
Taste Testing Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I love pizza. Now we're going to try the big boy."
"Taste a lot, taste often and ask yourself, 'Does this taste 5% better than it did before I added the pinch of salt or that little splash of acidity?'"
"Let's take the first step. Let's taste test. Not that I haven't already taste tested."
"I want to kind of keep the granola together... I just taste-tested this granola, phenomenal, probably the best granola I have ever made."
"This looks fantastic... Let's have a try for the camera."
"Experts personally taste test over 450 roasts so that they know exactly what to recommend for you."
"If I can get you to try this vegan burger and fry and you like it, then I know you can go to the next restaurant and get an alkaline meal."
"The best part of these videos is the eating of the food."
"Let's see how this is doing here for seasoning, yes they are, that is delicious."
"We've been in Turkey for over 15 months, tasting sampling all the food. This right here, people, is the best simit that we have ever, ever had."
"One-bite food is, if they gotta go back for a second bite to make up their mind, you probably didn't do it."
"This is the final beer, and he said it's like a mango flavor, so I'm going to try the mango flavor last."
"Will rank the Primark cocktails when we try them. I'm an expert cocktail try so we'll see how it goes."
"The ink slicer hello, thank you for the three buds, how are they with barbecue sauce?"
"A great father would never feed his baby something that he hasn't tasted."
"It's honestly not bad. I mean, three bites... I mean, you don't have to eat it anymore, but you are completely worth it."
"Of course you're going to give it one more taste to make sure it's perfectly seasoned because it will taste."
"Curiosity has got the best of me, I'm gonna go ahead and try this vegan mac you guys."
"Here we go, it's time to taste test our cake. You can use your hands, okay? Pick it up on the count of three. One, two, three."
"These bugs are so big, look at this. Do you want to try just an ant? Yeah, of course."
"The tamale. Did you like it better with the sour cream? Yeah."
"This looks amazing, she did say to mix well which I will do, but I'm gonna just try it, the match is good, oh I think this is going to be insane."
"Bumble mums, you've done it again! How do they taste, bumble nums?"
"The ultimate test, since she doesn't eat fish, it's really good."
"The spice came oh yeah oh yes haha the best part of any recipe is the taste test."
"I'm going to my mum's tomorrow and I want to take her some of this to get her opinion on it and she's been dying to try this as well."
"The problem with blind taste tests is not just that they're hopelessly biased in favor of the sweet; it's also that the whole concept behind a blind taste test is ridiculous."
"This is a super interesting test that maybe don't do all five but you could do a vinegar based versus a condiment and see which one you like more for your salad."
"We're gonna be tasting Lay's potato chip flavors, every single one under the sun, to find out what the best one really is."
"Watch this. Watch this. Chicken tinga. That's great!"
"I just called Josh in to do a taste test."
"I did go ahead and cut a piece and taste it. Tasted like very standard cake and that was it."
"Always taste your food. Delicious."
"We're gonna do some taste testing and all of that they're probably actually walking out of here with diddly squat."
"This definitely so far is winning the race because it's the only one I've tasted."
"I'm taste testing the Verde sauce and all the other toppings, not the steak."
"I love taste testing and ranking the very best of the best to let you know it's worth your time and your money."
"The chamoy is very very good it's it was my first time trying it and I'm going to be very genuine and very honest very good thank you very much."
"So spicy chicken there's jalapenos all over this, this might be really hot, let's give that a go."
"...overall winner for taste is obviously burpees organic that just blew my mind it's almost like you gotta step step away from what you once you knew and try something new and then realize oh this is the one that i love."
"Every single kind I tried... hated every one of them. Beverly's, however, was awesome."
"The real test here is to figure out which one tastes like cotton candy."
"We're gonna have to go ahead and taste it after we get it blended up and make sure it's seasoned to our perfection."
"One of my taste testers says it's like a 'grow'. I guess you can also use this as vegan egg roll filling."
