
Game Influence Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Pokemon Red and Blue... it's the first pretty much well one game of its kind... Pokemon pretty much made that genre of monster catching."
"Five Nights at Freddy's had a huge impact on a lot of people's childhood."
"You have to put your will on the game. Whatever that is, like, you have to put your will on the game."
"Resident Evil inspired a whole genre of games for decades to come."
"Spider-Man takes a lot from Rocksteady's Arkham games."
"To know that the game has forever changed because of it is pretty surreal."
"Animal Crossing is capital P popular and an incredibly influential franchise."
"Final Fantasy 4 is when the series began to show its more cinematic side, a tribute that would no doubt influenced later installments in the series."
"Its impact on the world itself was unyielding."
"Street Fighter II shaped the entire fighting game genre as it's known today."
"We always want to impress and we always want to kind of take the game by the scruff of the neck."
"Resident Evil 4 is the biggest, baddest, most unapologetic Resident Evil of its time."
"The 1985 classic Super Mario Brothers is that type of game responsible for inventing and solidifying the tropes of the 2D platformer genre."
"Martinelli comes on, what an impact he had... brilliant, you know, so good to see."
"He's incredibly good on the ball, he gets loads of touches in the dangerous areas, he works really hard, he's a physical matchup for basically anybody in the league."
"Dark Souls 1 popularized the Souls games and as a result invented the Souls-like genre."
"Something we have to thank Slender: The Eight Pages for, other than the onslaught of copycat games, is its impact on YouTube gaming."
"This single little teaser meant to get everybody excited about a Silent Hill game that never came out, ended up being one of the most influential horror games of all time."
"Bruno Fernandez, I know I've already spoken about him a lot, but he changed the game."
"Let people know how we felt as a team. We've revolutionized this game with our influence."
"They will dominate the league immediately and the game will change also in England."
"Metroid Samus Returns is a fully reworked game taking influence from all corners of the Metroid universe."
"To most, this is the real Legacy of Quake 1 and especially its modding Scene."
"Mortal Kombat... inspired all kinds of other fighting games."
"Skyrim has been so influential, it's sort of insane that no one talks about it."
"Either one of them can take the game over at the drop of a hat."
"He wants to use Vanguard to change the world."
"Left 4 Dead 1... a time capsule untouched by updates... responsible for not one but two of the greatest video games of all time."
"Dayz was almost like the first battle royale. It took most of those concepts and really fleshed them out."
"It reminds me of Assassin's Creed... had an impact on games afterwards."
"His impact in the receiving game is tangible."
"Max Payne changed the way we played shooters for years to come."
"Lucio's impact is central to many aspects of the game."
"Games like 'The Witness' gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment."
"It's the granddaddy of all modern role playing games."
"It might get my vote for the most powerful part of the year."
"Steph Curry, the most impactful player in the game."
"Often ranked as among the greatest games ever made, not just in horror, it is influential for other games and films as well."
"The heavy swords in this mod give off strong Dark Souls vibes."
"I remember playing the game until I dozed off back into sleep, and from that point on, Super Mario 64 would have a massive impact on me."
"It's the game that went on to transform classrooms, popularize Apple, and nearly sent Barbie to the frontier to suffer doll dysentery."
"A game that is in an absolute league of its own, pioneering a style of strategy game that has gone on to influence other clones in the space such as Iratus: Lord of the Dead."
"The impact of this weapon was tremendous and actually got many, including myself, back into the game."
"Fallout seemingly brought a revival to the RPG genre."
"Resident Evil 4, regarded as one of the most influential games of the 2000s."
"Metroid was the reason that I started gaming to begin with."
"Lacazette's performance... he made a huge impact."
"I love to watch players that played in the past like Ed Reed, Brian Dawkins, Ronnie Lott; those players have shaped a lot of my game."
"As long as Lionel Messi continues to put the ball up and over the wall as easily as he does, and affect games as easily as he does, I see no reason for him to step down."
"How much his game alone impacts the court and how it translates to winning basketball."
"People can often bond when they get stuck in the have-not room together, and that can be influential on the game."
"It's crazy how this game can mold and shape you over the years and give you different perspective on life."
"He does control the tempo of the game."