
Governmental Power Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"If they will go after your lawyers, you have no legal protections in this country. You have no rights."
"Every government is unlimited, every sovereignty is absolute. Sovereignty is conserved."
"The federal government lacks authority to do this."
"Covet has exposed the awesome power that can be misused by government officials."
"Putin took back the government's monopoly on violence."
"Strict construction vs. loose interpretation: a debate over the extent of federal power."
"If a government has the power to give you everything, they also have the power to take it all away at a moment's notice."
"The federal government has gained more power over time."
"It's an extraordinary use of power to remove a state attorney from office. It's a big deal." - JB
"Imagine the outcry if the Department of Justice had done something like this to the New York Times or to CNN."
"At the source of all the government's power is the money printer."
"Somebody's going to get hurt because this ain't America anymore when the ATF has that kind of power."
"Once you give the government a little bit, they're going to take a mile."
"The government's legitimacy comes from the consent of the governed, it does not exist to inform the people how they should think."
"Otherwise, the president would just have his own police force, right?"
"They've proven that they will weaponize the government not just against the other party but against anyone who refuses to bend."
"Fear is the root of aggression; government is force."
"We are creating an architecture of surveillance that is so good that if it gets taken over by a bad government we are in serious trouble. Because it will be impossible to resist."
"I just don't understand how we can get to this point where in the political world you have people trying to use the weight of government to imprison or disqualify their political rivals."
"For people watching, reach out to your congressmen and women and ask that they remind the ATF that they are not a legislative body."
"The First Amendment stands between a free press and executive tyranny."
"This is what happens when the government has too much power."
"The government does not get to decide who lives or dies."
"The Biden administration is just announcing their place to determine who should and shouldn't be banned."
"DeSantis tried to use the power of the government to strip a private company of their rights."
"The federal government should never be weaponized against the people."
"It's very dangerous to give government this much power."
"If this Democratic Congress and White House continue to trample the rights of the people, they will destroy this union."
"The executive branch has power to do a lot of things through the agencies."
"686 grants significant power to the federal government... similar in scope to the Patriot Act."
"On its face, it is insulting, an abuse of power, and a punch in the nose of all Americans who've obeyed COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"Government abuses of power do not solely rest with the executive branch."
"If government can control the economy, they will."
"There is no limits to what government can do... Government can spend what government wants to spend." - Cut 118
"The federal government doesn't have this authority technically."
"It's 1984 all over again. Big Brother is back with an important twist: our former liberators now want to be our masters." - Brent Bozell
"The government just, with no recourse, being able to just freeze your life, no due process, no court order, just it would be the end of any organized protesting the government decides was a sufficient threat to their interests."
"A government that's big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have."
"It's all left up to the interpretation of the government which gives them a tool to silence and get rid of anybody who's their critic and telling the truth."
"The US government certainly has the power to do whatever they want, and everybody should follow all the rules and everything."
"Did you think you had the right of freedom of speech and assembly? They're privileges endowed by your government."
"You must know that the government is going to have a certain amount of powers... and you have to know your rights as well."
"If the government could do that, they fucking would."
"Stop giving the government unlimited amounts of power."
"So should we give the government then the power to choose what stays and what goes and trust that they will make the decision in us all for us all? That's a lol right?"
"The history of section 264 suggests that sanitation and other measures are far narrower than the government posits."
"You're only one crisis away from the government deciding to throw the book at you."
"It doesn't occur to Trump nor the MAGA cult that if the government could come down hard on MSNBC, it can come down hard on Fox News right now." - Unknown speaker
"My concern is that we're being ruled by executive orders and mandates and edicts."
"Congress has no authority to add on to the Constitution in such a way that would take away rights previously guaranteed."
"The real risk is what we've seen over the past eight years: the weaponization of the federal government against ordinary people."
"The Council of Ministers has the power to make laws which are binding in this country without any legislative discussion at all." - Michael Foot
"He was seen to be basically untouchable for most of his time in government."
"They appropriate the money. They have the power of the purse."
"I hate Big Brother, I hate the big state, but I kind of guess a situation like this maybe they need to have that power."
"This is the largest governmental overreach in the history of our lifetime."
"I can't agree with giving the government that power."