
Emotional Closure Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I've never felt so certain that I've had enough of you."
"Closure is everything, even after so much time has passed."
"That is why I left, and that's why I'll never go back. So long, Rex."
"There were six endings to the process... every step of finishing, there was this kind of saying goodbye."
"This is Sylvanas saying his name for the last time and moving on from the pain."
"Only you can give yourself that closure that you're seeking from this person."
"You can give yourself that closure, you can stop manifesting the wrong person."
"There has to be some sort of connection, some sort of closure."
"Closure, like by Nil Lil, 'I want and I need to let go, use my time to be free.' Why is it always what you like?"
"At least bask in the energy that you've got somebody that's feeling like you're the one that got away."
"Some of you just need to reach out to the past person and get the closure if you can't find that closure in your own heart."
"You can give yourself that closure and know that you did your best. You did everything you possibly could to save that relationship."
"Forgiveness is something that isn't always easy to achieve... a bitter sweet image of a son saying goodbye to his father."
"Close that cycle out or you're chronically tied to this person."
"If you close up your heart to the world, if you choose to live your life on parameters that let you forget how to love, you will dishonor life."
"Sometimes you just need closure to say goodbye to that piece of you that you leave behind."
"Closure is a sense of resolution, like knowing that even though it still hurts, it'll be okay."
"A person can't bring closure to you, but your perception and beliefs are what closes the cycle out."
"Closure happens in your heart. Don't give somebody your power like that. You get closure."
"Give him the closure that he needs so he can move on."
"The need for closure to a broken heart is horrific."
"I hope that someday her friends and her family are able to get some closure."
"This was a fitting ending for the show and gave more closure than most other series finales, leaving no unanswered questions and a whole lot of emotion in its wake."
"Closure. Closure. This is frayed, this is closure."
"Sometimes you just gotta receive the apology you will never hear and release your heart."
"Putting it into a song makes it very okay cool we definitely just closed that chapter."
"You're ready to drop it, turn your back on the situation, and move forward."
"When do you feel like it's just time to say goodbye?"
"You don't need your ex to get that kind of closure because you can have a certain time when you decide you're done being singular in terms of no contact."
"I'm officially done with it. I'm through with it. That's it."
"Putting something to bed, leaving behind pain, and wounding."
"And to get to the one thing that lets people have closure."
"Sometimes, even though a crime is horrendous, the killer is quickly caught and the motive is clear. People can get closure and try to recover from the trauma of losing a loved one."
"That's one of the main things I don't necessarily say bring me closure that is but it's still missing from that terrible day."
"Opening up to other people doesn't help, and once your mind learns that, it can be really hard to open up."
"My feeling was that these characters should be able to have their proper goodbye."
"Closure for you is ending in a way where you're realizing your self-worth."
"The heartbreaking truth and mixup were revealed, allowing both Ethan and Michael's families to receive the closure they deserved."
"You're finally going to understand why it had to happen that way and it's the way things are unfolding now you're going to be okay with the past finally."
"I feel like I can finally let go of Batman vs Superman now."
"Many of Krista's loved ones and friends have expressed relief at finally having some closure with her case."
"Learned to love yourself enough to say goodbye to that lesson."
"We break that soul tie right now and we close your life and seal it by the blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit."
"Closure is important, but so is saving children now."
"I knew it was him and has he's admitted it, I don't need to prove to anyone anymore that it is him because I already knew it was him."
"I feel very emotional that it's the end of this journey."
"Once you kind of get that over and say you never got a closure, I think like once time goes by, I think you just kind of don't even care anymore."
"I'm very grateful for everything you've given me, but I think we go right down here."
"Keep it polite, let's give each other advice, there's no right or wrong answers here."
"This is someone that feels like there is a lack of closure, they feel like things are not over between you two or not finalized, this is someone that feels like there is a lack of closure."
"Patrick's confession gave closure to the case."
"This [expletive] is over, this [expletive] is over!"
"I won't die if you shoot a gun at me, but a full understanding of my story, a loss of interest, that closure brings."
"Honestly, it's just a blessing. I think it might get my mom, she's gonna, you know, I'm gonna try to go to Mexico pretty soon, go see my grandma. I think they have finally, you know, have closure."
"We see all of our characters laugh one last time."
"Part of releasing is learning to be okay, is giving yourself closure because you don't know if closure will ever come otherwise and that not having that closure can do more harm than good you know what I mean."
"The setup and payoff for all of this is [ __ ] nothing."
"Her family believes, due to it being solved, the identification of Maurice's killer helped bring a great deal of closure to a grief-stricken community after so many decades."
"Forgive yourself and release it, it's over, it's done, the situation has reached resolution."
"There is union here, things are coming full circle, and unlocking your heart."
"Closure isn't brought by others; you're the one who decides to close the cycle in your heart."
"You'll always bounce back, you'll always have that."
"You're receiving your ships in the form of justice, could be an apology or reconciliation."
"I just consider it the perfect farewell to sierra."
"We had part closure, yes, but I know that that torment will continue. It doesn't matter how hard you try to forget it because we'll never forget it."
"If you're looking for closure, don't bring up the [ __ ] past. Don't try to explain yourself. That's not closure."
"Enzo's gesture showed me that there was something internally happening... Enzo kind of gave me closure."
"It's time to just let go of it, it's over, it's finished, where you're becoming discerning."
"You're shutting them down as they've shut you down in the past, and it feels so good."
"To all of the people who sent me apologies... I forgive you."
"Bury your past, have a funeral before you pass, and then visit it no more."
"A static situation has come to an end, catharsis, you're moving over, there's closure."
"Stop running after him, stop trying to fix things. It's time to let it go."
"And then that was it. I ended it in the same exact place everything began 100 days ago."
"I was happy you know, can you let go of me now? Oh, um, me too."
"Full moon is about endings, completions, and we do have the opportunity for this to happen in a very harmonious way thanks to the peace-loving Libra energy."
"You decided to get over it anyway, so you've never got the closure you wanted."
"You're grounding yourself, you're centering yourself, and you're saying, you know what universe, thank you for showing me that this person was not meant for me."
"I hate this guy so this is what he would say, whatever it was, you need to get over it. Time to move on."
"Closure doesn't exist. Closure is something you give yourself."
"And finally at number one we have Petunia's redemption from the Deathly Hallows part one."
"Tamayo never got over the loss of her husband and children, so I don't think she could ever romantically open up after that."
"It was like a peaceful goodbye. I don't know how else to explain it."
"It might take them years to gain closure, some may never be able to gain that closure. That's how you know some are very, very emotionally fragile."
"It is possible to close someone's spirits so tight that they hate you and they want to leave you."
"Never dead to them, meaning that there were no negative feelings toward the person they broke up with."
"Trust in the most high, you will get the closure that you needed and the clarity."
"All he wants is a chance for some closure."
"You don't get closure, the best you can get is justice."
"I finally feel like I got a little closure on the whole scenario."
"The faster you close this door emotionally, the sooner a new one's going to open."
"I had found happiness and closure."
"Why must we open up old wounds, Danielle? We have to open up old wounds to close them and seal them."
"Thank the stars it's over. Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system? Good, everyone is so relieved. Welcome home."
"It's an argument, a fight, a bickering, a clearing up of misunderstanding to put an end to sadness and regret."