
Political Stakes Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The things that those individuals stood for and still stand for is exactly what's at stake in this election."
"We need to focus on the stakes of this election, it's not just the day-to-day events."
"I am mature enough as a voter to recognize that everything we believe in in this country is on the line in this election."
"The character of the country is on the ballot. Our character is on the ballot."
"This election will decide whether we save the American Dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny."
"Everything that's made America America is at stake."
"Your country is at stake. You have the power with your vote to save the American dream for your children, for your grandchildren."
"If we don't hold the line in Georgia, so goes Georgia, so goes the United States of America."
"The peace of the republic literally is at stake."
"The survival of American democracy is on the ballot."
"The future of this country, our rights, and future as a constitutional republic are at stake."
"We're gonna have to win because all of these things that we've done can be undone."
"What makes this election so important is the possibility that we have to win what we want and the reality that another four years of Trump will be followed by a version of bolson arrow or bond."
"It is a war for the future of our country, and if you don't understand that maybe you just think politics is a fun little hobby or something."
"Personally, I hope they find justice for getting fired just for being pregnant because that's just not fair, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"We are playing for keeps. It is a battle over keeping our country, which means to continue to build our country or tearing our country down completely."
"If we lose the culture war, we lose the country."
"The future of democracy could be on the line."
"What's at stake in this election frankly, is nothing less, I dare say, than the future of our country."
"The stakes have never been higher but I think the choice has never been."
"If we don't win this election, it'll never be the country I don't think the country can ever come back to."
"Democracy on the ballot itself because some of these candidates are so anti-democracy at a time of rising authoritarianism."
"The months ahead are going to be crucial for determining the fate of America, the fate of the world, and the fate of many of us and our personal lives."
"Democracy is on the line and you have a choice."
"It's the most consequential election of our history because it's not just President Trump or Joe Biden who's on the ballot, it's America."
"The stakes for America's future couldn't be higher."
"Elections do have consequences... the 2018 midterms this November will be the most important midterms in history."
"Everything that we care about is on the ballot this November."
"Your life is literally hanging by a thread based upon what these folks have said that their policy agenda are."
"If we lose this seat, there is no getting it back for 20, 30, or even more years."
"The truth is part of what's at stake here in this election and they are standing up for it."
"It's not just a red wave that is at risk, it's literally the lives of Americans and our futures."
"If we lose Georgia, everything goes by the wayside."
"Those who are screaming the loudest have a lot to lose."
"What's at stake here in this election is the American dream."
"If we don't win this election, I think our country is finished."
"This is the kind of thing where our democracy is at stake. Maybe people think that's hyperbole. I don't think it's even slightly hyperbolic."
"This election is going to determine whether or not we have another election, a real one."
"There's so much at stake... our freedom of worship and expression of our faith, family values, abortion, relationship with Israel."
"The choice in this election has never been clearer but the stakes have never been higher."
"The future of America is at stake. The American Way is facing extinction if Democrats win."
"Democracy is literally at stake. Free and fair elections are at stake."
"Either way if this does anything at all to get certain generations to at least be somewhat aware of what's at stake this year it's a net positive."
"The stakes are sky high here, not only for President Biden politically... but most importantly the stakes for ordinary people."
"Our voting rights are at stake. Worker's rights are at stake. Consumer rights are at stake. Safe and legal abortion is at stake."
"The stakes in this race could not be higher."