
Emotional Uplift Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"When we have exposure to short-term manageable stressors, our body turns on different responses...like our parasympathetic nervous system goes up, to actually slow the rate of aging and not accelerate it."
"Your spirit and your sense of hope is definitely going to be restored."
"That's what I'm saying when you're feeling like all is lost, a true artistic masterpiece can help lift up your spirit."
"They recognize you as their soulmate, feeling harmonious and uplifted."
"It's just nice to have one week of hope... and sarcastic retweets, but you know, mostly hope."
"That [ __ ] feel good to just see this [ __ ] in the chat."
"In an instant, hope and confidence came into my heart."
"The power of friendship, that's how we lift it up."
"Your energy connects with somebody who looks like a soul bond, you actually feel a lot better."
"Eddie's inspired playing in songs like Dreams or Right Now pulled me right out of the darkness and slingshot me into a state of euphoria."
"Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to pick up your vibration."
"Seeing these plants really elevates one's Spirits."
"It was inspirational. It was uplifting. It was everything you'd want in a really good power ballad."
"Wearing color just brings out the best in me and makes me feel so happy."
"If you're able to laugh more with people or get people to laugh you raise them up."
"I love songs of victory, songs of deliverance."
"They feel on top of the world when they're around you."
"The support from the community has been completely uplifting."
"It just feels so much better when you smile like you feel it, it brings a different light."
"No matter how bad [things] are going... when the Warriors are doing good, it brightens up their day."
"Your love keeps lifting me higher and higher."
"They feel much more alive, happy, uplifted when they think of you."
"I'm just grateful for friendship because she didn't even know that I was having a kind of a rough day today but she just showed up at my door."
"One of the most positive cards in the tarot deck, the ace of cups."
"This is one of those feel-good stories, man. Got me pumped today."
"Your heart lifting up, people trying to reconnect."
"The secret thing that always makes me smile is puppies."
"You're gonna feel probably more blessed than you've ever felt."
"Buddy Holly, it's just a fun ride. It makes you feel like you're on top of the world when you listen to it."
"Your love is like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day."
"Have a go-to song...something that is gonna put you in a good mood and make you feel amazing no matter what you have going on in your life."
"To be able to have Mary Poppins return and bring that joy and that hope back."
"Now the joy overtakes you because now the mercy of God is coming."
"Dog videos make me 5 to 25% happier these days."
"It's going to boost your immune system, you know, it's going to make you feel so much better."
"Love can lift you beyond what you have known, beyond self-imposed limits."
"The right music has the power to heal, to cleanse, and to uplift the entire being."
"If you're ever feeling sad, just do a little yeah."
"Jesus will put a smile on your face, okay? He really will."
"It would be nice not to see clutter everywhere, you'd be happier because I'll be happier."
"You're gonna be a champ because you're willing to learn."
"Knowing that you've actually brightened someone's day can often help neutralize all the petty concerns that you've had about your own day."
"Your heart feels light and full of joy as you stand on the summit."
"At a time when MCU fans were really starting to miss Captain America, this Cameo served as a fantastic pick-me-up."
"Anything that can make you smile a little bit more is always a win."
"People love to raise people up when it really matters."
"It felt good to get back in the saddle today."
"The power of happiness filled the school once again."
"Your positive energy is always more than enough for me."
"Oh, the small things that can just make you so happy."
"We're gonna watch a movie about a kid a lot like you who you know what you think you think your life sucks you know what she does too and she gets whisked away to this land there is brightness there's music there's joy."
"It felt amazing and it gave me, I think it gave me the confidence and a little bit of a boost."
"You look amazing. I feel amazing, feel special."
"A double rainbow, a happy sign and just wonderful kind of what we all need right now."
"I just feel so good about y'all's comments because they really lifted my spirits."
"This is a very uplifting story, and the story behind making it seems to be just as uplifting."
"Maybe there will be some happiness coming in when you're seeing some progress."
"When you surround yourself with positive people, the energy changes and changes everything in you. It makes you almost be in a bit of a frenzy in a way."
