
SwiftUI Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The way that SwiftUI does this is amazingly simple. It's one of the more elegant things in all of SwiftUI."
"So GeometryReader is just a View... It always accepts the space offered to it."
"So our CardView fits itself then in that nice aspect ratio space."
"CardView we built out of a ZStack with RoundedRectangle, Texts, we're building this thing. It takes all the space that's offered to it, and there's no reason it shouldn't, but it should really be adapting itself to whatever space was offered."
"I think you'll be impressed how easy SwiftUI makes it."
"Xcode's canvas is a great way to preview your Swift UI layouts easily."
"We're going to actually start using generics in our code to make custom SwiftUI components."
"Grids are fairly new to SwiftUI and they're not totally straightforward on how to implement and customize them, so I think they are often overlooked or underutilized by new developers."
"The vast majority of apps use either a tab bar or a navigation view, and those two components in SwiftUI are not that customizable."
"To create this custom tab bar, we are going to use generics, view builder, preference key, and even the matched geometry effect."
"The complete process of authentication in a SwiftUI app when you're using JSON Web Tokens also known as JWT."
"You get to draw upon Apple's powerful SwiftUI framework."
"By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to build responsive, Swift UI user interfaces."
"Let's create a SwiftUI view and we will call this CloudKit CRUD Boot Camp."
"In SwiftUI, we have to build out a relatively quick, small UI for this video."
"We're going to refactor our SwiftUI code to make it look nice and neat and we'll call it a day."
"That's a good way to make your SwiftUI code very readable."
"Swift UI makes this really easy on us."
"Gain a deep understanding of SwiftUI and SwiftUI app architecture."
"By the end of this course, you're going to have a fully functional SwiftUI Airbnb clone."
"SwiftUI came out with an update to make this super simple."
"There are infinite possibilities that you can do in SwiftUI in terms of layering and stacking items."
"That's one of the nicest things about SwiftUI, is how it handles all the interactions of animations happening at the same time."
"This is great for this project, but it's also another useful SwiftUI component you can use in other projects too."
"And of course, the code compiles cleanly now because SwiftUI is happy again."
"It's not that Apple just wants to change their API; it's that they are making SwiftUI better."
"A widget is based on a timeline and timeline entries which get displayed in a plain old SwiftUI view."
"A VStack is basically like building blocks; you have different UI elements and whatever is at the top of your stack will be at the top of your UI."
"Bindings are about one of the most important things in the MVVM reactive UI structure of SwiftUI, it's about having a single source of the truth for data."
"Let's get into building this out in SwiftUI."
"So that's a super clean tab bar setup using SwiftUI, guys, hope you guys like that."
"SwiftUI is really good with listening to changes and it's very easy to observe changes as well."
"We are almost done with the SwiftUI boot camp, and these videos are crucially important for actually building full apps."
"Welcome to this live stream, which is the first part of a free training course to learn SwiftUI when you are already experienced with UIKit."
"One of the big features of SwiftUI is the live preview."
"View Builder is focused on solving the problem of how do you easily compose views together."
"This really shows you the importance and the power of some view."
"The key parts, the cornerstones of Swift UI, they are the protocols View, Scene, and App."
"Previews are really like one of the super useful tools when you make Swift UI."
"Swift UI is a tool, and you should use it when it makes sense."
"Welcome to Store Kit 2 with SwiftUI."
"Make sure your language is set to Swift, and we're going to be working with SwiftUI."
"Welcome back to the best SwiftUI channel on YouTube.com."
"That beginners can use this Swift UI video series as their first foray and entry point into the iOS app development world."
"Now Rive has its own iOS library that supports the new SPM as well as Swift UI, which is super useful because it makes the code so much shorter and easier to implement."
"That long story short is why MVVM just works so so well with SwiftUI."
"Make sure to subscribe to not miss any future tutorials also about SwiftUI."
"So, let's create our own app using Swift UI."
"Alrighty everybody, class is back in session. Welcome back for another lesson in the SwiftUI Firebase chat series."
"Most of this is just SwiftUI code; it's nothing too hard to follow. It's very straightforward."
"The cool thing about SwiftUI is we can use modifiers to change the way things look and they're very simple to use."
"How powerful of a UI you get for dealing with documents with the SwiftUI document architecture on the Mac."
"It's really quite a powerful user interface for a document-oriented app that you get kind of for free with SwiftUI."
"As we're progressing in this SwiftUI bootcamp, we can now start getting into some of the really cool, really exciting things that we can do in SwiftUI."
"App Storage is just the SwiftUI version of UserDefaults, and it's essentially the same thing but a little bit easier to use."
"Now you are really becoming an expert SwiftUI developer."
"We're going to learn how to build a side menu in SwiftUI from scratch."
"As we slowly approach the release of iOS 14, I'm gonna try to do my best and put out more videos on how to build out our real-world applications using SwiftUI 2.0."
"I find myself enjoying SwiftUI development so much more."
"MBVM is the preferred architectural design paradigm for SwiftUI projects."
"We're going to do a deep dive into MVVM pattern in SwiftUI."
"SwiftUI lets you create these really nice-looking user interfaces in a simple way with this declarative syntax."
"We're going to create an AR interface using SwiftUI."
"In SwiftUI, you can use what are called bindings to connect certain parts of your view to properties in the model, so that when the data gets updated, the view changes automatically."
"Furthermore, in SwiftUI, you can have what are called States, and you can have your views react and respond according to different state changes."
"With SwiftUI, you will build better apps with less code."
"It's insane, okay? Like the tools that you have from SwiftUI is just far beyond anything you're gonna ever find in React and React Native."
"You can make a lot of stuff in SwiftUI with only a few lines of code."
"I love SwiftUI for its simplicity."
"I love Xcode and despite its faults, it's an amazing app and especially I love SwiftUI."
"If you want to learn Swift UI, I suggest that you take my first course first."
"I disagree with someone saying that Swift UI is not ready for production."
"If you want to learn macOS development now, I would go straight into Swift UI."
"SwiftUI itself is very simple compared to all the other options that we have out there."
"As a designer, I believe that you want to use SwiftUI for prototyping as well, not just for creating layouts but also for animating your layouts."
"It's an exciting time to be learning SwiftUI."
"The beauty of SwiftUI is that you can build for iOS on the iPhone and also for the watch."
"The geometry reader is one of the most powerful things about SwiftUI."
"How exactly do we do this efficiently inside of SwiftUI? Well, we have to make use of the brand new Combine framework."
"Swift UI is amazing and really revolutionizing the way we're going to create user interfaces in Xcode."
"It is totally fun, it is really easy to use."
"We're going to have a look at how you can actually build something very quickly with the new Swift UI."
"I think it is going to revolutionize the way we're creating user interfaces."