
Acidity Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Adobo could be described generally as something with an acid that will allow it to tenderize and have a longer shelf life."
"Eating a health promoting diet... so that your body isn't dissolving your bones to buffer acidity."
"I just want to say that for clarity... the amount of succumbing acid is crazy high in these needles."
"You got a good balance of sweet and acidity there."
"Do you as an individual need to worry about stomach acidity?"
"Increased acidity is produced in trigger points."
"She suggested we brush our teeth before we drink it or wait 20 to 30 minutes after, alternatively, we can rinse our mouths with water to wash away any acid and then brush finally."
"The more acidic the solution, the larger the electron potential."
"These acrid fumes, and it is actually quite acidic."
"This tastes like it's less acidic. I don't know, it's just, it's really good."
"Your stomach is naturally acidic and lemons are acidic, so by drinking lemon water first thing in the morning you're helping to maintain your stomach acidity."
"If you brew a brew that is good but just a little bit sour still, just a little bit dominant in acidity, just try adding some water to lengthen it down, and just be amazed at the way that it just balances everything out."
"With the fattiness of the meat, you want to balance it out with some kind of acid. Whether it's lime or in this case, vinegar. And that comes with pickling."
"It's 4.5. And it turns out that all good foods are much more likely to be acidic than they are to be basic or even neutral."
"Remember, vitamin C likes an acidic environment and what are alpha hydroxy acids or polyhydroxy acids? They're acids."
"pH is a measure of how acidic or how alkaline a substance is."
"The Amazon river has a very, very low pH."
"It's essentially creating two types of acid: lactic acid which is the tangy flavor that you get in yogurt for example and acetic acid which is the biting acidic flavor that you get in vinegar for example."
"Acid in wine is so, so, so important."
"In food, acid changes the structure of the molecules."
"We really want to stay away from the acid-forming foods because that's what makes us lose bone density, that's what makes us lose our calcium."
"Adding a little extra acid for safety: citric acid ensures food-safe canning."
"So they're it's not like it has to be acidic at three they just can sense very very minor changes."
"Cold brew has less acid than regular coffee."
"...medium acidities, so less than riesling but more than the Vert stamina."
"Your stomach acid needs to be super acidic to do the things that it needs to do to break down food."
"Aldehydes are more acidic at the alpha carbon than ketones."
"The lower the pH, the more of the protonated species I get. This is true whether we're talking about weak bases being titrated to the conjugate or weak acids being titrated to the conjugate. The lower the pH, the more of the protonated we get."
"When there's a lot of acidity in the body, we tend to breathe faster so that we get rid of carbon dioxide."
"The greater the H+ concentration, the lower the pH."
"Now, what I'm actually doing here, guys, is I'm using the acidity of the fruit to cook this, and it should be absolutely beautiful."
"Litmus test in chemistry, which is based on a test of general acidity of substance and not its exact pH."
"Eggs and fatty foods can mute the acidity of coffee."
"Your body needs very strong stomach acid in your stomach. That's a good thing, not a bad thing."
"Strawberries are naturally acidic so they do not require the extra acid from the lemon juice."
"Here, dry to sweet expressions are produced, normally dry and often very high in acidity, with a huge flavor profile. It's an aromatic grape."
"A buffer is a substance that can reversibly bind hydrogen ions."
"Anytime you have more acid than the conjugate base, the pH will be less than the pKa."
"Carbonate ion is the conjugate base of the bicarbonate ion."
"PKA is equal to pH at the half equivalence point."
"At half equivalence point, our PKA is equal to pH."
"It's gonna be very acidic, very fruity from that tomato, and then you're gonna get that great sweet seafood crab flavor."
"Vinegar is vinegar. It's acidic, it's tart, it's punchy, it's intense."
"The hydrochloric acid is really strong; it's as strong as the acid that you find in battery acid which can corrode even metal."
"The pH scale goes from 0 to 14; anything less than 7 is acidic, more than 7 is basic, and 7 is neutral."
