
Future Change Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The whole premise of the game is that you can change the future."
"The new world is coming. It's up to us as the next generation to just take that step forward and create the change and be the difference for our future generations."
"I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world. And that's our job."
"Empowering women changes the future of humanity."
"The self-managed abortion movement is grounded in this sense that access to pills today creates legal change in the future."
"We can't see past an old Paradigm, we just can't do it without the things that need to be invented or changed to create a new one."
"We can move along time's length, see the future, and alter it as we so desire."
"We're the ones that the history books are going to be written about."
"Some of you are about to change your step slowly but surely. You're going to be a boss."
"What we see today will be completely different in 10 years time."
"You're the only one who can change the future."
"That's what people are telling us here. They want to celebrate George Floyd's life and look ahead to reimaging what America will be and what changes he will bring."
"It's about the changes that we can make. We can't change the past but we can change the future."
"We just have to choose to raise our frequency, and we can change our tomorrow."
"AI is going to be upon us soon and a lot of things are going to change."
"The level of change that we are going to see in the next 20-30 years will be literally unlike anything we've ever seen before."
"We can't be cynics and expect to change the future. We must be pragmatic optimists."
"Bakugo blows up both of All for One's arms and saves All Might, changing the future."
"All of this will change the path of human history."
"AI has the potential to be revolutionary change and that means it's going to affect a lot of companies, lives, and work."
"If they manage to successfully get AI powered robots... this is going to change the entire labor market."
"You have the power to alter your future reality."
"We can change the world and with it the future."
"30 years from now, a lot of those things are going to change."
"Prepare yourself for what's coming because there's no doubt in my mind we're not going to continue the way we're going."
"You can't change where you started, but you can change where you end up."
"You punish somebody to change the course of behavior in the future."
"We must reconnect with our history to change our future."
"All of the pieces needed to change the future now exist, they just haven't come together exactly right yet."
"Six months from now, you won't even recognize the situation; it will be so much change for the better."
"How can anyone hope to change their future's destiny if they are unaware of what has come before?"
"Hold out hope, this will change because it will."
"Maybe if we all began to concentrate on more positive frequencies, maybe the human minds on earth could change a future. I pray for that every day."
"You change the timelines immediately, immediately change the future, immediately feel it switching, switching, switching, yep."
"Yes, it's going to change going forward, not just in the pie in the sky way."
"In about six months time the world is going to be a completely different place."
"Hopefully one day there'll be some guy in the Smithsonian that's going to change things."
"The world is going to change more than it has in the last 10,000 years."
"Give me 12 months of sacrifice, and I promise you the next 12 years of your life will seem and feel differently."
"No matter where you are today, if you're willing to take the steps and invest into yourself, you will not be in the same place you're in today, 12 months from today."
"I don't care what they look like, my kids are gonna be amazing and they're gonna change the world."
"The world is going to be fundamentally different three to five years from now."
"If restaking is maximally successful, how does crypto change? How does the world change?"
"We could change our future if more kids would enjoy science and math."
"Let's change the future for the first time."
"This generation will transform the continent."
"I can't change the past... so what do I do now? You change the future."
"That's exactly how you change our future going forward, in my true opinion. You get them excited about it, you get them to truly understand it, and then people will naturally do things that are better for the animals and better for the environment."
"This is the true testament to the power of how often people who are initially overlooked have the ability to change the course of the future."
"So many different kinds of spaces are converging all at once, and that means how we think about space and geography has changed and will change in the future."
"It's been a long, a long time coming, but yes, it will."
"We're trying to create a divergent path but one that will probably change the future dramatically."
"Speak up now and you can change what happens next."
"This is the kind of disruption that actually the genie's out of the bottle and our lives and everything we know is going to be different."
"It's technology, it's real, and no matter what happens here, it's going to change our world."
"I shall change her future, make it better."
"It changed the future where people died for unreasonable reasons."
"When there's finally peace in the world, the pigs will fly."
"You can't do nothing about the past; all you can do is focus on the present and to change your future."