"You're hoping for the Sun card, you're hoping to have happy vibes, and you're hoping for the Sun to shine on a particular situation."
"This feels like Christmas to me. I'm not even a religious type, but I'm just glad that you can have the energy, the color, and the light again."
"Just makes them feel happy and then you forget any kind of worries."
"Every time I get to meet you guys, it's so good for my spirit."
"Suddenly it just dawned on me like the clouds parting and the sun coming out."
"A sweaty session, but a bit of exercise always makes you feel better. It feels like you've done something, all those good endorphins!"
"With just the last two days of improvements, it has just made my heart soar. I'm just so happy."
"I feel like my day has been brightened up by being made aware of this watch's existence."
"Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen to you at any moment."
"Joy unspeakable, joy is about to hit your address, your mind, your heart, your family."
"It's amazing how even getting a workout when you're working through an injury can boost your spirits."
"That's my ratatouille; every time I take a bite into that when I'm down it kind of brings me back to a positive place."
"It felt like the Derby at home, a real confidence boost."
"Wholesome content brings brightness to my day."
"Feeling like your prayers are finally being answered."
"The mind is truly everything, and what we predominantly exercise impacts the way we perceive and receive reality."
"Gratitude journaling is one of the most useful things for lifting my spirits."
"I was lucky to have friends on my side that cheer me up."
"We thought we'd do something that would bring a little bit of light and joy and happiness to people's week."
"When you're around a person who has good energy and they uplift you, you feel it."
"Hey Jude, take a sad song and make it better."
"There's nothing on the planet that will boost your self-esteem like praise."
"Music and dancing always help lift my spirits, no matter how bad. If I'm feeling down, after some music or I start dancing, I am great."
"I fully understand my intention with these videos has always been for you to finish watching and feel slightly better than when you started."
"I just felt really good after that, I was like I gotta win this fight, I got the hard work dedication and now I got karma on my side."
"You don't see it yet, but you're about to be happy as hell."
"This was a really good game, but this is exactly the pick me up I needed tonight."
"For once in your life, it's gonna feel real good. Someone needs to listen to that song by Michael Jackson."
"I feel all happy all of a sudden dude, is this actually work or is this a plushy bowler?"
"You have the capacity to uplift and help these kinds of people."
"You have great capacity to uplift people who are mentally and emotionally not in a good place."
"Liberation: when we achieve it, our soul soars like an eagle with the intoxication of divine love."
"If I can make somebody smile or laugh just at least one time in their day then I feel like I've accomplished something."
"Even though most of us listening to Nina didn't know a lick of German, the music lifted us with 99 Red Balloons."
"I feel like this really lifted my spirit. This is what I needed today."
"It's pretty amazing how even the slightest of meals meant for an empty stomach can lift the spirit."
"That was a bigger boost than any amount of alcohol."
"It's so much in need of happiness, and I've had people come after the show and say I haven't felt this good in a long time."
"A happy surprising message, really positive and uplifting."
"Tabitha was on cloud nine when she found out her mum was coming for a visit."
"Just envisioning it will make you feel happier, and some of you do get to that point by the end of the year."
"Thank you for the super. You're my second streamer I've subscribed to and you truly help me feel happier each day."
"That's almost as good as getting an infusion of dopamine from a good sermon."
"I honestly like I have not been having the best day and this made me feel so great."
"You guys are loved, appreciated, and respected."
"This feels amazing. I have missed playing in this type of thing for a very long time."
"First meeting done, amazing meeting, really exciting and leaving on cloud nine."
"Every time I hit a milestone or got good news from my doctor, I felt that joy starting to build up."
"You feel very proud to be with them, like this person makes you feel on top of the world."
"Rising up to start bringing that goodness... you're going to feel a joy, you're going to feel the freedom."
"Keep raising your vibration; love will come knocking on your door."
"It's amazing what the support from the fans can do for you. When you feel like they're behind you, it's amazing how it can lift you up."
"You could be frustrated, it would just lift people out of wherever they were and make them feel good."
"Let's muster up some serotonin and get to hugging."