"Remember, 0 to 6 is acidic; 8 to 14 is alkaline; so 7 is neutral."
"It is a little sour, but the buttermilk is giving it a little sourness."
"The pH of stomach acid is pretty close to one, so it's super super acidic."
"That is so rich, I love the acidity and their sourness of the barberries and the pomegranate sauce."
"The flavor that you're chasing is a really nice balance between savoriness with just a hint of acid which brightens it."
"I would pay for that, thank you so much, it's delicious, it's well balanced, great acidity."
"The acidity level is nice and high, making it very crisp and refreshing."
"The urine pH is six, which is way lower than the blood because it usually has more hydrogen ions."
"When the arterial blood pH falls below 7.35, the blood is said to be acidic. Conversely, when the pH in arterial blood is greater than 7.45, it is said to be alkaline."
"You get almost like this nuttiness, this little acidity in there, but it's great."
"Acidity gives the sour taste in the wines, but without acidity, the wine loses its freshness."
"Pickling is the method of foods placed in acidic liquids that do not allow for the growth of bacteria."
"The biggest change is the emphasis on bringing out the coffee's natural acidity."
"What makes an acid strong or weak depends on how much it breaks down or the degree of dissociation."
"The pH scale quantifies the acidity of solutions."
"It's got bright acidity, a lighter body but still some of those tropical fruit notes."
"As you get a more electronegative atom as part of your binary acid, it turns into a stronger acid."
"The more electronegative heteroatom, the more acidic."
"As they donate H's, it gets harder for them to donate successive H's."
"Their proton donation gets less and less acidic as you go down the chain."
"A pH of 5 has a hundred times more H plus than a pH of 7."
"The more electronegative the hetero atom, the more acidic it's going to be."
"You want non-corrosive surfaces when you're working with an acid vegetable like tomatoes."
"Hydrogen ion is responsible for causing acidity in our blood."
"The smell test... smells kind of rich, a little acidic but in a good way."
"If you have a salt that contains conjugate acids of a weak base, it will produce an acidic solution."
"What you want in a buffer is to have a weak acid conjugate base pairing that allows it to be a source or sink for a strong acid or a strong base to keep the pH constant."
"By Le Chatelier's principle, you add all this CO2, it will force the reaction to start making carbonic acid and start making the water in the air very acidic."
"Apple cider vinegar's acidity makes it useful for maintaining a healthy pH level in the body's tissues."
"Our bodies want to be in homeostasis; we don't want to become more acidic because our bodies always want balance."
"This one has a really nice citric acidity, it's really popping, almost like tea."
"It's delicious, it's well balanced, great acidity."
"Some salts are acidic salts, some are basic salts, and some are neutral salts."
"You want to reduce the acidic intake in your body during the fast."
"The acidic nature of the ear helps to inhibit certain bacterial fungal growth."
"I do find that the exceptionally high acidities behind Chablis, top end Chablis, Grand Cru Chablis, are very high."
"I love anything sour for me like a good food always needs a little bit of acidity."
"Cold brew coffee is the best, at least for me, it's less acidic."
"This year it's almost acidic, it has like a tinge of a lot more Berry this year and more fruitiness than in the past."
"The wool prefers to be more acidic and the soap prefers to be more basic, so the vinegar helps break down that soap."
"Apple's acidity does make you salivate which improves vocal performance."
"Apple cider vinegar every day... makes your gut more acidic, which makes it really hard for the bad bacteria to grow."
"The lactic acid bacteria... adds the flavor to a sourdough loaf but when your dough gets very acidic, it slows down the fermentation of the yeast."
"That means that this one is 60% acidic, isn't that just neat?"
"The thing you need to know, the difference between a pH of 3 and a pH of 2 is ten times the acidity because the pH scale is logarithmic."
"An acid is a substance that increases the H plus concentration of a solution."
"The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. Acidic solutions have pH values less than seven, while basic solutions have pH values greater than seven."
"Metal oxides are basic and non-metal oxides are acidic."
"The pH scale is a mathematical formula of calculating the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution."
