaster there."
"Occupying less than half a square kilometre and completely encircled by Rome, is Vatican City."
"Encapsulation protects data, ensuring it's accessed and modified safely within classes."
"Well, I think we've encapsulated the Pac-Man experience."
"That is just so simple, that is the law in a nutshell."
"... your lead is encapsulated behind all that thick copper plating ..."
"Instead of calling each method individually what we are going to do is inside of our player class we are going to define an update method."
"Containers provide a way to encapsulate things in a cool way."
"Hellfire is the perfect encapsulation of all these things."
"It just sums it up perfectly, and it sums up the album perfectly, you know, from start to finish."
"Functions are great for wrapping up code."
"Barrett encapsulated in the machine."
"One that can take any of these objects and trap them like flies in amber, encasing them in a hard plastic looking shell."
"Now since we can initialize the user with a name and a date of birth right at the creation process, we can actually make the name and birthday private."
"We are hiding the complexities of the user class behind this beautiful looking getter methods."
"Since the name and birthday properties have become private, no one can change their values from outside the user class."
"Factories help encapsulate complex logic, making it easier to create instances without exposing implementation details."
"Diane has absolutely just encapsulated everything that Evergreen stands for."
"So, we're gonna encapsulate this now with a large bead of Clear Acrylic."
"By encapsulating logic within methods, our code becomes more modular and readable."
"Encapsulation is one of the main principles of object-oriented programming. Encapsulation is the bundling of data and the methods that act on that data in a way that access to the data is restricted from outside the bundle."
"Creating a self-contained class that handles all player functionality is a good example of the first principle of object-oriented programming called encapsulation."
"Let's encapsulate all of the card logic into its own file."
"It's like being inside of a snow globe."
"When we create a function the code in the function is private to that function."
"Encapsulates the essence of sophistication."
"It kind of encapsulates the tradition of the original Classical Ballet."
"It's a testament to Joni's absolute genius that she can encapsulate something like that in a three minute record."
"Encapsulation professionally for years before I really understood like deeply what it was doing."
"This album is the album that encapsulates the human experience."
"That is the process of encapsulation and de-encapsulation."
"It's a really wonderful journey and it's well encapsulated in this human being."
"...encapsulation, the prime principle of object-oriented programming."
"Encapsulation, that's got to be the core concept in object orientation."
"At the high level, components with encapsulated state are the way to go."
"It totally encapsulates that rain motif."
"Wouldn't it be cool to have all of the data inside of a struct private to the set of operations that use it?"
"That smile of Hinata summed up the whole show."
"Entire looping and complex logic encapsulated in a single line."
"There's no way of calling this code outside of this top-level code."
"This one might be the one that perfectly encapsulates what the heart and soul of Black Mirror is."
"Opulence and beauty all wrapped together in one little bubble."
"It encapsulates everything that this story was trying to be."
"What's the story that I can tell that will somehow give a flavor of that moment and encapsulate it and make it vivid, make it dramatic?"
"Encapsulation helps to ensure that the functionality is all defined in one place, in a logical place with the data which it will operate on."
"Objects hide their data behind abstractions and expose functions that operate on that data."
"Everything great about cooking is encapsulated in this dish."
"Detour... for many people, this is like the perfect encapsulation of film noir."
"This is really the essence of the strategy pattern: it lets you encapsulate a behavior into a class and then make that class interchangeable with other classes."
"This is why the strategy pattern is so awesome: it encapsulates behavior in a concrete class and lets you pass it around and reuse it."
"This is good object-oriented design; this is 'tell, don't ask'; this is encapsulating conditions using polymorphism."
"The sound of the theme song perfectly encapsulates what the show's about."
"In one sentence, you get the whole experience."
"In object-oriented programming, the command pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to encapsulate all information needed to perform an action or trigger an event at a later time."
"Objects are all about keeping state to yourself and you receive some messages from other objects then you respond as you see fit."
"Freedom is a big theme in One Piece, and I think it's awesome that the series as a whole is able to encapsulate that in almost every aspect of its presentation."
"The Shadow DOM specification is probably one of the most important because it allows us to have components that are isolated, encapsulated, and very secure."
"Encapsulation is the idea of taking data and the methods or functions that allow the outside world to interact with that data and uniting them into one unbreakable bond."
"The getter and setter... it's just a keyword and a concept to understand."
"I think there's something that encapsulates the entire world and connects all of us."
"Tunneling is the process of encapsulating content from one protocol into another."
"The magic happens right here, it's all for the money right there because it heats up that powder and turns it into a liquid almost liquefies it, gels if you will, and encapsulates the metal."
"First of all, what are the modules? Essentially, that is encapsulated code."
"Encapsulation is a very fundamental principle in software design."
"You can read my property, but I can only change it from within my class, not from outside the class."
"I enjoy short stories. I like the idea of a true short story that is sort of written on a single breath almost but contains an entire world within it."
"The fates of Arda, earth, sea, and air lay locked within them."
"If I do a good job of keeping it self-contained and hiding the inner details, and only allowing access to its functionality through a select group of functions, then this allows me to do two important things."
