
Extreme Actions Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I love you so much." (Said before pulling the trigger)
"You have regular people who really feel pushed up against the wall that they would take actions that in normal circumstances would be unthinkable."
"If someone's out there and saying I trans people should be genocided and you shoot that person and you take that person off the face of the earth I don't think that's inherently a bad thing."
"Just act like you don't exist and just drive off a cliff."
"I would die for my daughter, I would kill for her."
"This cult and the fact that they use torture and human sacrifices and all of that is just beyond like [expletive] up."
"The cheapest, easiest way of resolving this would be for a Moscow Brutus to terminate President Putin with extreme prejudice."
"To the guillotine for expressing sympathy for the royal family."
"So what made him snap and suddenly decide to shoot people instead of Buffalo and donkeys and things?"
"What if he removed the entire comic book? What would they have done to him? Shoot him. But he's about to save the Vatican from anti-matter annihilation. I don't care, shoot him. He took a comic book out, the Pope didn't give him permission."
"Every 60 or so years the society had a habit of burning down their own homes but why?"
"I tried to break my arm one time because I wanted a castle. I wanted to look like Ryan Sheckler."
"The nobleman refused to be with her, even after she drowned her children for him."
"He killed his brother – one of the most horrifying things imaginable."
"Extreme measures had to be used for extreme situations."
"When it comes to my YSL family, I'm willing to put in that work and sit down. I'm willing to do violence and go to jail over it."
"Britney's friend caught herpes from a bloke and Britney went and killed him and dumped his body in a lake."
"Desperate situations call for desperate measures."
"What would you do for love? If your name was David Franklin Slater, betraying your whole country would be your answer."
"It's like the ultimate betrayal being expressed in the killing of the child or children in this case to tell the partner who's now absent from their life if you had just stayed with me this would never have happened."
"We're so bored 2017 we've resorted to cutting off our own dicks."
"You go from murder [ __ ] to torture [ __ ]. Oh well, and so that's where they did all that fun stuff."
"We do need to recognize someone whose ruthlessness takes them into a moral sphere that the rest of us would find almost impossible to conceive of."
"It's usually love that makes someone goes so far as risking their own lives to seek vengeance."
"The simple act of driving a car deliberately into a tree at 50 miles an hour without breaking is something many people would find very difficult to do."
"Would somebody really murder their wife for not having any more children with them?"
"Joel has gone to extreme lengths in his love of Ellie."
"There is literally nothing that this man won't do in service of his own interests."
"That was the sickest thing I've ever seen. 100% necessary."
"Justice can make a man do some really messed-up things."
"What a piece of [ __ ] of a human being, man. Absolutely, I can't... I don't think there's words to describe someone who'd kidnap their own nephew, cut their finger off and kill him for some money."
"That's a pretty gnarly way to execute somebody, dude."
"Democrats and Republicans are playing a board game: Republicans say 'Screw this' and light the house on fire."
"That kid wanted to kill almost the entire town."
"So why would a mother want to do this to their own child? What could be reason enough for her to kill Melissa?"
"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing, so if I'm on a YouTube, it's like either I'm not doing social media at all, or I'm gonna go all the way."
"He did make the 400 foot journey from the 39th floor to the ground floor in just six seconds. That's gotta be a new record, right?"
"Why would it ever go there? You have to feel so hateful in a moment to do that."
"He loves defenestration, dude. He loves throwing people out windows."
"She murdered two boys because she was gonna have to break up with one of them. This [__] is not that serious, you know?"
"If you're going to be extreme just be informed when you jump out the window."
"This might be the most insane act of kindness of all time."
"Sometimes we see this bond broken by parents or children, and they not only break the bond but they take it that one step further and go on to kill."
"After the suplex he gave, any normal person would need intense spinal surgery."
"He fled to a nuclear-armed enemy of the United States as one does."
"Drawing a cartoon is not the same thing as murdering someone."
"Number 16: Crazy guy runs into Outback tornado to take selfie. What follows is the stuff of meme legend."
"No matter who you want to win the next election, you cannot kill your dad and behead him and put his head in a plastic bag on Facebook live."
"These girls will commit cold-blooded murder just to survive."
"Extreme measures can be justified ethically."
"This is complete. Holy [__], why would you cut your ear off?"
"They would make it a sweet ice, and the king would love it; he'd lop off a head just because he was happy."