"As the hydrogen ion concentration increases, the pH drops down to zero."
"This is a wine with tremendous freshness and acidity that's capable of aging for an extended period of time in your cellar."
"If your blood was really acidic, what could your lungs do to help keep your blood pH from getting too acidic? Breathe more quickly."
"Dolomite lime helps really buffer and brings up the acidity level to more of a neutral."
"It's an art to try to find a dark roast that will maintain some of those notes of acidity, maintain some of that sweetness, while also adding some of that bitterness and robustness from a consumer standpoint."
"Some acids can donate more than one proton and these are called polyprotic or polybasic."
"To calculate the pH of a buffer you need to know the KA value and the concentration of the weak acid and salt."
"Our bodies are not designed to work in an acidic environment; they're working in an alkaline environment, apart from stomach acids."
"Acid phosphate comes in at a pH of about 1.8, but then when you mix it, it's going to come out around two, giving your product more bite, more refreshing."
"Now that you understand that you're looking for that one to two percent range for acidic bite, go off and be creative."
"Oceanic water is typically very salty and it also has a falling pH, which means it is becoming more acidic over time."
"We're going to talk about the importance of the acidity of wine."
"Sours complement fruited beers, the acidity draws out the fruit flavor and character in your beer."
"The red apple flavors are very prevalent in the beginning but then it really mellows out to a really acidic stone fruit like underripe peach."
"Everything has been really sharp acidity-wise, never been dull."
"The larger the pKa, the weaker the acid; alternatively, the smaller the pKa, the stronger the acid."
"Malolactic fermentation is the conversion of the malic acid within the wine into lactic acid."
"The Aeropress coffee has 1/5 the acid level of ordinary drip coffee and 1/9 the acid level of French press coffee."
"The conjugate base is stronger, and therefore the acid is weaker."
"Stronger acid plus stronger base reacts to give weaker acid plus weaker base."
"A large Ka gives you a low pKa, so if your pKa is incredibly small, you're looking at a strong acid."
"The more stable your conjugate base is, the stronger your corresponding acid is."
"The compound that is most easily able to bear that negative charge is going to have the strongest conjugate acid."
"The lower the pH value, the stronger the acid; the higher the pH value, the weaker the acid."
"The lower the pH, the more acidic a solution is; the higher the pH, the less acidic a solution is."
"In a buffer solution you have HA, acidic buffer solution, you have HA, and you have its conjugate."
"pH plus pOH should add up to 14 because that is the pH scale."
"If equilibrium sits closer to the left side, it means favoring the production of HA or acid; therefore, at equilibrium, there is going to be a lot of it."
"The carbonyl oxygen is weakly basic and is protonated by strong acids."
"If the pKa is less than the pH, the environment is basic relative to the acid group."
"If the pKa is greater than the pH, the environment is acidic relative to the acid group."
"The salt of a weak acid can accept protons if they get dumped in excess."
"Improved stomach health through low acidity."
"If you're somebody that maybe finds that iced coffee can be a little acidic or a little sour tasting, the cold brew would be a great option for you."
"The pH scale is a way of expressing the relative proportion of hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions in a solution."
"Any solution with a pH lower than seven is going to be increasingly acidic."
"Triethylamine is a common base, and we can say something about the basicity of the lone pairs on triethylamine by looking at the acidity of the conjugate acid of triethylamine."
"The coffee tastes excellent, has a very rich bold flavor to it, and very low acidity."
"Maximum buffering capacity will occur when pH equals pKa."
"It takes a lot more sulfur to acidify soil than it does lime to un-acidify soil."
"The enzyme pepsin that breaks down proteins works under acidic medium in the stomach."
"Xylitol tips the mouth acidity to alkaline within seconds."
"The highest quality is the extra virgin, mostly based on acidity but also taste."
"The measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution is simply called pH."
"That acidity just, it really brightens everything up, it brings out all those flavors, especially in the apples."
"Anything that is acidic is going to help with shine on your hair because it helps to rebalance the hair."