
Partisan Politics Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Normal, popular, practical accomplishments from President Biden and the Democrats versus 'burn it all down' radicalism being screamed at the top of their lungs by Republicans under Donald Trump."
"And those who are now pushing a change or an end to it are not doing so because they believe in a better country. They're doing so for pure partisan power."
"What a great look by the way; they were chanting at Rand Paul 'say her name.'"
"All of the animus towards Bernie Sanders... shows how far the Democrats have moved to the right."
"The truth is that when we are distracted by partisan fighting and finger pointing like we are during this crisis, we're in a worse position to respond to it."
"The Democrats don't have a plan to fix the corruption in our government. They're part of the problem."
"Republicans don't care about facts, they don't give a damn."
"You can't build a political party on owning the libs."
"Is he actually unified this country not perfectly not completely but we've been facing this massive partisan divide."
"So it's even bigger than partisan politics which means you can unite the country."
"It's not going to be an election about the issues... Democrats accusing Republicans of being law Breakers and Republicans accusing Democrats of being law Breakers."
"The violence hurt their cause bolstered Donald Trump and they are still riding now you know why the Democrats are so desperate to be like peaceful protesters."
"Both parties are consistently not doing what's necessary on behalf of the American people and aren't engaged every single day in revenge politics."
"This partisan retaliation and harassment of lawyers involved in litigating a 2020 election dispute is unprecedented."
"The media can't stop talking about gridlock in Washington as if a handful of stubborn Republicans are the only thing standing between us and a fully functional democracy."
"The Democrats have always been for defunding the police, they give lip service to it but then they fund it."
"The Democratic Party is not the stupid party. People on the left keep attacking me, but the Democrats are not the stupid party."
"This fascism, this hate, this bizarreness on the GOP."
"We are here today because Maga Republicans would do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior." - Hank Johnson
"The Radical Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now. They are stone cold crazy."
"How does he manage these crazy Wing nuts and still hold the house?"
"Republicans are incredibly good at reading the system in their favor. Republicans are rigging elections."
"We're going to throw every last one of these crooked Democrats out of office so we can make America great again."
"If you don't do every single thing they say particularly on anything connected to their political goals and Donald Trump then you will be completely tossed aside."
"Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down."
"They don't give a anymore. They're just out here telling us their plan, and there are people backing it up. Actively putting it in place. I mean, all you need to do is just look at what the Democrats just passed with this inflation reduction act."
"Hold the line, these Democrats don't deserve your vote."
"The hypocrisy here... it's hypocrisy squared for these Republicans."
"The only way to make democracy stronger is we fight for it, and this starts by electing, so vote for Democrats only."
"The biggest problem we have today is to bicker about partisan issues because the truth is things are actually starting to get better."
"The Democrats Holy Grail...this is the one they really wanted."
"A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency."
"We're not up against the Democrat party anymore. They've been taken over by the left."
"At this point guys it really does not matter what republicans have to say democrats can fully approve this plan without a single republican vote using budget reconciliation."
"Joe Biden's getting as much hate as Barack Obama but those Republicans only hated Obama because he's black."
"We're gonna build the wall, we have to build the wall, and the Democrats are holding it back."
"The other path is the ultra MAGA plan put forward by congressional Republicans."
"Our two-party system has only one party left that is willing to lose an election."
"Trump and his supporters have moved to neutralize."
"You didn't get a single Republican vote for tax cuts."
"Most cities are run by Democrats period, so violent cities are run by Democrats and non-violent cities are run by Democrats."
"Republicans when they say that Democrats want to defund the police... They're just quoting the Democrats' own words."
"The Democrats are trying to fault him for the collapse of the economy."
"The Democratic party is under the complete control of an elite cabal of warmongers."
"These investigations are all a partisan misdirect."
"The only thing that unites Democrats at this point is that they're against Trump."
"This might be our only chance for the foreseeable future to flip the balance on the state supreme court and this is the only path to end the Doom Loop of total Republican control over laws in the state of Wisconsin."
"Impeachment is bad for the country when it's only partisan politics; there is simply no way you can argue that this is not partisan politics."
"If you believe in your party, you will think that the best thing for your country and your constituency is putting the party's interest."
"The last time a Republican-controlled United States Senate confirmed a Democratic president's Supreme Court nominee was nearly 130 years ago."
"A lot of what we do to rile up our base actually makes voters on the right really angry."
"The partisan divide in American politics has deep historical roots."
"Politics is not a dirty word, and the more we pretend that it is, the more politics will be absolutely dominated by the left."
"Senate Republicans now stand alone in their refusal to acknowledge what Russia did in the election."
"If you're corrupt in Washington DC, quit now because Republicans are coming for you."
"Antifa is a hate group and the media isn't calling Joe Biden out for not condemning them."
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"Every time this kind of culture war tactic from far-right Republicans is used, it works."
"There's nothing conservative about Mega Republicans."
"They watch his presidency get stymied by resistance and they see Democrats still attacking him."
"Well, look, I think the pattern is pretty clear: the left seems to be completely aware that if they let the truth get out, they couldn't be in charge."
"The Democrats are the only party supporting our democracy."
"The only reason we have Donald Trump as our president is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"The NRA is no longer a gun rights organization, they're a partisan organization to get specific people elected."
"There is no left in America, and if we stay true to our Lefty values, they're going to call us right-wingers. That's what they've done to you guys already."
"At the end of the day, look, okay, I get it, Joe Biden and the Democrats, they're politically inept, you know, great."
"The reason she takes that step is because of the rage that is directed at her from liberals and from the democratic party."
"This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials."
"Take the most trumpy, mega-esque candidate, and that is the person who is almost certainly going to win the primary in 2022."
"I'm a Democrat because the Democrats are the only pro-democracy major political party in this country right now."
"Alabama Republicans approve resolution calling for Omar to be expelled from Congress."
"Twice impeached, vilified by the Democrats, virtually silenced by social media—despite it all, Donald Trump keeps a solid foothold in the Republican party."
"The Democratic Congress of 2019 needs to put the Republicans of 2020 on notice."
"A lot of what Republicans do is a pretty clear example of sedition."
"It's real interesting that most of the attacks, like when Ice Cube negotiated with the Democrats and they said basically 'fuck off,' and so he went to the Trump team."
"Every once in a while, there is a nominee that the minority party thinks they can tarnish."
"The Republican party has nothing left but the culture war... They are obsessed with issues that are not the most important for Americans."
"There's too many people who think that the way to oppose Republicans is to hold the party line."
"It's one thing to engage in systematic oversight driven by a commitment to facts and the truth and something radically different to set up a platform for a series of Hit and Run partisan attacks."
"To my blue dog democrats and my demo cats..."
"Shout out to Speaker Mike Johnson for getting stuff done - the left doesn't like it at all!"
"Herschel Walker is being slandered and maligned by the fake news media and obviously the Democrats." - Donald Trump
"It's essentially the Democrats have decided to target conservatives."
"Above all, this election is a referendum on corruption and extremism of Biden and Democrats."
"This issue is backing the libs and the Democrats into a corner."
"The Dems take zero responsibility for anything going on in the country."
"Biden is protecting MAGA voters from the vultures on his side." - Hal Sparks
"As long as the Republicans are on this less impeach, don't say the word gay, don't abortions, forget about it six weeks, they're going down."
"Republican senators are likely to sharply criticize Biden administration's response."
"If you are establishing a standard... that voting for a bill... is bad because it might... give Biden a win, then you just basically eliminated any chance of any bipartisan democracy whatsoever."
"Supreme Court confirmations should be more than just exercises in partisan tribalism."