"You might have to have it all then. Maybe if you eat the whole thing you'll finally get some flavor."
"It's beautiful so this is the one I got guys so I got vanilla ice cream I got crushed Biscoff like mixed in with the ice cream and then with toppings I've got Oreos and pretzels give me a little wa as well which I didn't ask give it a try."
"I'm at Whole Foods and I'm gonna be taste testing the whole Buffet."
"I taste test all the new fast food items."
"I think we should have everyone taste it. How good it is, especially Ross."
"Treat tasting videos are our favorite."
"Most important thing, we gotta taste as we go."
"I'm really trying to Rack my brain if there's anything else red I could put in there but there's just not pure beet juice beet powder pomegranate juice hibiscus juice ooh hibiscus I have dried hibiscus flowers is this gonna make it taste like flowers though."
"You need to try this with the spark yabba-doo look at my notes from the company of posts Toberman having the many flavors such as apple grape orange pineapple lemon but their most popular flavor Columbiana right has its own style separate from the rest."
"Obviously we love trying American candy, but when we get a different country like this it is really exciting isn't it?"
"Testing the palette, lovely chocolatey."
"So we just got to try either the Blackberry or the peach."
"This might actually be one of my favorites, this and the cupcake that we tried earlier."
"The perfect s'more is undeniable, which means I'll know it when I taste it."
"Taste the mango before you plant it; you may fall in love with this, it's a unique taste."
"This may be the most fun taste test or maybe the one I'm most excited about we've ever done."
"Pie taste test... oh my God, that is so good."
"Should we do a quick taste test? I think so."
"We're going to cook some up later and try them, compare them to what we're used to cooking."
"What we wanted to find out was what is the most quintessential representative bourbon."
"This has been tested, brother, it's got to be banging."
"Are we ready for a taste test? Absolutely."
"Yes, I have a new taste test for y'all."
"I'm trying Cowtown Grill's very own Cowboy Juice."
"You definitely want to taste the components in your recipe before you put them together."
"I learned a lot, I tried a lot of new foods, couple I didn't like but mostly I thought it was pretty yummy overall."
"What is the best English style of white rum? That is what we're going to find out in today's video."
"I'm really interested in tasting the raspberry and the chocolate."
"This is probably the best thing we tried."
"It's such a unique food, I think it's worth trying. What do you think?"
"I love drinking tea, and here we just have matcha samples; we're just always still tasting, even though we have Nakahama."
"We can steer that roast toward our sensory ends and then see if those sensory ends have been met by tasting in the coffee."
"Don't be deceived by the smallness of the bag because we've got a lot to try."
"I'm intrigued about trying them on the half shell with some lemon juice."
"I hope you have a sweet tooth because there's about 90 desserts and treats you're about to taste."
"I'm going to try it raw with lemon juice and hot sauce to see what all the fuss is about."
"You're going to love it and as always, I gotta get that pit master taste."
"I hope you guys try these, and if you do, come back to this video and comment that you tried them and tell me if they were good or not."
"Welcome to another taste test video."
"I need to try the cheesecake though."
"I'm gonna try and keep my biases to the side as well, like I always do, and give you an honest review on each and every flavor."
"I really like it, we tried it with a side, and it's pretty good."
"We're using home distilled craft vodka and fresh pineapple juice to see if we can make white claw pineapple hard seltzer that actually tastes good."
"I'm gonna try it. I can't very well feed it to people if I don't even know what it tastes like."
"Make sure you taste your food, if you don't taste your food you don't know what you're gonna feed to your family and friends and loved ones."
"Thank you for watching this video, trying these different Starbucks holiday drinks."
"Set yourself up a few profiles and play the flavour game at home."
"I've heard so many good things about oat milk, I've heard everyone loves it, so I'm going to try it out and see what all the hype is about."
"We're excited to get that in our garden, have you taste it and see what you think."