"Make data members private for classes."
"Encapsulation... reduces code complexity and increases reusability."
"We will make properties, and it's also a good practice to use properties instead of public variables."
"It's a better way to encapsulate your code."
"With classes, you can actually store both data or parameters and functionality or methods all within the one variable."
"All the important behind-the-scenes functionality should be encapsulated behind interfaces like public methods and public properties."
"Object-oriented programming entails creating objects that contain both data and methods, encapsulated together in one single object or a class."
"Encapsulation is the process of combining a data member and a method into one single unit or class."
"By using encapsulation, you can find troubleshooting to be easier."
"No one has the great fortune to be able to have your whole life encapsulated the way this is."
"The cationic lipid helps to encapsulate the mRNA."
"I want to encapsulate all that logic within the class."
"You have to remember that C# starts at the time to compete with Java, and Java and many other object-oriented programming languages have as one of the fundamental ideas the concept of encapsulation."
"This combining of data and functions on that data is the very essence of object-oriented programming."
"Encapsulation... think of it as we got a capsule, like a pill or something, and in that capsule we've got data and a bunch of functions."
"The module pattern preserves state for the life of an application without polluting the global namespace."
"The people's champion that couldn't have been more perfectly encapsulated."
"Encapsulation is one of the principles of object-oriented programming."
"We pretty much encapsulated the logic of returning a user inside the customer service class."
"Encapsulating an entire topic into a ranking from the show, it's just a really cool concept to me."
"Encapsulation, binding together the data and functionality that manipulates that data, binding it together in a bundle, is known as encapsulation."
"It really felt like with Roar that they were finally able to encapsulate everything they had done."
"Notice now how that encapsulation, that binding things together has really helped me."
"Private for fields, public for constructors and methods."
"The module class encapsulates models and model components such as neural network layers."
"We can encapsulate, we can isolate the logic into these objects, which is great for designing the architecture."
"The beauty of USD is that everything we've done here now can actually be encapsulated by USD."
"It encapsulates all the themes of the story."
"If something is encapsulated, it's hidden from view. The more something is encapsulated, the fewer things can see it, the greater flexibility we have to change it." - Scott Meyers
"In some ways, this picture encapsulates the history of Impressionism or indeed its triumph."
"This is how we get encapsulation for free on the web."
"A component encapsulates only attributes and operations that are closely related to one another and to the class or component itself."
"Love is like... it's like life in one package."
"We now have this idea of encapsulation."
"Getters and setters can bring more value to the code."
"It really encapsulates Market Garden very well and does what it should do."
"Scala is not about shying away from mutable state; it's about encapsulating the state."
"The season one finale encapsulates so much about the show like the fighting and everything."
"The module system enforces reliable configuration and strong encapsulation at both compile-time and run-time."
"A class realizes the concept of encapsulation because it presents to the outside only the outer shell in form of the operations, while the internal data and internal implementation remain encapsulated inside the shell."
"We can use accessor methods which are a component of encapsulation in order to make sure that only those values are being edited that we want to be edited."
"Encapsulation... is just a way to protect our data."
"Smart contracts are what allow us to encapsulate data and behavior in our decentralized applications."
"The concept of an object is that it encapsulates data and functionality and provides an interface to the outside world."
"Encapsulation is important; I can have a RESTful API that exposes data in a particular way that I want to expose it, but it doesn't have to expose everything about my system."
"Encapsulation is this idea that you create data and you format it in a way such that only certain people and certain users can access it."
"The composite pattern is very useful when you want to encapsulate logic and make it easier for the calling program to access different aspects of a business object."
"Not everything needs to be public, especially when you're writing library code."
"You get CSS encapsulation, DOM encapsulation, and the ability to find an API on a per-component basis."
"The core concept is encapsulation of concurrent threads of execution."
"When you define a class, you can group your methods and data together with something called encapsulation."
"We can encapsulate all the behaviors through the animations."
"Encapsulation means binding code and data together into a single unit."
"This is the core concept of encapsulation and why you should be using it."
"This is all about the encapsulation concept in Java."
"PL/SQL procedures allow you to encapsulate complex business logic and also to reuse it."
"When we add a method, I want to hide it inside a blank slate."
"A delegate does nothing more than encapsulate a method and allow you to treat it as a first class citizen."
"Encapsulation is another principle of computer science that you'll see throughout programming and throughout the field itself."
"The feature preventing data from direct access is called encapsulation."
"We're going to really use encapsulation and really explain just how easy it is to design using object-oriented programming."
"We're just encapsulating all this code."
"Use encapsulation so the application is more flexible."
"With Shadow DOM, we have our styles that we can encapsulate underneath the shadow root and won't leak into your parent document."
"A property is a get and set function for some kind of private data."
"We can make changes to the inner workings without affecting the outside interface of the class."
"So the good thing about this is that it encapsulates all the wood, you're not going to have to worry about anything ever getting into it."
"The best way to think about this is that Shadow DOM is basically a tiny document that lives inside of a host element."
"All of the known dimensions of our universe are encapsulated in the Tetraktys."