"We lift each other up when I'm down, he lifts me up when he's down, I try to lift him up."
"You guys literally uplift me in ways that you'll never understand."
"Compliment her, appreciate her, watch her shine."
"It just uplifts my spirits and it makes me feel absolutely beautiful."
"When you finally organize stuff that's been a mess and you just feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulder."
"A good piece of architecture is a habitable work of art. It's something that you can feel uplifted by."
"There's some type of happiness that's taking place here for you."
"Love will shine that light within your soul."
"Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice."
"Every dream, I'll take it. You pick me up when I believe."
"There's just so much joy right now in this season."
"It's gonna make you feel good Capricorns, it's gonna make you feel so good."
"They just feel so joyous, so uplifted, so much optimism."
"Buying new makeup is like therapy because immediately I just feel 10 times better."
"All I want is a love that will lift my spirit."
"Absolutely it's hard. So I already like my spirits are way better now than they were an hour ago it's nice to have have my friend here."
"Gratitude Journal can produce lasting emotional uplift."
"But there was a lifting of the heart."
"There's a sense of 'Let's go to Holmes County, it will make us feel good'."
"That was our music; that's what uplifted us."
"After about 30 minutes, their energy comes up, their smile comes up, their demeanor changes, they're happier."
"I'm feeling good, I'm feeling like so much more back to myself now, like this whole weekend just reminded me of who I used to be."
"For a tune so devoid of optimism, this moment always makes me feel uplifted."
"I don't know the last time I've smiled, but I feel so good, I feel good inside."
"It's nice when there is a feel-good win on top of everything else."
"I always leave the bookstore feeling better than how I felt when I got there."
"Hope was rising up on the inside of me."
"Keep the memory of this reading in your mind, see that something good is happening, and you have something to get excited about when you're feeling down."
"It lifts me up; it's the ultimate high."
"The serotonin in my heart and in my head right now from all of this is just like, it's off the charts."
"And that does make him feel a great deal better."
"These comments are everything, and I suddenly feel loads better because of it."
"You're taking me higher, higher than I've ever been."
"I feel inspired, and that's the best feeling I could ever feel."
"Compliment her randomly... it really just makes her whole day."
"It is completely lifted my spirit."
"But first, here's a kitty to help get our wholesome levels up before we bring them right back down."
"Music has the power to uplift people's spirits, so why not do that?"
"Do you ever have those days where you feel like crap, but then just a few compliments or even one compliment just makes you feel so much better?"
"The Cat Cafe was such a warm, welcoming experience. I was overjoyed the entire time."
"This weekend has been so good for me, like y'all have no idea."
"If you're feeling down at all, I recommend going to read those comments on the last video because it's such a beautiful circle of love."
"For the spirit of heaviness, put on the garment of praise."
"Music put me in a good place, it made me feel confident."
"This definitely gave me a serotonin boost."
"If you look at creation itself, if you just go outside and look at creation, look at the nature, it just makes you feel better."
"The whole point of the film is for you to be really uplifted emotionally and spiritually and feel absolutely good about life."
"Smile at them... it makes them feel so good."
"We all feel better when we bring a smile to somebody's face who doesn't have a smile."
"Emotional caffeine... for sadness, it's comedy."
"It's so uplifting, I didn't realize that I'd be so happy to see it come down."
"Joy chased the disbelief, making her heart light and her soul rejoice."
"High vibrations, I'm feeling up high vibrations."
"Whenever I'm feeling down, I can listen to a live performance of Patti and Beyoncé, and I'll just be so cheered up."
"It's just words, yes, but it lifted me."
"We woke up around 9 a.m., when junior praporshchik brought the mail. There was a letter from my wife, which made me very happy."
"You've uplifted this person's feelings."
"I know why the women loved to use these bright colors during the Depression; I'm sure it just made them feel really happy."
"How do you feel? You feel better because they poured their positive energy into you and that lifted you up."
"It's always on a day that I'm not having the greatest day and the card comes and it totally brightens my day, so you guys have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you so much."
"You're like the shining sun on a rainy day when the clouds part."